Agar is a polysaccharide isolated from a plant and is used for microbial cultures on solid media. LB broth is generally used for inoculum preparation or start cultures in suspension medium. The only difference between broth and agar media is that broths do not contain an agar component
How to make a fold scope???
What is the difference between nutrient and plain agar solution?
Why can’t we use nutrient agar instead of plain agar?
What will happen if we add more than enough agar powder to the soltion?
How to make a microscope at home???
How to convert milk to curd???
Milk is converted into curd or yogurt by the process of fermentation. Milk consists of globular proteins called casein. The curd forms because of the chemical reaction between the lactic acid bacteria and casein. During fermentation, the bacteria use enzymes to produce energy (ATP) from lactose.
“What is the composition of nutrient agar?”
How can we extract agar agar
What is the difference between pipet and dropper
What is this microorganism with two bulging ends?
What is the size range of microorganisms?
Why only we add milk to soil or water samples as food of microorganisms ,why not any thing else?
Why is banana peel is good for soil???
We can add other things as well. But we add milk to grow bacteria.
Can someone briefly explain how do we convert powder agar into nutrient agar
Banana peel has a lot of nutrients which is good for soil
Which is the best method to isolate and characterize bacteria from water samples?
Can u name some of the microorganisms be observed today
It is very easy there are many kind of paper of different different length first take a small sheet of rectangular size and cut it from the middle then take a square sheet and cut it to make a T then take a very small size of three sheets and cut it accept the boundaries then assemble it and join them all in the spaces present in them then attach a microscopic camera and also attach back to it the attach a magnetic camera at the back of your mobile camera then put some microorganisms in the form of liquid and see it
Q1: How does nutrient agar differ from plain agar ?
What happens when we put more agar than required?
Why does agar solution becomes a jelly liķe substance when left for a long time?