Please click on the Link (BLUE) to join the CUBE ChatShaala Timing:5.30 pm to 9.30 pm Today’s session will be followed by a workshop on mosquito by 8pm onwards
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Summary of last session quoted by @saswathy679 SUMMARY CUBE - Chatshaala 15.08.2021
Discussed about smelling sense capacity of 2 different D.melanogaster one from native (brought it from kitchen area) & another from Lab cultured fruit flies more than 70years passed (CsBz melanogaster - one of the lab bred).
Long term objective :
To perform olfactory assay at range of concentrations of IAA (banana essense)
using standard CsBz 2nd instar larvae and Native Drosophila 2nd instar larvae and compare their olfactory sensitivity to comment on evolutionary changes in terms of fruit odor smelling!
Hypothesis :
Native have good smelling senses compare to Lab bred one which are passed more than 70years, 3360 generations covered.
Possibilities :
Native want to find their own food so their antenna receptors always functional . But Lab bred culture flies don’t want find their food because of availability of food, Compare to native CsBz will have less functional.
CsBz flies almost passed 3360 generation in this 70 year. So, there could be possible some mutants will be form inside the culture. Because these flies culturing in closed environment could be chance mutants will serve inside culture. [ Mutation is a big word - here less sensing smell capacity mention about mutants.
How can we check their smelling capacity through experiment! is it possible we can do it in our home ?
Surely we can do it in our home using what are available in our home…
We can replace Lab materials in to home materials to perform this Olfactory experiment
How to calibrates olfactometer working or not through control experiment? How can Calculate mean !? Connected Biostatistics
Owing to unexpected technical issues regarding the regular Big Blue Button Platform where the CUBE Chatshaala is held everyday, we are shifting (temporarily, for today) to another room on BBB ( Big Blue Button )
Room link
In case of any issues, please let us know in the group or on personal.
the crazy ant worker is relatively small (2.3-3 mm). The head, thorax, petiole, and gaster are dark brown to blackish (Creighton, 1950); the body often has faint bluish iridescence. The body has long, coarse, scattered, suberect to erect, grayish or whitish setae (hair-like projections).
Ants seem to be capable of smelling most of the substances humans can smell. An ant worker foraging for food might find a source of tasty food and as it returns to the nest, the ant will leave behind a pheromone trail for co-workers to follow to the food source.Can Ants Smell? | Ant Behaviors & Habits | Orkin