Activity | Topics |
LivingAcademyWe are currently making a living academy at Bhavani Peth in Pune City.
STEM ChatMake a brief and quick post on: What STEM activity are you doing today? What is the STEM take-home point of today? What is the STEM activity picture you want to share today? What is the big STEM idea you want to share with us today?
CUBE chatCollaboratively Understanding Biology Education (CUBE). Use this category for updated news, and discussions on the work all of you do in CUBE.
AboutWelcome to chatShaala platform! Here we collaboratively do STEM projects and chat about the projects. We do investigations as well as innovation projects.
Barefoot ChatA public discussion forum led by Barefoot Philosophers on themes from philosophy and humanities
turtleChatCollection of turtleArt projects! Explore to know more
CC ChatConversations about creating and sharing free knowledge. This is about various ways in which knowledge can be shared under the various means of creative commons. Read more about creative commons from |
COVID ChatThis category is to initiate discussion around COVID-19.
MakerSpace ChatDiscussion of makerspace-related projects!
SoftwareFreedom ChatThis forum is for conversations about facilitating users to learn how to use free and open-source software that protects software freedom. Seek any help you need about what applications to use, how to use etc. including why use free software, as against proprietary software.
EventsOnce in a while, we will have activities that have a set time. The activities have to be done at the specified duration or at that time. Watch out for such events, else you may miss the opportunity. We will remind you through posts at the STEM Chat section.
BlogsWhen you have a great story to tell about your experience which you think should be read and discussed by our members, use this category. Your post will be published after moderation.
WikiWhen you want to propose a collaborative writing project, use this category. You may want to provide details or procedural instructions, or create an Open Educational Resource, use this category.
Help & FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
eklavyaThis is the activity space for Eklavya,
ProjectsWelcome to the projects section! Here we will periodically publish STEM Research projects (experiments, citizen science projects, data collection, analysis, investigations …) and Build Your Laboratory ( tinkering, fabrication, design and develop laboratory instruments, electronics, engineering, programming, etc.). Doing STEM research without a lab is not possible, so the projects in the second category will help you build your own laboratory or make your existing lab more functional.
BITS_2020Welcome to gnowledge lab of HBCSE, TIFR!
NMS JaipurThis is a special STEM activity group for Neerja Modi School.
VigyanShaala-KalpanaThis special interest group (SIG) is meant for STEM Games for participants in Kalpana Project (VigyanShaala) . All stakeholders of the initiative including students, teachers, parents and administration can be part of this group.
BITS_2021Welcome to Gnowledge lab of HBCSE, TIFR!
CUP behaviorChatWelcome to the CUP chat!