SUMMARY - CUBE Chatshaala quoted by @saswathy679 .
Single Line Culture updates @Sidhy from from Thanniam - Thrissur Kerala, Restarted fruit flies works on 16-08-2021 made new single line cultures.
There is an issue while naming the cultures.Because last year July 2020 also started 5 cultures named SLTT A, B, C, D & E. But unfortunately she lost those all culture after 6 months later due to some other reasons (Goof ups)
Then February 2021 again restarted 2 single line cultures named SLTT 21A, SLTT 21B that’s also lost after 2month later.
August 2021, made 3 new single line cultures started with one mother flies naming again same that she added in pervious single line culture bottles.
Why Naming Is Important!?
Importance of Nomenclature.
Whatever work we are doing or done in at particular model systems that all works were recorded in here or somewhere. So all details are valuable even names also important factors that will help to identify.
Aashi from Haryana were joined yesterday chatshaala.
She want to addressing about how to
study microbes from various corner of home. Eg : microbes on fridge handle.
Is there any effects of sunlight in microbes.?
Difference between sunlight and some other lights, how will effects microbes!
Why only sunlight get effects microbes?
Culture microbes at homes!
How can we culture microbes at homes.
What type of media will help to grow microbes?
Why can’t use POTATO slice for to isolate microbes.
Why microbes growing very well on potato surface ? What could be the season?
Potato contains STARCH, Carbohydrates, Irons, Vitamins etc.
What is the factors that promoting microbes growth over potato slices?
Starch is contains carbohydrates. Starch is a polymer of glucose C6 H12 O6. Complex Carbohydrates.
Importance Culture Media
Which type of Culture media selecting for to culturing microbes?
Aashi Batul Adithya Aastha please add your points
Microbes are present over the surface of potato slices Picture credit : Batul
Experiment isolating microbes from using coconut water.
Experiment details giving below 
“18/8/2021. The fermented coconut water was spread on the boiled potato slices. Method: boiled potato slices were taken in a container with lid. A ear bud was used to take the fermented coconut water from the bottles. One bud for open bottle and one for closed bottle. The bud was dipped/soaked in the fermented coconut water. This bud was then spreaded on potato in S shape. Marked red are inoculated slices with open bottle coconut water. Marked blue are slices with closed bottle coconut water. Marked green are the non inoculated potato slices. Expectation: No colonies seen on non inoculated potato slices. Colonies should appear on inoculated slices. Date: 18/8/2021. Aditya Joshi. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.”