15th August 2021, 9.30pm to 16th August 2021, 9.30pm
[9:50 PM, 8/15/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Don’t you think the background if changed to black, we could get diagnostic features of this mosquito? @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE
What do you think? @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE
[9:52 PM, 8/15/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What do you think about the photo?How can we improve by simple technique? @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE @Saida Sayyed @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Abhijeet Singh @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @KIRAN CUBE
[10:40 PM, 8/15/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Great!!
A beautiful context for inspiration to understand more on biomimetics!
I too had karela plant in my house balcony. I don’t have them now… But now I’ll also plant some karela seeds and try to correlate and see if I can find something interesting!
Even I’ll look on this topic more w.r.t. to current studies in this field…we can find something and understand together!
[10:43 PM, 8/15/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Yes that’s really great!
We need to follow up with @Aswathy Suresh CUBE so that she can do more such works and inspire other collaborators as well! Follow up on other collaborators as well! @Yash Sheregare CUBE too is having an incredible fruit fly culture with him! Looking forward to current updates from all the collaborators!
So, what’s the difference between model organism and model system?
[10:44 PM, 8/15/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Yes Sir!
That’s what I also said!
I too got interested in this topic! Even I’ll look for papers related to current studies or the studies that have been done in this field!
[10:48 PM, 8/15/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: That’s what we majorly do in CUBE!
Celebration of our goof-ups!
Confusion is sometimes considered a mistake by some. Acknowledging those downfalls, confusions and mistakes helps us in understanding things in a better way! @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Abhijeet Singh @Yash Sheregare CUBE
[11:40 PM, 8/15/2021] Saida Sayyed: 514th day of CUBE chatShaala: 15th August 2021
19 CUBists from 17 CUBE centres had joined the webinar had joined the webinar
Ishita Sonowal: Jorhat
Shalu Sinha: Patna
Aastha Ahuja: ANDC
Dr P. Chitralekha: DSC, Delhi
Aashi: Panipat
Aswathy Suresh: Thriprayar
Lakshmy PJ: Kandassankadavu
Seethalakshmi CR: Pazhuvil, Trissur
Abhijeet Singh: Ulwe, Navi Mumbai
Arunan MC: Breach Candy, South Mumbai
Saida Sayyed: Bandra, Mumbai
Shraddha Sonavane: Panvel
Uttar Pradesh
Kiran Yadav: Moradabad
West Bengal
Batul Pipewala : Kolkata
Sunita rajbhar
Nishani Singh
Nalini Singh
Prachi Pant:
[11:43 PM, 8/15/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Which mosquito is this? can you take good photos of it. This is not clear!
Just focus and try to take good photos
@Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE ma’am
Location: yavatmal. Date :16/08/2021. Data collector: janhvi deshmukh I am in my aunt house yavatmal I seen so many phylluntus growing here and when I see some features like five petals , symmetrical vein of leaf …so it’s a phylluntus amarus … Janhvi deshmukh homelab bajaj collage of science wardha maharshtra
[10:00 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: @Janhvi Deshmukh what you mean by symmetrical vein?
What are other characteristics of Phyllanthus amarus?
[10:10 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: What is difference between Petals & Tepals?
[10:10 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Which are others species of Phyllanthus having disymmetrical vein?
[10:10 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE:
great!! You got many Phyllanthus.
What is your next plan?
[10:42 AM, 8/16/2021] Abhijeet Singh: In Black background we would be easily able go distinguish the white stripes. That is how we used to do in school, when we did mosquito project. @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE Ma’am
[10:00 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: @Janhvi Deshmukh what you mean by symmetrical vein?
What are other characteristics of Phyllanthus amarus?
[10:10 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: What is difference between Petals & Tepals?
[10:10 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Which are others species of Phyllanthus having disymmetrical vein?
[10:10 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE:
great!! You got many Phyllanthus.
What is your next plan?
[10:42 AM, 8/16/2021] Abhijeet Singh: In Black background we would be easily able go distinguish the white stripes. That is how we used to do in school, when we did mosquito project. @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE Ma’am
Nematodes transferred from subculture B started on 6th Aug on raw potato to subcultures C1 and C2 today 16/8/21.Both C1 and C2 are raw potato slices on which 4drops of milk was added one day before.Cube homelab Kolkata Batul P 16/8/21
Subcultures C1 and C2 started today with nematodes from subcultureB 16/8/21Cube Homelab Kolkata BatulP
Phylluntus urinaria @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
Aditiya Joshi:
[11:11 AM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Objective: to keep the coconut water for fermenting (toddy) and try to grow the yeast/bacteria/fungi from the fermented coconut water on boiled potato slice.
Setup: two transparent plastic bottles (250ml). These were washed using dilute soap solution to clear the remnants of the contents. Then washed with water 4 times properly to clear all the soap. Dried overnight. Coconut water was collected in a container and then poured in these two bottles. One is kept open and other us capped. Kept by a wall in balcony.
Expectation: the coconut water in open bottle will show bubbles, change in smell and color indicating fermentation after 24 hours. The coconut water in capped bottle too will show these signs of fermentation but lesser compared to open bottle due to less exposure to microbes.
Date: 16/8/2021
Time: 10:40am
Location: Kala Talav, Kalyan west. @Arunan HBSCE @Saida Sayyed @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @KIRAN CUBE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata and all others.
[11:11 AM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Coconut water filled in bottlee
PHOTO: Bottles kept for drying after washing. The white container will be used to keep the potato slices after inoculation
PHOTO: Collection of coconut water
[11:16 AM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Great @Aditiya Joshi CUBE.
[11:18 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Are you sure? @Janhvi Deshmukh
What do you think
Is it unequal leaf vein or leaf base?
[11:20 AM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: What do you mean by colour change?
Can you tell us about it?
[11:20 AM, 8/16/2021] Janhvi Deshmukh: Leaf base @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
[11:21 AM, 8/16/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE:
[11:28 AM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: What I think or expect is, the coconut water will become more turbid. Color change here was meant by this.
[11:33 AM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Beautiful @Abhijeet Singh
I remember this term biomimetics once used in a show on discovery chanel.
There, they referred to gecko lizards. These lizards can walk on varying surfaces including smooth glass.
So, the ppl are studing the structure and design of their legs and footpads. By this, they can make some appliances like robots or vehicles which can walk on different surfaces.
Interesting @Abhijeet Singh . Keep discussing.
[11:34 AM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Ok
Any reference?
[11:57 AM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: SUMMARY
CUBE - Chatshaala
Discussed about smelling sense capacity of 2 different D.melanogaster one from native (brought it from kitchen area) & another from Lab cultured fruit flies more than 70years passed (CsBz melanogaster - one of the lab bred).
Long term objective :
To perform olfactory assay at range of concentrations of IAA (banana essense)
using standard CsBz 2nd instar larvae and Native Drosophila 2nd instar larvae and compare their olfactory sensitivity to comment on evolutionary changes in terms of fruit odor smelling!
Hypothesis :
Native have good smelling senses compare to Lab bred one which are passed more than 70years, 3360 generations covered.
Possibilities :
Native want to find their own food so their antenna receptors always functional . But Lab bred culture flies don’t want find their food because of availability of food, Compare to native CsBz will have less functional.
CsBz flies almost passed 3360 generation in this 70 year. So, there could be possible some mutants will be form inside the culture. Because these flies culturing in closed environment could be chance mutants will serve inside culture. [ Mutation is a big word - here less sensing smell capacity mention about mutants.
How can we check their smelling capacity through experiment!
is it possible we can do it in our home
Surely we can do it in our home using what are available in our home…
We can replace Lab materials in to home materials to perform this Olfactory experiment
How to calibrates olfactometer working or not through control experiment?
How can Calculate mean
!? Connected Biostatistics
Yesterday discussion summary - 15.08.2021
@Arunan HBSCE sir @Abhijeet Singh @Saida Sayyed @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Aastha Ahuja Cube @Yash Sheregare CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila mam…please add your points.
[12:24 PM, 8/16/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Any pictures to prove this claim? Would be helpful for your collaborators!
[12:25 PM, 8/16/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Nice setup!
What’s your plan with this Aditya?
And on what basis did you select coconut water for yeast/bacterial growth? Any reference or any experience/context behind this
[12:26 PM, 8/16/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: What is your plan with potato slices?
[12:31 PM, 8/16/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Ohh nice! Can this be connected to the model systems that we all work on? A context to curriculum area of Biomimetics connected to any of the model systems? Just thinking
[12:32 PM, 8/16/2021] Lydia cUBe Drosphila: Thank you @Aswathy Suresh CUBE for the summary!
What’s the plan of all fruit fly collaborators for carrying out the olfactory experiment at home? How is it possible? And most importantly why do we have to do this experiment?
[12:42 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Please give a summary of your work when you were in school, especially with reference which months you got to see Aedes mosquitoes, more and in which months less? @Abhijeet Singh
[12:44 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Not sure, whether you were able to transfer one nematode? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
[12:45 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What is your objective?
What was your design? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
[12:48 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: @Aditiya Joshi CUBE please ost daily updates to inspire others. @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[12:48 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: post*
[12:50 PM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Yes, currently i have 2 good subcultures SLBK B19, E15 - 46 days old culture (subculture started date - 02.07.2021) more than passed 1 month have Larvae, Unhatched pupae, also have adult flies as well inside culture.
[12:51 PM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: How can we found what could be the reason that those flies death?
[12:54 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: In that case, why not repost with this clarification using precise terminology. @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[12:58 PM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: I didn’t made a any proper plan ma’am, (Because even making more subculture thats also make more difficulty finding more bottles.) So Iam thinking which culture facing major problems… only that culture can make more subculture in order to save the progeny’s of particular single line cultures.
[1:09 PM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Which mosquito is this? @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE mam
[1:13 PM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Nice setup @Aditiya Joshi CUBE . What is your expectations?
[1:19 PM, 8/16/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Is there any special breeding season in Aedes mosquitoes? @Dr. Sarita kumar Delhi CUBE mam
[1:43 PM, 8/16/2021] Dr. Sarita kumar Delhi CUBE: Aedes breeds best at 27 degree Celsius and 80-85% humidity. Rainy season with high humidity, and optimum temperature is best…
[1:49 PM, 8/16/2021] Abhijeet Singh: Yes yes! Ashwathy to me about the culture that @Yash Sheregare CUBE is having.
So like as I mentioned earlier that getting confused with terms os okay and only an open discussion can help us to get through with it!
So what we get to know is that there’s no difference in Model system and model organism. It’s just the matter of terms and how an individual express it to us.
So model system or model organism is a non-human species that is extensively studied to understand particular biological phenomena, with the expectation that discoveries made in the model organism will provide Insight into the workings of other organisms
To elaborate :- if anyone want to study a biological process and in order to do that he/she selects a particular species so that species …
[1:53 PM, 8/16/2021] Abhijeet Singh: Yes yes!
That’s exactly what biomeimetics is all about!
Yes I’ll keep Posting my understanding about it!
Please get the discussion going @Aditiya Joshi CUBE !!
[2:06 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Do t you think it is high time you subculture these flies of 46 day old:upside_down_face: culture? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
[2:26 PM, 8/16/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: I am not making a claim of transferring a single nematode because larvae could be attached to even one nematode picked up from the potato surface.
[2:28 PM, 8/16/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: My objective is to maintain the nematodes isolated from the soil sample.As one potato slice culture begins to die in around 14days I have transferred the nematodes before that stage occurs to fresh potato slices C1and C2
[2:55 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Sir,
When vinegar add to the Milk
This is a chemical reaction. In this activity, the milk is heated and then mixed with the white
vinegar or lemon juice, which is an acid. The heat and the acid cause the protein casein in the
milk to denature, or break apart. This is a change on the molecular level. Chemical changes
occur on the molecular level, while physical changes remain the same on the molecular level.
[2:58 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Milk contains a protein called casein and it is negatively charged….vinegar contain hydrogen ions which are positively charged. Hence when u mixed these two together the hydrogen ion and the casein protein attract each other and form white plastic like lumps called curd and the process is called curdling.
[3:10 PM, 8/16/2021] Sunita Chahar CUBE: Birds nest fungi in our garden
[3:10 PM, 8/16/2021] Sunita Chahar CUBE: Bhandup Mumbai
[3:11 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Wow!! What is this? @Sunita Chahar CUBEma’am
[3:17 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: The curd is produced due to the presence of reaction between lactic acid bacteria and the milk protein casein. Lactic Acid or milk acid is an organic acid with chemical formula C3H6O3. When milk sugar or lactose undergoes fermentation, the product obtained is lactic acid. It is found in cottage cheese, leban, sour milk, yogurt, and Koumiss.
[3:22 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: But, we can do that too, meaning, transferring a single nematode for culturing whole generations from that. What about that? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata What precautions?
[3:29 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What do you mean by denaturing of Casein protein? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:37 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Is there a connection between Lactic acid of curd and Acetic acid of Vinegar in curdling? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:39 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Sir,
Denaturation, in biology, process modifying the molecular structure of a protein. Denaturation involves the breaking of many of the weak linkages, or bonds (e.g., hydrogen bonds), within a protein molecule that are responsible for the highly ordered structure of the protein in its natural (native) state. Denatured proteins have a looser, more random structure; most are insoluble. Denaturation can be brought about in various ways—e.g., by heating, by treatment with alkali, acid, urea, or detergents, and by vigorous shaking.
Reference : Denaturation | Definition, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
[3:41 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: How do you explain in your language for all to understand. @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:43 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Sir , it means The original structure of protein is changes in to another form it is irreversible.
[3:44 PM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: @Aswathy Suresh CUBE I expect to see fermentation in both the bottles. But more fermentation will be seen in the open bottle than the closed. Or the open bottle will show fermentation sooner than the later.
Then I will be spreading the fermented coconut water from both bottles on the boiled potato slices and try to see if there are colonies of the yeasts/bacteria from fermented coconut water grown on the potato slice.
[3:45 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Irreversible means - they can’t reach previous form
[3:46 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Good. But, how? @Seethalakshmy CUBE Please give an example?
[3:48 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Why not?
[3:51 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Why not?@Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:53 PM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/introchem/chapter/denaturation-and-protein-folding/
If the protein is subject to changes in temperature, pH, or exposure to chemicals, the internal interactions between the protein’s amino acids can be altered, which in turn may alter the shape of the protein. Although the amino acid sequence (also known as the protein’s primary structure) does not change, the protein’s shape may change so much that it becomes dysfunctional, in which case the protein is considered denatured.
[3:53 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Sir, in chemistry we use many terms like deactive, denatured…
Here deactive means they deactive at a particular time/ particular temperature. If they reach its suitable time they active.
This process is reversible.
But denatured means they loss all capacity to form previous str. Here in the case of casein protein they denatured. By using vinegar. The action of vinegar completely changed it’s structure
[3:54 PM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Example of egg is given here
[3:55 PM, 8/16/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Denaturation Protein
[3:57 PM, 8/16/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Please describe in your own words for all to understand @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Protein denaturation is also a consequence of cell death. Denatured proteins can exhibit a wide range of characteristics, from conformational change and loss of solubility to aggregation due to the exposure of hydrophobic groups. Denatured proteins lose their 3D structure and therefore cannot function.
PHOTOS SHARED BY DP AT 4.47PM: Can any of you identify this insect? The body is about 2-3 mm without the front antenna.
[4:48 PM, 8/16/2021] DP HBCSE: It has two long stripes along the body, has a relatively long head or snout.
[4:54 PM, 8/16/2021] KIRAN CUBE: S4E146 of CUBE chatShaala: Difference in the olfaction sensitivity of fruit flies
Kindly click on the above👆🏻 given link for the summary of last discussion.
Invitation to join today’s CUBE chatShaala,
Please add name of your PLACE/AFFILIATION along with the FULL NAME while joining, this would help us in making map of participants. Map will also be shared in all CUBE what’s app groups and on metastudio after the session
Here’s the direct link of the CUBE chatShaala webinar: https://webinar.hbcse.tifr.res.in/b/kir-vgc-6jf
Looking forward to your participation
[4:59 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes, @Aditiya Joshi CUBE we can take this example for denaturation.
The egg white contains protein ( which known as albumin )it is transparent and liquid.
When we boil/ cooking the egg white turns into opaque and soild.
This is dueto denaturation of protein.
When food is cooked, some of its proteins become denatured. This is why boiled eggs become hard.
The same process is occur when we add vinegar into milk.
I think what I said was clear. If you do not understand something, please ask.and correct me if iam wrong.
@Arunan HBSCE sir, @Aditiya Joshi CUBE, @Aswathy Suresh CUBE, @Lydia cUBe Drosphila, @KIRAN CUBE ma’am,@Batul Pipewala Kolkata ma’am, @Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE, @Abhijeet Singh and others
Date:16/08/21. Time 11 45am. catterpillar psyche butterfly is attacking the cardamine plant. Arunima CUBE home lab Kozhikode Kerala
[5:23 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE:
where did you find this?
[5:32 PM, 8/16/2021] DP HBCSE: At my office. I sit in front of a window which has this tree. It was crawling and then hopped off. It didnot have any wings, so I assume it hopped and not flew.
[5:38 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: But denatured means they loss all capacity to form previous st.
Not always true. Check Anfinsen’s experiment which fetched him the 1972 Nobel prize.
[5:42 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: Except that in one temperature is changed and in the other pH. How do these changes denature proteins? Why doesn’t boiling milk denature the proteins in milk?
[5:44 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Ma’am can you send reference?
[5:45 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwNkwxzjBg9OJIzEvLzCtOzQMAPZsGRw&q=anfinsen&rlz=1CDGOYI_enIN944IN944&oq=anfinse&aqs=chrome.2.69i59j69i57j46i67j0i512j69i60l2.4849j0j4&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
[5:50 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: Anfinsen's dogma - Wikipedia
[6:00 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Not all proteins are thought to be affected by temperature. Some proteins are denatured at very small temperatures. A specific temperature is required for each protein to denaturation .
[6:04 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: Why? How does higher temperature denature proteins?
[6:08 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: The weak forces between charged groups and the weaker forces of mutual attraction of nonpolar groups are disrupted at elevated temperatures, however; as a result, the tertiary structure of the protein is lost. … When denaturing agents are removed from a protein solution, the native protein re-forms in many cases.
[6:13 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: If temperature is lowered after denaturing the protein, will the protein regain its native form?
[6:14 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: That’s also a confusing factor
[6:18 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU: Basic question to be addressed is why do proteins denature? Is there a reversible and an irreversible denaturation?
[6:20 PM, 8/16/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: The body strictly regulates pH and temperature to prevent proteins such as enzymes from denaturing.
Some proteins can refold after denaturation while others cannot.
Yes ma’am the reference says some protiens can re - gain it’s previous str.
[6:24 PM, 8/16/2021] P. Chitralekha Cube JNU:
[9:22 PM, 8/16/2021] KIRAN CUBE: VOTE NOW! Name Our Black Crazy Ant Colony [Interactive Video] - YouTube
[9:23 PM, 8/16/2021] Ankit Yadav Xms Work Shop Cube Patkar College: This paper is regarding imaginal discs with special reference to fruit fly
Imaginal disc r sac like structure found inside larva of insects that undergo metamorphosis.
These discs decide external structures such as head, thorax, limbs and genitalia.
It is still a mystery that how these discs decides fate of an insect. The reason imaginal discs are of such interest to developmental biologist is that it provide a powerful model to study multiple aspects of biological mechanism underlying diseases.