Archives of CUBE Context 2 Curriculum what's app group discussion

17th August 2021, 9.30pm to 18th August 2021, 9.30pm
@Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Saida Sayyed @Abhijeet Singh @aashi.

Why finding mean is important? What’s the context of discussing mean in case of olfactometer?
@Shraddha Sonavane CUBE we all remember your wonderful work that you have done on Phyllanthus recently.

Any follow up or update on your work?.
What does this whiteboard tells us?
What’s the Chai and Why? Session
[11:32 PM, 8/17/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: @Isha Pawle please give your single line cultures of fruit flies in Worli - Mumbai

•How many Single Line Culture you made? When?

•Can you please tell the names of single line culture that you made.

•How did you trapped fruit flies?

Please give your current Home Lab Updates
[11:36 PM, 8/17/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: @Yash Sheregare CUBE please give the updates from your home lab fruit flies culture in Prabhadevi - Mumbai.

•How many subculture you made newly?

•What is the current condition of your single line cultures today?
[11:40 PM, 8/17/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: @Janhvi Deshmukh Do you keep any new setups for to trap fruit flies in Wardha - Mumbai?

•What is your further plan?

•Do you still facing any issues while trapping fruit flies?

Please give update from your Home Lab.
[11:46 PM, 8/17/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Understanding the confusion in understanding how to calculate mean (we should highlight some of such kind of instance in chai and why? session that we take for granted)…Collaboration, Communication, curiousity, context to curriculum and consistency.
[11:51 PM, 8/17/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Chai & Why

TIFR’s unique outreach initiative since 2009 has been the “Chai and Why?” series, a forum to enable informal discussions of interesting scientific issues outside a traditional academic setting in a Science Café format.
[12:28 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: I think the larvae not is visible at everytime. I didn’t much have idea about it, how can collect it’s larvae in the formicarium??? :thinking:
Please give some suggestions!
@Batul Pipewala Kolkata ma’am, @Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE, @Arunan HBSCE sir, @Shrudhiga, @KIRAN CUBE ma’am, @Vishnupriya CUBE, @Aditiya Joshi CUBE, @Sunita Chahar CUBE ma’am and others…
[12:46 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: The gelatin dessert “Jello” gels due to the presence of a protein. When Jello is heated, its structure is altered so that it is no longer a gel but a liquid. If the denaturing conditions reversed by cooling in the refrigerator, the protein reforms into its original gel structure.
[12:47 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes ma’am. This is a good idea! But how can collect their larvae in to the formicarium???
As well as how can feed them? :thinking:
[12:51 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes sir, that’s iam trying to say some of them are carrying inside the formicarium, as well as they carriying to out side the formicarium.:expressionless:
[12:51 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes sir!
[12:56 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes sir! That’s i want to find. Which species of ant these???
I need others help for identifying the Ant species.
Cubists can help me to overcome this problem.
This is a major problem that i faced my Model system.
Here iam stuck! :frowning:
[12:58 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes sir! Do all ants have same type of life cycle?? :thinking:
Please help me to find out Crazy Ant’s life cycle.
@Batul Pipewala Kolkata ma’am, @KIRAN CUBE ma’am, @Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE, @Arunan HBSCE sir, @Aswathy Suresh CUBE, @Sunita Chahar CUBE ma’am, @Aditiya Joshi CUBE,@Lakshmy PJ CUBE…
And others
[1:01 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes sir,
What is imaginal disk??
Can you explain it???
@Aswathy Suresh CUBE, @Saida Sayyed, @Abhijeet Singh, @KIRAN CUBE ma’am and others
[1:04 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: My confusion is how can protien get refold??
It have 2 category like reversible and irreversible reaction?? :thinking:
Soil Nematodes subcultureB after 12days started on 6thAug with raw potato slice with 3to 4 drops of milk and nematodes from original culture.18/8/21Cube homelab Kolkata BatulP
Close up video of the nematodes size approx 1.5mm to 2mm using magnifying glass and mobile camera .The culture is 12days old on raw potato slice.Cube homelab Kolkata BatulP 18/8/21

After 24 hrs of fermentation. Left side bottle is open bottle. Right side bottle is closed bottle. Marked blue(left bottle/open) we can see a whitish layer formed. Marked Red(right bottle/closed) a thin whitish layer formed. Date:17/8/2021. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav, Kalyan west

Small bubbles are seen in open bottle. Smells different from original coconut water. Somewhat smells like near bakery or smelly bread. 17/8/2021. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav, Kalyan west. 24 hrs of fermentation
[11:07 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: So what is your interpretation?
[11:07 AM, 8/18/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: @Aditiya Joshi CUBE

48 hrs of fermentation… A thicker whitish layer in open bottle. 18/8/2021. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.

Whitish layer in closed bottle after 48 hrs of fermentation. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav Kalyan west. 18/8/2021
Only the open bottle shows bubbles?
Why the bubbles forms?:thinking:

Bottle was swirled or shaken and then was tilted. The bus was dipped and then it was spread on potato slices. I used both hands. But to take picture, bottle was placed on ground n tilted.

18/8/2021. The fermented coconut water was spread on the boiled potato slices. Method: boiled potato slices were taken in a container with lid. A ear bud was used to take the fermented coconut water from the bottles. One bud for open bottle and one for closed bottle. The bud was dipped/soaked in the fermented coconut water. This bud was then spreaded on potato in S shape. Marked red are inoculated slices with open bottle coconut water. Marked blue are slices with closed bottle coconut water. Marked green are the non inoculated potato slices. Expectation: No colonies seen on non inoculated potato slices. Colonies should appear on inoculated slices. Date: 18/8/2021. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
[12:07 PM, 8/18/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: I think these are the signs of fermentation
[12:08 PM, 8/18/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: No. Some small bubbles were also in closed bottle.
Maybe these are of carbon dioxide released during fermentatiom
[12:08 PM, 8/18/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Fermentation*
Slices are kept in closed plastic box
See the point is that @Seethalakshmy CUBE that we are constantly trying explain the stuff that we are doing, in very basic and simpler terms and with examples and photos and references if possible.

Because people like me may not know what are clubed antenna . So it’ll get a hard way for me to get interested in your ants!!

What’s special about crazy ants!?
[1:30 PM, 8/18/2021] Abhijeet Singh: Great!!
I can see the legs of the ants are very shiny or whitish kind of. Is it because of the flash!?
[1:48 PM, 8/18/2021] Abhijeet Singh: We catch mosquitoes by clap trap method by making a hollow
in between both the hands, so that the mosquito is killed (but not smashed). We catch
only those mosquitoes that come to bite us in our house.

So this photo is from the presentation that we made for Cube National meet 2017 I guess(I’ll share that presentation shortly). We can see the white stripes easily on the Aedes mosquito with a black background. @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE @KIRAN CUBE @Saida Sayyed @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Close up video of ants.
Location : Pazhuvil.
Time : 11:47pm.
Data collector : seethalakshmi CUBE
In this video ants have slightly blue colour​:roll_eyes:. May be due to flash light ??:thinking:
This was our presentation in 2017 for mosquito project! @Arunan HBSCE @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Saida Sayyed @KIRAN CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
Please start with the objective so that readers’ curiosity is raised.
So do you think this is Nobel winning C elegans? On what basis? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
So, what will be the approximate size? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
Excellent :clap::clap:
[2:42 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: No Koel call these days, 3rd week of August, surely! Sorry, we should have been more particular to find out till when Koel calls were there in South Mumbai.
[2:43 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Some reference to your location like Chembur,Mumbai @DP HBCSE
Koel cooing
Location : Pazhuvil
Time: 2:03pm
Data collector: seethalakshmi
[2:47 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Wow! More information like Authors, Year please @Rahul Kushwaha
[2:56 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Don’t you see worker ants carrying some white stuff? Are these not larvae or pupae?
Please look at your photos and tell us more about these.Wgat does references tell you?
[2:56 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[2:57 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Reference please! @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[2:59 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Please describe your major problem along with photos, so that readers can help you. Please spell it out. @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:01 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Don’t you have any reference link? Is it difficult to search for references? What key words you used? What search results you got? @Seethalakshmy CUBE please describe your worry.
[3:02 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Do you find it difficult to search for what is Imaginal disk. Please describe where you get stuck in this. @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:04 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Please give an example of a protein. @Seethalakshmy CUBE And explain how is it made up of @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Are there more nematodes in this slice than what you transferred? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata Please start with your objective with each such picture.
So, do you think C elegans. An be cultivated on raw potato slice with a few drops of milk? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata @Anshu Kadam (Nematodes)
What happened to the Controls, like without milk?@Batul Pipewala Kolkata
What is your objective? Always start with the objective to raise the curiosity of the reader @Aditiya Joshi CUBE What is your interpretation of the observation?

What is your further plan?@Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[3:13 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Please start with objective please! @Aditiya Joshi CUBE And what is your interpretation of your observation?
What is your further plan? @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[3:16 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Why? Why should fermentation result in such indicators? @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[3:17 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Why Carbon dioxide in fermentation? @Aditiya Joshi CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:18 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What is your expectation? @bunny~~ And why? @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[3:21 PM, 8/18/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Very important in Science and Science communication @Abhijeet Singh @Seethalakshmy CUBE Please help clarifying to get collaborators like @Abhijeet Singh
Wow! Please give more on it @Abhijeet Singh
Please start collecting mosquitoes in August till 23rd September when the Day and Night time will be equal, EQUINOX! @Abhijeet Singh @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE and others
No reference for measurement of size?!! @Seethalakshmy CUBE

Size of ant
Size of worker ant in my formicarium.
Size:2.8 mm
Location : Pazhuvil, Thrissur
Time: 6:14
Data collector : seethalakshmi
@Arunan HBSCE sir
Please make dome specific comments @Seethalakshmy CUBE
What is striking in this compilation? @Seethalakshmy CUBE

What do you understand from Gaurangi’s and Ubaid’s findings? @Seethalakshmy CUBE

Today’s Headline - 11th Day update of SLPbA2 sub culture shows 50 fruit flies and few dead fruit flies!
Media in SlPbA2 is little liquidy as compared to SLPbB2 and C2!

Media date - 06/08/2021
Transfer date - 7/08/2021
No of flies transferred - 35

No of flies -50
No of larvae - 5 - 3mm larvae
No of pupae - 20
No of dead flies - 10 @KIRAN CUBE maam @Arunan HBSCE sir @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila @Janhvi Deshmukh

Today’s Headline - Today is the 11th day of Sub culture and SLPbB2 shows ~ 70 fruit flies with a few unhatched pupae.

Media date - 6/08/2021
Transfer date - 7/08/2021
No of fruit flies Transferred - 30

No of flies - 70
No of larvae - - 4
No of pupae - 50
@KIRAN CUBE maam @Arunan HBSCE sir @Batul Pipewala Kolkata maam @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Isha Pawle @Janhvi Deshmukh
SLPbC2 *Breaking News Record
Record of ~ 100 Fruit flies seen on the 11th Day of Sub culture in SLPbC2

Media date - 6/08/2021
Transfer date - 7/08/2021
No of fruit flies Transferred - 25

No of flies - 100
No of larvae - - 8
No of pupae - ~ 20
No of dead flies - 10 @KIRAN CUBE maam @Arunan HBSCE sir @Batul Pipewala Kolkata maam @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Janhvi Deshmukh @Aastha Ahuja Cube
Breaking News Headline
SLPbA1 culture shows Zero flies, 0 pupae and larvae on 21st day!

Media prepared - 24/07/2021
Fruit fly transferred on - 24/07/2021 - One gramina fruit fly was transferred
No of flies - 0
No of larvae - - 0
No of pupae - ~ 0
@KIRAN CUBE maam @Arunan HBSCE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata maam @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Janhvi Deshmukh @Aastha Ahuja Cube and others
Breaking News Headline
SLPbB1 culture shows 1fruit fly, 0 pupae and larvae on 21st day!

Media prepared - 24/07/2021
Fruit fly transferred on - 24/07/2021 - One gravid fruit fly was transferred
No of flies - 1
No of larvae - - 0
No of pupae - ~ 0 @⁨Kiran Maam HBCSE⁩ maam @⁨Arunan Sir HBCSE⁩ sir @⁨Batul Ma’am CUBE⁩ maam @⁨Ashwathy CUBE Nattika⁩ @⁨Sidhy CUBE Nattika⁩ @⁨Isha HBCSE⁩ @⁨Lydia HBCSE⁩ @⁨Aastha⁩ @⁨Janhvi Deshmukh⁩ and others
Breaking News Headline
SLPbC1 culture shows 2fruit fly, 5 pupae and 0 larvae on 21st day!

Media prepared - 24/07/2021
Fruit fly transferred on - 24/07/2021 - One gramina fruit fly was transferred
No of flies - 2
No of larvae - - 0
No of pupae - ~ 5

Summary of Fruit fly Cultures at CUBE Home lab Prabhadevi
SLPbA1 | SLPbB1 | SLPbC1 - Started on 24/07/2021
SLPbA2 | SLPbB2 | SLPbC2 - Started on 7/08/2021

Status of Cultures
Healthy Cultures - SLPb C2 +++
SLPbB2 - ++
SLPbA2 - +

+++ - Most Healthy culture showing plenty of Fruit flies, pupae and few larvae
++ -good culture - showing plenty of Fruit flies, pupae and less larvae

    • Reasonably good culture showing plenty of Fruit flies, few pupae and very less larvae

Bad cultures -SLPbB1 - ×××
SLPbA1 - ××
SLPbC1 - ×
××× - meaning - it Contains no Fruit flies, pupae and larvae with lot of fungal growth
×× - meaning - it Contains 1 or 2 Fruit flies, pupae and larvae with lot of fungal growth
× - Meaning it contains 1 or 2 Fruit flies and few pupae and no larvae with very less fungal growth
@Arunan HBSCE sir @KIRAN CUBEmaam @Batul Pipewala Kolkata maam @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila @Isha Pawle and others

Single line culture of fruit flies.

TRSV medium - 15/08/2021, 11:00 PM
Transferred gravid fly on 16/08/2021 , 11:40 AM

3 Single line cultures : In the video , from left – SLTT A , SLTT B , SLTT C. ( SLTT - Single line culture Thanniam Thrissur)
Date of video : 16/08/2021
Location: Thanniam , Thrissur , Kerala.

Immediate objective : Make single line culture stocks of fruit flies.

Short term objectives :

1.Family level identification.
2. Conduct experiments based on observations and hypothesis.
3. Understand the life span of fruit fly.

Long term objectives :

1.Genus and Species level identification.
2. Olfactory sensitivity test.

Sidhy.P.P , CUBE S N College , Nattika.
Single line cultures of fruit flies.
SLTT A , B , C
Started on 16/08/2021
TRSV medium

Observed ~ 20 small larvae in A and B , and ~ 10 small larvae in C.

Location: Thanniam , Thrissur , Kerala.
Sidhy.P.P , CUBE S N College, Nattika.
Do you think think this is Black Crazy ant? Why?@Seethalakshmy CUBE @Abhijeet Singh

Kindly click on the above👆🏻 given link for the summary of last discussion.

Invitation to join today’s CUBE chatShaala, :pushpin:
Please add name of your PLACE/AFFILIATION along with the FULL NAME while joining, this would help us in making map of participants. Map will also be shared in all CUBE what’s app groups and on metastudio after the session

:stop_sign: Here’s the direct link of the CUBE webinar:
Note: we have changed the room link to avoid technical error

Looking forward to your participation
Congratulations :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada: to CUBE fruit fly Collaborators.

Sidhy has restarted single line Cultures
Congrats sidhy​:clap::clap::clap:
Kamakhya Temple reopens for devotees today amid COVID pandemic

Source : “The Sentinel” via Dailyhunt

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@Yash Sheregare CUBE all flies in SLPbA1 are died ??

Update on Ant Model system…
They store sugars here.
Location : Pazhuvil.
Time : 6:44 pm.
Data collector : Seethalakshmi. C. R.