18th August 2021, 9.30pm to 19th August 2021, 9.30pm
Renamed the Cultures
In July 2020 , I had made 5 single line cultures. They were named as SLTT-A , SLTT-B, SLTT-C , SLTT-D and SLTT-E . After losing all these cultures , again started 2 new single line cultures in February 2021. To distinguish these cultures from 2020 cultures , named them as SLTT21-A and SLTT21- B. These two cultures lost in April 2021.
On 16 August 2021 , started 3 new single line cultures. And named them same as that of 2020 cultures. This will make confusions and affect the data of almost six months long single line cultures of 2020 which were also identified as of Drosophilidae family. I didn’t think this while naming. I thought that 2020 cultures are not existing and now I am starting the cultures after a gap of three and a half months.
In today’s chatshaala ,Arunan Sir asked me about this and made me understand the importance of nomenclature in research projects . Also I realised how valuable my old works and findings even when the cultures are not existing.
So , renamed all the single cultures of 2021 as a continuation of 2020 single line cultures. New names are :
SLTT - F ( SLTT21 - A) February
SLTT - G ( SLTT21 - B) February
SLTT - H 16 th August
SLTT - I 16 th August
SLTT - J 16 th August
@Arunan HBSCE Sir , @Lakshmy PJ CUBE , @KIRAN CUBE Ma’am , @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Abhijeet Singh helped me in renaming and understanding the importance of nomenclature in projects. Thank you everyone.
Renamed the single line cultures of 16 th August 2021 as SLTT-H , SLTT-I , SLTT- J.
Video of black crazy ants foraging on a sugar bait in Fiji, Vimeo video (© Eli Sarnat, Creative Commons Attribution, Share Alike CC BY-SA Licence)
I think my name is missing. Aditya Joshi, Kalyan, Maharashtra
Reference :
This ant similar to my Formicarium Ant
Ok …I will add
My formicarium ant. Location : Pazhuvil. Date: 13/8/21. Time: 12:04 am. Data collector : Seethalakshmi
Ants body shows slightly blue colour with flash light.
517 th day of CUBE ChatShaala: 18th August 2021.
19 CUBists from 19 Centres had joined the webinar.
Aastha Ahuja: ANDC
Dr P. Chitralekha: DSC
Aashi: Panipat
Morabadi, Ranchi: Rechel Tirkey
Aswathy Suresh: Thriprayar
Lakshmy PJ: Kandassankadavu
Seethalakshmi CR: Pazhuvil, Trissur
Sidhy PP: Thanniam, Thrissur
Tamil Nadu
Meena Kumari: Chennai
Aditya Joshi : Kalyan
Abhijeet Singh: Ulwe, Navi Mumbai
Arunan MC: Breach Candy, South Mumbai
Isha Pawle: Worli
Saida Sayyed: Bandra, Mumbai
Shraddha Sonavane: Panvel
Shivam Kumar Sriwas: Kalyan
Uttar Pradesh
Kiran Yadav: Moradabad
Aarti Vankatesan: Vigyanshaala
Divyanshi Chauhan: No…
Black crazy ants.
Thanks @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
Iam just trying to take photos of my formicarium Ant. Location : Pazhuvil. Time : 2:20 pm. Date :30/5/21.Data collector : Seethalakshmi
SUMMARY - CUBE Chatshaala.
Single Line Culture updates @Sidhy from from Thanniam - Thrissur Kerala, Restarted fruit flies works on 16-08-2021 made new single line cultures.
There is an issue while naming the cultures.Because last year July 2020 also started 5 cultures named SLTT A, B, C, D & E. But unfortunately she lost those all culture after 6 months later due to some other reasons (Goof ups)
Then February 2021 again restarted 2 single line cultures named SLTT 21A, SLTT 21B that’s also lost after 2month later.
August 2021, made 3 new single line cultures started with one mother flies naming again same that she added in pervious single line culture bottles.
Why Naming Is Important!?
Importance of Nomenclature.
Whatever work we are doing or done in at particular model systems that all works were recorded in here or somewhere. So all details are valuable even names also important factors that will help to identify.
Aashi from Haryana were joined yesterday chatshaala.
She want to addressing about how to study microbes from various corner of home. Eg : microbes on fridge handle.
Is there any effects of sunlight in microbes.?
Difference between sunlight and some other lights, how will effects microbes!
Why only sunlight get effects microbes?
Culture microbes at homes!
How can we culture microbes at homes.
What type of media will help to grow microbes?
Why can’t use POTATO slice for to isolate microbes.
Why microbes growing very well on potato surface ? What could be the season?
Potato contains STARCH, Carbohydrates, Irons, Vitamins etc.
What is the factors that promoting microbes growth over potato slices?
Starch is contains carbohydrates. Starch is a polymer of glucose C6 H12 O6. Complex Carbohydrates.
Importance Culture Media
Which type of Culture media selecting for to culturing microbes?
Aashi Batul Adithya Aastha please add your points
Microbes are present over the surface of potato slices Picture credit : Batul
@Aditiya Joshi CUBE Experiment isolating microbes from using coconut water.
Experiment details giving below
“18/8/2021. The fermented coconut water was spread on the boiled potato slices. Method: boiled potato slices were taken in a container with lid. A ear bud was used to take the fermented coconut water from the bottles. One bud for open bottle and one for closed bottle. The bud was dipped/soaked in the fermented coconut water. This bud was then spreaded on potato in S shape. Marked red are inoculated slices with open bottle coconut water. Marked blue are slices with closed bottle coconut water. Marked green are the non inoculated potato slices. Expectation: No colonies seen on non inoculated potato slices. Colonies should appear on inoculated slices. Date: 18/8/2021. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.”
@Arunan HBSCE sir @Aditiya Joshi CUBE @Abhijeet Singh @Aashi @Batul Pipewala Kolkata @Aastha Ahuja Cube
Update : Fruit Flies
subculture started date : 12.08.2021
Transfer Flies : 1 Fly, Gravid one
Expectations :
18.08.2021 - 6th Day
~40 Eggs
~30 Larvae
~20 Pupae
Observation : 6th Day
No of Eggs : ~6
No of Larvae : 0
No of Pupae : 0
No of Flies : 1 (Transferred one)
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur.
Update : Fruit Flies
subculture started date : 12.08.2021
Transfer Flies : 12 Flies
Gravid Flies : 5, Male Flies : 7
Expectations : 6th Day
~70 Eggs
~45 Larvae
~40 Pupae
Observation : 6th Day
No of Eggs : ~30
No of Larvae : 5
No of Pupae : ~69
No of Flies : ~2 (Transferred flies)
Dead Flies : ~10
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur.
Update : Fruit Flies
subculture started date : 12.08.2021
Transfer Flies : 14 Flies
Gravid Flies : 6, Male Flies : 8
Expectations :
18.08.2021 : 6th Day
~80 Eggs
~50 Larvae
~40 Pupae
Observation : 5th Day
No of Eggs : 40
No of Larvae : 25
No of Pupae : 10
No of Flies : ~14 (Transferred flies)
Dead Flies : 0
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur.
Update : Fruit Flies
subculture started date : 19.07.2021
Transfer Flies : 30 Flies
Gravid Flies : 9, Male Flies : 21
Expectations :
18.08.2021 : 31st Day
(One month old culture)
~150 Eggs
~80 Larvae
~160 Pupae
Observation : 31Day
No of Eggs : ~150+
No of Larvae : ~20
No of Pupae : ~170+
No of Unhatched Pupae : ~60+
No of Flies : ~120+
Dead Flies : 40+
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur.
SLBK E15 - 47 Days old subculture bottle have ~100 Eggs, ~160 Pupae, ~30 Flies, Media still solidified condition.
Update : Fruit Flies
subculture started date : 02.07.2021
Transfer Flies : 15 Flies
Gravid Flies : 8, Male Flies : 7
Expectations :
18.08.2021 : 47 Days old culture bottle
~200 Eggs
~80 Larvae
~50 Pupae
Observation : 47 Day
No of Eggs : ~100
No of Larvae : ~8
No of Pupae : ~160
No of Unhatched Pupae : ~60
No of Flies : ~30
Dead Flies : ~60
Media solidified
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur.
[9:22 AM, 8/19/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: Wow!
[9:23 AM, 8/19/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: There are 100s of nematodes in this culture which was started with 2to 3 nematodes
[9:24 AM, 8/19/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: Yes C elegans can be cultured on raw potato slice with a few drops of milk added on the first day
[9:25 AM, 8/19/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: Approximate size of the nematodes is 1.5 to 2mm
[9:26 AM, 8/19/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: No this is not C elegans because the middle bulb is not completely round as given in references
Cardamine species at CUBE HomeLab, Bhulabhai Desai Road, South Mumbai 19, August 2021 Photo: mcarunan let’s follow up with data from collaborators from all CUBE centers.
A close relative of the model system, Arabidopsis for plant sciences research.https://www.ceplas.eu/en/research/principal-investigators/prof-dr-miltos-tsiantis/
I think a fruit fly visited my setup to taste toddy… Open bottle of fermenting coconut water. 19/8/2021. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
3rd day of coconut water fermentation… We can see a whitish layer settled at the bottom of bottles. The layer gets disturbed when swirled. A thin white layer is present on surface of coconut water too. 19/8/2021. Kala Talav, kalyan west.
Phyllanthus growing well in the pots. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
This phyllanthus in pot2 have produced many branches. Its flowering too… But not producing a fruit. What can be the reason🤔 @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Sunita Chahar CUBE @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Arunan HBSCE @P.chitralekha and all others. Kala Talav, Kalyan west. 19/8/2021.
Date:5/08/21.Time :11 31am.seed bursting in cardamine. A small touch is enough to break the matured seed pods of cardamine. Arunima CUBE Home lab Kozhikode Kerala.
[11:50 AM, 8/19/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Larvae that I found in culture after 6th day. Most of the larvae I observed it was 3rd instar stage.1st instar & 2nd instar larvae couldn’t able to find out inside culture.
First pupae observed in E culture on 6th day, ~10 pupae formed inside culture on 18/08/2021.
Observations Based Analysis :
12.08.2021 - Transferred flies 14 flies, 6 gravid flies, 8 male flies.
13.08.2021 - No eggs.
14.08.2021 - No eggs, No Larvae observed.
15.08.2021 - No eggs, No Larvae observed.
16.08.2021 - Eggs ~10 , No Larvae, No Pupae observation.
17.08.2021 - Eggs ~30 , No Larvae, No Pupae
18.08.2021 - Eggs ~80 , 45 more larvae (Different stage) mostof them observed below the media side, 10 Pupae.
[11:55 AM, 8/19/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Expecting eggs inside the A22 culture. Because I transferred only one fly that reminded in A21 culture. Look like it is gravid one that’s why Iam expecting some eggs will laying that one fly inside in A22 culture.
[11:58 AM, 8/19/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Yes sir, I missed larvae inside E16 culture bottles. Because I am not much expected any larvae has remained after 1 month old bottles.
[11:59 AM, 8/19/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Collaboration through helping find out things that we can’t able see it but others can.
[11:59 AM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What is your expectations now, from tomorrow onward, in this bottle? That will help you to understand what is good or bad about your your culture conditions of Single Line E flies which were in very good shape so far.
Don’t you think so? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
What are your comments @Yash Sheregare CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Aastha Ahuja Cube @Batul Pipewala Kolkata and others
[12:01 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Why what is the basis for that? Is a culture of one month is too old? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
What evidence we gave for that?
[12:04 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What is the best time (after how many days) to transfer flies for subculture from old bottles to fresh culture bottles? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Yash Sheregare CUBE @Aastha Ahuja Cube
[12:06 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: if flies are thriving in
such bottles, don’t they mate and lay eggs and the eggs hatch to larvae? What makes you think that there can it be larvae? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Yash Sheregare CUBE
Is this not a nice Goof- up to celebrate so thate every one realizes that goof ups are common when we do research.
And such realization very important for progress in science! @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Yash Sheregare CUBE @KIRAN CUBE
Expectations about E17 culture.
Expectations today onwards :
19.08.2021 - ~100 eggs + ~60 Larvae + ~25 Pupae
20.08.2021 - ~150 eggs + ~70 Larvae + ~30 Pupae
21.08.2021 - ~200 eggs + ~85 Larvae + ~50 Pupae + ~10 New flies + ~14 Old flies.
Monsoon plants… Raanbhendi/(wild okra)… Beautiful yellow flowers… Often seen growing in monsoon along with roadsides, gardens, backyards, railway tracks… The flowers, buds n small tender okra can also be seen here. Kala Talav, Kalyan west. 19/8/2021. Ate these seen in other parts of mumbai n India…? Lets find…
[12:23 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Sorry, without other essential information like the Date of Transfer into SLBT E17 bottles, this write up does not communicate much @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Please repost so that others will be inspired to comment and become collaborators.
Please repost essential information. @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
[12:25 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Do you have larvae, pupae and adults today, 19 August 2021, in this bottle?@Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Please post evidence too.@Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Photo with plane white background.
Sir, I think this image will more better when shape of leaflets are clearly visible.
It will be help in identification of Cardamine
Ohh!! Toddy lover Fruit fly😋
Wow!!! @Aditiya Joshi CUBE Your phyllanthus plants are grown up.
Great @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
What is your next plan?
Can you please show the below part of the branches.There may be fruits produced. Later they fall off @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[12:33 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: @Abhijeet Singh Please continue commenting on a posts.
[12:36 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: on all*
What about other plants?
Are they fruiting?
[12:51 PM, 8/19/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: Not much old culture bottle is that.it Is just passed one month. Most of my observation after around one months bottles have less number of larvae. That’s why I mentioned I like that.
[12:51 PM, 8/19/2021] Aswathy Suresh CUBE: 20-25 is the Best time for to transfer flies in to new culture media bottles.
20-25 Days in normal situation (Good number of Larvae, Pupae, Adult flies).
But is there any emergency situation time come, don’t wait for that much time. immediately need to transfer those flies in new media bottle in order to save those flies.
Long term objective -Floral dip method
Short term objective -
- To observe life cycle
- observing heteroblasty(To observe the transformation from simple to compound leaves.
3)Identifying cardamine plants
Place: Mampilly
Cotyledonary stage+ 4 leaf stage.
All are simple leaves
Phyllanthus urinaria mature fruits collected on 15/8/21
date of photo–19/08/21. Objective- To study Seed germination in Phyllanthus plant.
location- Panvel Photo taken by- Shraddha
Place: Mampilly
[1:01 PM, 8/19/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: I think my fruits fall off… Only some parts are seen fallen in soil…
[1:02 PM, 8/19/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Yes. Others plants in pot3 are fruiting
Please let us know how many fruitflies you have now! From all the cultures that are doing good!
I think SlPb A2/B2/C2 are doing good!
What’s your further plan @Yash Sheregare CUBE !!!
Please post updates of all culture bottles of SLBK E to show what is the right type of culture and what is not good culture and why @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Let’s all get lessons from this. @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Great ! @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE How many seeds in each fruit?
Yes @Lakshmy PJ CUBE I’ll post photos. I have seen flowers falling off
So @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila how are your cultures doing in order to achieve your Immediate term objective!?
How would you comment on it?
Let us know what are the difficulty you are facing now! Let’s discuss it out!
@Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Yash Sheregare CUBE
Place: Mampilly
Cotyledonary stage+ 4 leaf stage
The 4th simple leaf split in to compound leaf
White shiny thread like structure observed on dry stem of Phyllanthus urinaria plant. What can it be?

Yess that would be great!
Let’s start it doing together!
@Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Please comment and let’s plan!!
[1:12 PM, 8/19/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Same @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
[1:12 PM, 8/19/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: I’ll post photos
Place: Mampilly
Cotyledonary stage+ 4 leaf stage
The 4th simple leaf split in to compound leaf
5th leaf emerging
Place: Mampilly
Cardamine plants growing healthy.

Looks like fungi to me
White thread like growth on dried stems… Kala talav, Kalyan west.@Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
White thread like growth seen on dried stems.
I hope in this photo white shiny threads are clearly visible.& I can see some yellow spores in orange colour circle
Flowers have fallen fron the leaves @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
Yes…it’s similar
Dried flowers underside of leaves. Pot2 phyllanthus.

Please comment on how do we stand to our claim that the ants we have are Black Crazy Ants too! @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Wow great @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE Does these fruits burst out?
Please keep it in closed container. Otherwise they will burst out and disperse seeds.
Yes I think that they look similar from the once you sent before!
I think 3 seeds in single capsule
Is that root hairs @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE

[1:26 PM, 8/19/2021] Lakshmy PJ CUBE: Which means they are fungus? @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
[1:26 PM, 8/19/2021] Lakshmy PJ CUBE: @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[1:26 PM, 8/19/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Most of fruits are turned brown but not burst out.
Yes, kept it in closed container
[1:27 PM, 8/19/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: No @Lakshmy PJ CUBE .
There are on stem
Is it because of any Pest attack @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
[1:28 PM, 8/19/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: & on branches
[1:29 PM, 8/19/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: I don’t have any idea. I have to check
[1:31 PM, 8/19/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Mam, is it because of white shiny threads like appearance?
Actually no insect or pest are seen on plant. Its producing new branches n sprouting new leaves… Flowers too… But no fruiting yet…
Can it be a mealybug infestation? @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
I too had observed similar white structures on the Phyllanthus plant that I had brought from my building compound. And the leaves too had wilted out…that resulted in drying up of the whole plant.
Wooooooo A22 Bottle
That’s amazing this is your 23rd Bottle of A series. @Aswathy Suresh CUBE you have been doing a wonderful efforts.
But why this bottle is not fulfilling your expectations?
Wooow you got good number of Pupae but why flies are drying.
10 dead flies in 6 days
But there is no mealy bug attack on my Phyllanthus plants yet.
Nice photo with a nice background.
Is this an invasive species or local Cardamine of Mumbai?
What species of Cardamine this could be?
@Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Arunima SN Nattika Cardamine @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata and other Cardamine collaborators.
How do we indentify the species of Cardamine?
I think we should check… it can be a possibility of fungi … because fungi can grown on dry & decay matter too.
What you think @Aditiya Joshi CUBE @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Drishtant Cube Moina
Another Cardamine from another place of India.
Is this the munnar variety? Or plant brought from local plant nursery?
Which species of Cardamine this could be?
Wooowww another Cardamine but from which place of India?
@Lakshmy PJ CUBE did you find them in your surroundings or you got these Cardamine from plant nursery?
What is the expectation? When do you expect to observe floral buds in these Cardamine plants?
If this is the case, then did @Aditiya Joshi CUBE observe the white structures on dried up plants or green, healthy Phyllanthus plants?
In how many days after the seed germination does this compound leaf has arises? What do you mean by transformation? Was this leave simple before?
Dried stems… dead plants @Drishtant Cube Moina
So, let’s rule out either of the possibilities that we have thought of; Fungi or mealybugs?
What do Fungi normally need to grow/sustain? The same question goes for mealybugs.
Any more inputs to add to the protagonists?
Absolutely sir!
Fungus going on a wooden block in my balcony. Amazing site!! Date:- 19/08/2021, Time: 2.15pm, Location:- Ulwe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Green once are:- Trichoderma Trichoderma - Wikipedia … Google lence application suggests! Date:- 17/08/2021, Time:- 2.15pm, Location:- Ulwe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
White once are :- Crepidotus https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crepidotus Time:- 2.15pm DATE:- 19/08/2021. Location:- Ulwe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.
SLBK A 22 - single line sub culture bottle of A Line… Date of transfer flies 12.08.2021.
Expectations on 7th Day
~50 Eggs
~40 Larvae
~30 Pupae
Observations on 7th Day
~40 Eggs
~ 2 Larvae
~ 0 Pupae
1 Flies (Transferred)
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN College Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur Kerala.
SLBK B21 - single line sub culture bottle of B Line… Date of transfer flies 12.08.2021.
Expectations on 7 Day
~80 Eggs
~55 Larvae
~50 Pupae
Observation : 8th Day
No of Eggs : ~50
No of Larvae : ~10
No of Pupae : ~70
No of Flies : ~7
Dead Flies : ~10
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur Kerala
SLBK E17 - single line sub culture bottle of E Line… Date of transfer flies 12.08.2021.
Expectations on 7 Day
~80 Eggs
~55 Larvae
~50 Pupae
Observation : 8th Day
No of Eggs : ~60
No of Larvae : ~30
No of Pupae : ~72
No of Flies : ~14
Dead Flies : ~0
Update : Aswathy Suresh CUBE SN Nattika.
Home Lab : Bottukadavu - Thrissur Kerala
Pre - Pupae (Larvae turned in Pupae Condition) Picture taken from SLBK E17 subculture bottle.
I am sure there must be more larvae with such number of adult flies! @Yash Sheregare CUBE
Don’t you expect? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Aastha Ahuja Cube @Abhijeet Singh
Any explanation? @Yash Sheregare CUBE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
When did you last see any larvae, pupae or adult fly in this bottle? @Yash Sheregare CUBE
Excellent summary @Yash Sheregare CUBE
Excellent write up! Please give a BREAKING NEWS? @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila
No fly? And when do you expect Pupae? @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila
How do you describe the features of these ants? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Why not take photos along with some reference Scale? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
[3:33 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Photo of eggs please ! @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
[3:44 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Middle bulb? Is it how this structure is described in references? Please give reference. @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
What causes the beginning of compound leaves in Cardamine? @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Arunima SN Nattika Cardamine
Any differential expression of genes implicated for starting the development of Compound leaf from Simple Leaf state? @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Arunima SN Nattika Cardamine @KIRAN CUBE @P. Chitralekha Cube JNU @Shyam T.G Cube SN Nattika Kerala
[3:53 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Any new gene expression? @Lakshmy PJ CUBE
[3:55 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Any reference? @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
[3:57 PM, 8/19/2021] Arunan HBSCE: @Arunima SN Nattika Cardamine Please respond.
Kindly click on the above👆🏻 given link for the summary of last discussion.
Invitation to join today’s CUBE chatShaala,
Please add name of your PLACE/AFFILIATION along with the FULL NAME while joining, this would help us in making map of participants. Map will also be shared in all CUBE what’s app groups and on metastudio after the session
Here’s the direct link of the CUBE webinar: https://webinar.hbcse.tifr.res.in/b/kir-hye-cn4
Note: we have changed the link to avoid technical error
Looking forward to your participation
In a world first case ,this zebra , born in Kenya’s Mara Reserve with unique polka dot appearance
A rare genetic mutation in which animals display some sort of abnormality in their stripe pattern,zebra foal with a dark coat and white polka dots has been spotted in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve.
Data taken from : National geographic 2/9/2019.
Data collected by: Theertha
CUBE SN Nattika.
CUBE Ranchi ReMan’s Home Lab 19-08-2021
Fruitfly Model System Update
Immediate Objective: to start a single line fruitfly culture(RNSL-B) at ReMan’s Lab in TRSV Media
Short Term Objective: -To identify the trapped fruitflies
-To get native Drosophila melanogaster species
Media prepared- 18-08-2021
Transferred date- 19-08-2021
-Transferred a gravid fly in a TRSV media bottle, 24 hours after media preparation
-Tagged the bottle as RNSL-B
-New flies will emerge on 27th Aug, 2021
Analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana - PubMed.
Analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana
Great @Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE @Rechel Turkey Cube Ranchi Moina
When did you started this single line culture ?
How many single line cultures you made?
What is your objective?
@Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE @Rechel Turkey Cube Ranchi Moina
I transferred one gravid fruitfly in TRSV media bottle to prepare one single line (RNSL-B).
The immediate objective is to get successful in maintaining the culture as well as observe it’s lifecycle.
Cardamine with caterpillar 13 February 2020
13 January 2020 How Shraddha Sonawane story of Host specificity of butterfly
7 Feb2020 HBCSE, TIFR Butterfly & Host plant studies, looks like.