OpenSCAD (Introduction Part 2) Designing everyday objects!

Hi all!

I hope you really enjoyed and learned a lot while participating in the previous challenge.

This is going to be even more joyful and challenging at the same time. Pick up any artifact from your home, school or surroundings and try to design its 3D model using OpenSCAD!

Once you complete your 3D model design, share a picture of that along with the object. Your picture becomes a challenge for others to participate in!

Here is my attempt to design few objects which were there around me on the table -

A ruler


A coffee mug :slight_smile:

cup_top cup_bottom

Toy top - Tippe-top

Challenge Summary

Pick up anything around you try to 3D model the same. Share a picture of the model and artifact as a challenge for others to attempt.

Select any of the above simple objects or those shared in the thread below and try to re-write script to get the similar design!