Why this anomaly??
And if it is somewhat natural due to some reasons then i think groups working on phyllanthus should observe at least 5 phyllanthus at a time and take some median value or mean of the time to study circadian rhythm…
I think first they should observe for 3-4 days daily…if it shows the same pattern of Sleeping and waking up as this anamoly then I think they should uproot 6 Phyllanthus plants from here (three who are asleep early and 3 who sleep at the time they should) and plant them in the same pot with soil from the side of the Phyllanthus shoeing Right Circadian Rhythm according to you…(so that they have same conditions) and then study their Circadian rhythm,if it does change that means there’s something wrong with the chemical composition of the soil or soil has patchy distribution of a particular chemical ( which chemical,I can’t think of this) but this will be sure shot that It isn’t Phyllanthus that had something wrong with it… it’s the soil! If it doesn’t then that means It’s Phyllanthus… that has something different in it!
That’s a good idea.
But i think group working on phyllanthus can help us someway if they know about some chemicals in soil that affect circadian rhythm of phyllanthus or some changes in plant itself that does so…
Are they both of same species? or are they different? What are salient characters of phyllanthus?
Are they of same age?
Will age affect sleep cycle of phyllanthus?
Have you checked for any reference, on any chemicals in soil which affect sleep wake pattern of phyllanthus? @Rupamk
It is a great idea to observe and map phyllanthus from different areas and see the pattern
I think age to some extent can also vary circadian rhythm.
I would like @anuleka_dutta, @Anushka and others working on phyllanthus to give their views…
Also one thing i would not be able to continue to look for phyllanthus circadian rhythm because of some constraints. Apologies…
@Rupamk why not collaborate with Anulekha and Anushka to find out more about it?
Why not look in literature and share whether species have variation in sleep wake patterns in phylanthus?
Are there any chemicals in soil reported in literature which affect this circadian rhythm?
“…Studies on pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical activity of phytochemicals published under the identity of P. niruri may be reevaluated especially the studies from India, as now it is confirmed that P. niruri is not found in India [112]. The studies, mentioning P. niruri , actually may be of P. amarus , P. fraternus, or P. debilis . Also, to our knowledge, there are either few or no studies on genetic diversity of most Phyllanthus herb species, some of which are endemic species with a few populations, for example, P. scabrifolius in India. Considering the growing popularity of ethnopharmacological value of Phyllanthus species and its use in herbal medicines, it is imperative to assess the genetic diversity of these species, which will have implications for formulating conservation strategies in future…”