Drosophila group

Drosophila group

What we did yesterday (2th Sept):

We studied and came to know the basics of drosophila (fruit fly).
Drosophila is commonly known as fruit fly .
D.melanogaster is one of the species which is widely used for experimental studies.It is because 70% of the genome of D.melanogaster is the same as the of human , it has a short life span, and easily culturable.In 1950 Seymour Benzer cultured Drosophila ,And that generations are preserved from 1950 up till today which are called as CsBz Flies (Canton Special Benzer) or Labrid Flies.
Classification of D.melanogaster.

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum. : Arthropoda
Class. : Insecta
Order : Diptera
Family. : Drosophiladeae
Genus. : Drosophila
Species. :. Melanogaster.

After that we studied how to trap fruit flies ,ie with a help of a banana /banana peel.
By just trapping fruit fly we cannot make it to survive in that environment t with only the banana peel ,So to make it survive ,we need to make a culture media.The culture media to make a culture of fruitflies contain is Corn Meal Agar media.

  1. Maize Powder.
  2. Dextrose
  3. Sucrose
  4. Yeast Extract
  5. Agar
  6. Orthophosphoric Acid
  7. Propionic Acid.

How to prepare Single Line Cultured:

To make a single cultured ,we need to have a gravid female ie a pregnant female fruit fly.
And we have to cultured this gravid female separately in a glass bottle with proper media.In these way we can have a single line culture of fruit fly ie they all will be having fruit flies of same species as well as almost same genome.
- Imamuddin Azmi
( FyBsc BT ,KJ somaiya clg)