19th August 2021, 9.30pm to 21st August 2021, 9.30pm
19 CUBists from 19 Centres had joined the webinar.
Aastha Ahuja: ANDC
Dr P. Chitralekha: DSC
Aashi: Panipat
Rechel Tirkey: Morabadi, Ranchi
Aswathy Suresh: Thriprayar
Lakshmy PJ: Kandassankadavu
Seethalakshmi CR: Pazhuvil, Thrissur
Aashutosh Mule: Ghatkopar, Mumbai
Abhijeet Singh: Ulwe, Navi Mumbai
Aditya Joshi: Kalyan
Arunan MC: Breach Candy, South Mumbai
Mandar Chavan : Andheri, Mumbai
Saee Kamat: Fergusson, Pune
Shraddha Sonavane: Panvel
Uttar Pradesh
Kiran Yadav: Moradabad
Kanchan Bafila: Pithoragarh
West Bengal
Batul Pipewala: Kolkata
Prachi Pant
Cubist(s) who had joined today but their name isn’t included in the list, kindly replied to this message.
After 4th Compound leaf, First floral buds was observed. date of photo-31 Jan 2020. location- G6 lab, CUBE HBCSE,Mumbai. Photo taken by- Shraddha Sonavane
The crazy ant worker is relatively small (2.3-3 mm). The head, thorax, petiole, and gaster are dark brown to blackish (Creighton, 1950); the body often has faint bluish iridescence. The body has long, coarse, scattered, suberect to erect, grayish or whitish setae (hair-like projections).
Yes sir, The reference ( published by orkin canada) says this
The larvae then shed their skin to become pupae, which look like white adult ants but with their legs and antennae folded up against their body.
ants but with their legs and antennae folded up against their body.
@Arunan HBSCE, @Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE, @Batul Pipewala Kolkata ma’am, @KIRAN CUBE ma’am, @Aswathy Suresh CUBE, @Lakshmy PJ CUBE, @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE, @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE, @Abhijeet Singh, @Vishnupriya CUBE
Iam observed a big ants in their colony.
Location : Pazhuvil.
Time :11:40 pm.
Data collector : seethalakshmi
[1:06 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: More videos about it
Loction : pazhuvil
Time:11:40 pm
[1:11 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes, first we try to find the breeding places of mosquitoes
[1:14 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes This my major problem
How can check it’s morphology?
Is it possible by using mobile microscopy
[1:16 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Yes, we are know but we need scientific evidence
Including their morphology.
That is essential for convincing others
[1:18 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: That’s very essential for my ants study
Please help me plan this
How can check its morphology???
@Batul Pipewala Kolkata ma’am @Arunan HBSCE sir, @KIRAN CUBE ma’am, @Aditiya Joshi CUBE, @Lakshmy PJ CUBE, @Aswathy Suresh CUBE, @Abhijeet Singh, @Man Masih Beck RANCHI CUBE
And others
[1:19 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Ok sir. I will take
[1:29 AM, 8/20/2021] Seethalakshmy CUBE: Black crazy ants
Body division : head, Thorax abdomen
Long - antenna and long 6 six legs.
Its common name arises from its characteristic erratic and rapid movement, and habit of not following trails as often as other ants
Nesting : damaged trees, soil, indoors
Food: Sugar, sweety substances, insects
Colour : brownish black
Size of workers :2.3-3mm
Non - clubbed antenna ( hair like )
How to introduce model systems in a simple way that every people can understand, get inspired and do some works on it. Specially who are join in Chai & Why section, even non biologists.
Today we were discussed about model systems.
But we covered other areas like Butterfly - Plant interaction, Cardamine (Gene expression).
@Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Aditiya Joshi CUBE mentioned about Journey about when did started doing work in CUBE.
Story of Butterfly’s studies done in HBCSE Campus (Butterfly - Plants interaction study done by cubits @KIRAN CUBE @Yash Sheregare CUBE @Drishtant Cube Moina @Lydia cUBe Drosphila …& others)
Psyche butterfly Larvae & Eggs were found in cardamine plants.
7 Feb2020 HBCSE, TIFR Butterfly & Host plant studies, looks like.
Cardamine Leaves stage study
Research Q : Floral dip method in Cardamine flowering bud.
Which leaves stage cardamine flowering bud will form in order to study floral dip method.
4-6 stages of leaves were showing flowering. Total 45 to 50 days taken for to get first floral bud in cardamine plants.
Gene Expression in Cardamine plants.
KNOX Genes : Compound leaves formation because of KNOX genes expression.
Simple leaves change in to compound leaves.
One of other Gene expression example is Moina. Body color change in White to Red. This condition called Hypoxia Condition. Happen in low oxygen levels (Unfavorable conditions)
What are the exact process of gene expression in cells ?
Before that we need to know what is Gene? Where can gene present inside nucleus!.
Tryingto find out this kind of fundamental questions answers through communication.!
Yesterday Discussion Based Reference Given in CHATBOX.
Analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana is the model organism for the study of the higher plant circadian clock. The physiological change in position of young leaves and cotyledons in Arabidopsis seedlings reveals an overt circadian rhythm.
Analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana - PubMed.
Although Arabidopsis lacks the pulvinus, it displays rhythms in cell elongation and, thus, in growth rate. For example, there is a circadian rhythm in the elongation rate of the abaxial and adaxial cells of the petiole that confers an oscillation in position of cotyledons and leaves (Engelmann and Johnsson, (1998)).circadian rhythm Arabidopsis - Google Search
Analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana - PubMed.
Analysis of circadian leaf movement rhythms in Arabidopsis thaliana
Interesting picture on Knox gene
A developmental framework for dissected leaf formation in the Arabidopsis relative Cardamine hirsutashow that lateral leaflet formation in C. hirsuta requires the establishment of growth foci that form after leaf initiation. A developmental framework for dissected leaf formation in the Arabidopsis relative Cardamine hirsuta - PubMed
Class I KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) proteins also promote leaflet initiation in C. hirsuta, and here we provide evidence that this action of KNOX proteins is contingent on the ability to organize auxin maxima via the PINFORMED1 (PIN1) auxin efflux transporter
Summary of CUBE Chatshaala (19/8/21)
We started discussion on Chai & Why session.
✓What is Chai & Why?
✓ Introduction of Chai & Why.
✓How to introduce all model systems.
So we started discussion on C.elegans & Phyllanthus.
In C.elegans model organism - we discussed how to connect Round worm in stomach with Nobel prize winning work & with Isolating of C.elegans on potato slices.
In Phyllanthus model organism - we discussed about how to connect Nobel prize winning work in fruit flies with Continuous light & dark experiment in Phyllanthus. also leaf angle titration connect with acid base titration.
Also highlighted on Phyllanthus niruri controversy.
[2:15 AM, 8/20/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Today’s discussion was on 4 different plants -
2. Phyllanthus
4.Mango mapping
In Phyllanthus we discussed about
@Lakshmy PJ CUBE’s story of Phyllanthus-
Initially @Lakshmy PJ CUBE was working on Mimosa plants for Circadian rhythm study.she also done seed germination study in Mimosa plant.
Then she working on Phyllanthus for Circadian rhythm study, Identification of Phyllanthus species,leaf angle titration.
Collaborators- @P. Chitralekha Cube JNU mam @Nidhi @Anushka Datta @ Anulekha @Shraddha
Then we discussed on my (Shraddha) story of Phyllanthus. I found some plants in plants pot at home.
I got interested because of Circadian rhythm study was in my MSc syllabus & because of observations done by @Harshad sir,in CUBE HBCSE.
[2:15 AM, 8/20/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Great observations done by Susanta Tanti Sir & their students while returning to Assam from Mumbai by train.
They were observed how many Mango trees was flowering & then they mapped it.
Then we discussed on Cardamine plant-
• Lifecycle of Psyche butterflies on Cardamine plant were observed in G6 lab HBCSE.
• how many days required to get first flower buds?
• after how many Compound leaves first flower buds arose?
• why Cardamine having compound leaves & Arabidopsis having simple leaves?
Which genes responsible for leaf diversity in both?
•how do gene expressed?so we compare Cardamine- plant model organism with Moina
While understanding gene expression questions was arise-
1.what is a gene?
2.where it’s located inside the cell?
3.how gene expressed?
4.why Chromosomes are important in cell?
5.what is Chromosomes & Chromatin?
@Seethalakshmy CUBE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Aditiya Joshi CUBE @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Aastha Ahuja Cube @Mandar
It’s a caradamine? @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Drishtant Cube Moina @Arunan HBSCE sir @Aditiya Joshi CUBE and others
How to identify caradamine ?
I think its oxalis… M not sure. But I thik its oxalis… This also grows as a weed in lawn, backyards, pots, gardens… @Janhvi Deshmukh
Yes I see in my area near the tulsi @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Ohh @P. Chitralekha Cube JNU mam thanks mam
[10:13 AM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What is the question? @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
[10:17 AM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Don’t you think photos of some of your ants which you call as Black Crazy Ants in which the abdomen of the ants show prominent light band? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Do you have any current data of Mosquitoes of Mumbai or Navimumbai? @Abhijeet Singh
What is your interpretation @Batul Pipewala Kolkata when compared with the experience of @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
One of the nematodes is much larger than the other. Any explanation? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
Wt is the name of this nematode?
Are you convinced these are nematodes? @Ankit Yadav Xms Work Shop Cube Patkar College
Which ants are these? @Seethalakshmy CUBE please start describing from here.
What is the summary, so far, on your CUBE HomeLab for Fruity Model system? @Yash Sheregare CUBE
Yes sir. They hv all features of nematodes
What is the summary, so far, on your CUBE HomeLab for Fruity Model system? @Sidhy Kerala Drosophila
“here” means where? Please describe. What is your interpretation? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Which Ants are these?@Seethalakshmy CUBE
Don’t you think the ants in your fomicarium looks different from these? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
Look, how this video maker use a reference scale, so well.
Great! @Seethalakshmy CUBE How many formicarium do you have in your CUBE HomeLab Pazhuvil? @Seethalakshmy CUBE
@Sidhy Kerala Drosophila @Aswathy Suresh CUBE
Maintaining log book is one of the essential part in research but CUBE always does simple things.
Why not to give update on your single line cultures and this update will be archive in this context 2 Curriculum group.
A very simple way to maintain a log book: oopps😇 e-log book (send some good photos and videos along with minimum essential write up) by sending daily update on CUBE WHAT’S APP GROUPS
@Arunan HBSCE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata @Saida Sayyed @Aditiya Joshi CUBE what do other say?
Please list those features @Ankit Yadav Xms Work Shop Cube Patkar College, so that others too will get a clear idea on what are the features of Nematodes.
Colonies on potato slices after 48hrs of spreading fermented coconut water from open bottle. Marked blue are colonies similar to that of the ones we have observed on potato slice by @Arunan HBSCE . Marked red are the cottony growth patches. Marked yellow are shiny slimy growth patches. Other white circular colonies can also be seen… 20/8/2021. Kala Talav, Kalyan west. @KIRAN CUBE @Arunan HBSCE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata @Saida Sayyed

Which colony is this?
Is it colony of yeast or fungus or any others ?

How can identify?
@Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Congrats for this summary of yesterday’s Chatshaala discussion @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
Please write a short summary of Cardamine and Psyche butterfly interaction study that you started at CUBE Lab HBBCSE, while working on Cardamine Model system in January 2020 @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE
Control set up please, to compare @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Hope, you had set up Control. @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Colonies appear after 48 hours of spreading fermented coconut water from closed bottle… Various colonies can be seen… Marked blue are similar colonies we have seen got by @Arunan HBSCE . We can also see multiple small circular cream color colonies. Some white colonies. And some mucoid or slimy colonies. 20/8/2021. Kala talav, Kalyan west. @KIRAN CUBE @Arunan HBSCE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Lakshmy PJ CUBE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata @Saida Sayyed
Control slices got colonies too!!! They were not inoculated with the fermented coconut water. But growth can be seen… 20/8/2021. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
[11:36 AM, 8/20/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: The setup has turned smelly… The smell similar to spoilt bread/pav.
[11:37 AM, 8/20/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: There were some fruitflies on the box. A small fly must have manages to go inside… As I opened the box, it flew away…
Observation of slices after 24 hours of inoculation with fermented coconut water from open bottle. We can see some growth or colonies seen. 19/8/2021. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
Observation after 24 hours from inoculation with fermented coconut water from closed bottle. Some colonies or growth can be seen… 19/8/2021. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
Control slices after 24 hrs. 19/8/2021. Kala Talav, Kalyan west.
[12:58 PM, 8/20/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: No ma’am. It was not aur tight. A fly managed to enter it…
[12:59 PM, 8/20/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: I kept control slices on open too… But within an hour, they were gone… I think some crows or rats might have taken away or eaten up
[1:27 PM, 8/20/2021] Aditiya Joshi CUBE: Possible goof ups n sources of errors…
- The box and slices were kept open all the time while spreading the fermented coconut water. Spreading wad done very near or next to bottles kept.
- No test slices were kept on open.
- Control slices kept open were lost.
- Flies were sitting at mouth and inside of open bottle. Also they were sitting on box, lid and one also managed to enter inside.
5.Though I have washed hands, knife, lid n box, there can be some microbes from these n air n by flies that might have settled on control slices. - I also opened it after 24hrs for clicking photos.
No sir, currently I don’t have any data!
I think we can start catching mosquito in our locality!
In collaboration with @Hina Mudgal Kanpur CUBE Ma’am @Seethalakshmy CUBE and others!
Hi All looking for collaboration on nematode study in the home lab, can you set up some raw potato slices with 4dtops of milk and soil to isolate nematodes and let them multiply on the potato.please reply you can ask questions if any
Okay ma’am I’d love to collaborate
what is your plan
[1:41 PM, 8/20/2021] Ishita Assam: Plan of work
- collect soil sample
- potato slices to serve as medium
- control and sample
- 4 drop of milk at the center to attract the nematodes
[1:42 PM, 8/20/2021] Ishita Assam: Ma’am when can I see the nematodes in the potato slice
What about water to keep set up moist?
From where will you collect soil sample?
Yes ma’am the soil sample will be damp and also I’d have to keep the potato slice moistened using a tissue paper at the bottom
After 24 to 48hrs of set up you should be able to see a small microbial pool on the potato slice and at the edges of this some worm like organisms 1 to 2mm in size moving
[1:44 PM, 8/20/2021] Ishita Assam: I’d have to collect from an area where there’s a lot of trees and where leaves fall and rot
[1:44 PM, 8/20/2021] Ishita Assam: Should I also cover it in case sone other insect lays in it?
Since C elegans has not been found in rotting leaves but has been found in rotting fruits or vegetables soil from such a place is advisable
Rotting fruits and vegetables, where can I get such soil then ma’am
[1:46 PM, 8/20/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: Yes but not airtight otherwise a lot of fungus grows.Insect larvae are inevitable but nothing to worry they do not harm the nematodes as I have seen in my set ups
[1:48 PM, 8/20/2021] Batul Pipewala Kolkata: From under any Fruiting tree like jamun for example
Okay ma’am
Other nematodes will definitely be present in soil from other places@@Ishita Assam
[1:49 PM, 8/20/2021] Ishita Assam: I’ll update when I start this
[1:50 PM, 8/20/2021] Ishita Assam: Okay ma’am I will try and collect such but if I don’t I would continue with normal soil from garden and all
Why not we do a search for to see any colony morphology resemblance? @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
I’ll try too
Why not? “Ideally”, won’t we expect a sample of microbes from the atmosphere or knife used for slicing potato etc.? @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
what is your plan?
Can’t it be the young ones! Any reference? @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
Was the photo taken intentionally not to have light on the full slices?@Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Yes sir. From knife, air, my hands
Control seems to show clear colonies. Any interpretation?
No sir. The shadow is of walls of box. N in flash light colonies were not seen much. It was shining. But yes, its opportunity for me to learn how to take better pictures n focus.
[2:01 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Let’s start! Don’t you think this rainy season may have resulted in a surge in mosquito breeding places and mosquitoes? @Abhijeet Singh
[2:03 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What is your guess? @Ishita Assam instead of we waiting for instructions! @Ishita Assam
[2:05 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Can’t we challenge this? @Ishita Assam
[2:05 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: What if you do not cover it? @Ishita Assam
[2:07 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: How about designing an experiment to challenge this? @Ishita Assam
[2:09 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Only trees? Why not under fruiting Phyllanthus plants and several others? @Ishita Assam @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
Any clear references?
I can collect soil samples from non fruiting area and an area where fruits fall and rot but then the thing is I won’t be sure if I’ll get C.elegans or not
Why not post the full Design now itself, after stating the objective?@Ishita Assam
Sir last time I got larvae in my potato slice
Could not follow y you wont be sure if it is C elegans?Is it because you need a microscope to see their features@@Ishita Assam ?
[2:13 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Why not do both, with a clear design starting from now? @Ishita Assam @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
[2:13 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Design, please @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Yes sir I can design an experiment
[2:16 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Please post those evidences @Ishita Assam Please give a summary and state where you got stuck?
How are you going troubleshoot, this time? @Ishita Assam
[2:17 PM, 8/20/2021] Arunan HBSCE: Let’s start! @Ishita Assam
Yes sir
What could be your research question in soil Nematodes? @Ishita Assam
On 20th August 1897, Sir Ronald Ross discovered that Anopheles mosquitoes were responsible for the transmission of the malarial parasite. To mark this breakthrough discovery in the fight against malaria, each year we celebrate 20th August as
World Mosquito Day
@ hina allen cube kanpur.
MOSQUITO prevention and control. Check out for MOSQUITO breeding sites to eradicate this vector from spreading diseases like , DENGUE, malaria, chikungunya and more . @ hina, rahil , samiksha, utkarsh, vyom .
BREAKING NEWS The pharynx structure of my soil nematode looks v much like Caenorhabditis elegans from the reference given below.looking for your comments @Dr Arunan @Anshu Kadam @Aditya Joshi @Ishita @Shahin🍁 @Akanksha video from Homelab Kolkata BatulP 20/8/21
@Arunan HBSCE @Anshu Kadam (Nematodes) @Aditiya Joshi CUBE @ @Shahin:maple_leaf:
As given in the reference a is the buccal cavity, b is the pro corpus, c is the meta corpus and d is the terminal bulb.video taken under 45X of compound microscope. Cube Homelab Kolkata BatulP 20/8/21
MOSQUITO prevention and control. @ cube kanpur
Presentation on cardamine made by @Priti Kanade in 2017 for National Meet!
@Arunan HBSCE @KIRAN CUBE @Saida Sayyed @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE @Lydia cUBe Drosphila @Aswathy Suresh CUBE @Batul Pipewala Kolkata
Kindly click on the above👆🏻 given link for the summary of last discussion.
Invitation to join today’s CUBE chatShaala,
Please add name of your PLACE/AFFILIATION along with the FULL NAME while joining, this would help us in making map of participants. Map will also be shared in all CUBE what’s app groups and on metastudio after the session
Here’s the direct link of the CUBE webinar: https://webinar.hbcse.tifr.res.in/b/kir-hye-cn4
Note: we have changed the link to avoid technical error
Looking forward to your participation
Single line culture of fruit flies.
Started on 16/08/2021,11:40 AM. Date of video: 19/08/2021
TRSV medium - 15/08/2021, 11:00 PM
Pupae on fourth or fifth day.
New flies on 8 th day.
Observation on 19/08/2021, 3:57 PM
~15 larvae
~25 eggs
20/08/2021, 12:18 PM ~15 larvae , ~25 eggs
Location : Thanniam, Thrissur, Kerala
Sidhy.P.P, CUBE S N College , Nattika.
Single line culture of fruit flies.
Started on 16/08/2021, 11:40 AM , Date of video: 19/08/2021
TRSV medium - 15/08/2021, 11:00 PM
Pupae on fourth or fifth day.
New flies will emerge on 8 th day.
Observation on 19/08/2021, 3:56 PM
~ 30 larvae
~ 20 eggs
20/08/2021,12:20 PM : ~ 40 larvae , ~20 eggs
Location : Thanniam, Thrissur, Kerala
Sidhy.P.P, CUBE S N College , Nattika.
Single line culture of fruit flies.
Started on 16/08/2021, 11:40 AM. Date of video:19/08/2021
TRSV medium - 15/08/2021, 11:00 PM
Pupae on fourth or fifth day.
New flies on 8 th day.
Observation on 19/08/2021, 3:56 PM
~ 15 larvae
~ 20 eggs
20/08/2021, 12:18 PM ~ ~25 larvae , ~20 eggs
Location : Thanniam, Thrissur, Kerala
Sidhy.P.P, CUBE S N College , Nattika.
MOSQUITO prevalence in water accumulation, Rainy season are hot spots for them to breed . Check out for them. Spread awareness of this vector. Kill it before it spreads another epidemic . @ hina cube kanpur , dated 20. O8.21
A fruitfly on onion piece… 8:19 pm. Kala Talav, Kalyan west. 20/8/2021
Pic by salman mustafa, location swaroop nagar. Time 7.00pm
- Needs better focus .
@ hina Allen .
What is RER test? Is it possible to make alternatives to perform RER at home?
How can we culture Earthworms easily using simple things at home?
RER Test Experiment : Making a design of experiment how to perform in a simple way that every ones can do it in their home labs!

What are the components presents in Newspaper?
Cellulose are carbohydrates!
What is the difference between starch & cellulose?
Beta Glucose & Alpha Glucose Differences?
@Arunan HBSCE sir @Aditiya Joshi CUBE @Abhijeet Singh @Seethalakshmy CUBEObjective was to observed after how many Compound leaves first flower buds arose.
519 th day of CUBE ChatShaala: 20th August 2021.
18 CUBists from 18 Centres had joined the webinar.
Ishita Sonowal: Jorhat
Aastha Ahuja: ANDC
Aashi: Panipat
Aswathy Suresh: Thriprayar
Seethalakshmi CR: Pazhuvil, Thrissur
Siddhy: Thanniam Thrissur
Abhijeet Singh: Ulwe, Navi Mumbai
Aditya Joshi: Kalyan
Arunan MC: Breach Candy, South Mumbai
Uttar Pradesh
Kiran Yadav: Moradabad
Divyanshi Chauhan: Noida
Ravleen Kaur: Bijnore
West Bengal
Batul Pipewala: Kolkata
Prachi Pant
Deeksha Pandey
Note: Cubist(s) who had joined today but their name isn’t included in the list, kindly replied to this message[12:26 AM, 8/21/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Cardamine- Psyche butterflies interaction
Cardamine is new host plant for Psyche butterflies.
While working on Cardamine model organism in January 2020, initially I was observed one Caterpillar on Cardamine plant:seedling: in 2nd right side patch of Cardamine forest in front of HBCSE main building.
I was curious about caterpillar so I was collected caterpillar with same Cardamine plant on which caterpillar found.
I kept same plant in container having some water so all roots dipped inside Water.
Then,This container & some more Cardamine plants were added in another container. both containers were kept in glass tank.
One Open side of glass tank was tightly covered with net & rubber band.
After 4-5 days I observed Caterpillar was turned into green pupa.In between 4-5 days, I observed that Caterpillar was eaten most of leaves & fecal matter was there.
After 5-6 days, new adult white butterfly with prominent black spot on upper wing was emerged.
Because of their appearance I could easily found that their name - Oriental Psyche (Leptosia nina nina)
[12:27 AM, 8/21/2021] Shraddha Sonavane CUBE: Because of more observations I could found one Egg & 6 more Caterpillars on Cardamine plants
The Egg was cylindrical shape & white in colour on terminal leaflet in upright standing manner.
Again Similar set up were made to study life cycle of newly found Caterpillars.
In these set up I could observed 2 different pupa colour- 1 green colour &
2. Yellowish brown/Creamish colour.
But when adult butterflies emerged, I could observe
2 different eyes👀 colour- 1.Brown colour
2.green colour
Summary of 519th day of Cube Chatshaala*
We started the discussion with what I(Abhijeet) have plan for the Chai and Why? Programme.
So I’ve worked on Model Organisms like Mosquito, Earthworm, and Snails when I was active in cube in my secondary school (7th to 9th std)
So today we discussed about Earthworm.
How can we culture and maintain Earthworms in our Homelab?
So culturing earthworms at home would be very easy! We don’t need high-tech laboratory stuff. We just need a plastic cup, paper, earthworm and waste cloth
- Take cup and pinch holes at bottom with the help of a pin.
- Make pieces of paper, and fill 1/3rd of the cup.
- Make that paper inside cup moist with water
- Put earthworm inside cup.
- Cover the cup with cloth and rubber band.
- keep the cup(s) inside a tray with newspaper wetted with enough water .What’s special in Earthworms?
Humans have Spinal cord which helps in making co-ordination between different body parts in each activity that we do throughout. If due to some reason the spinal cord is injured we get paralyzed and the co-ordination is lost.
Earthworms have Ventral Nerve Cord(VNC) with same function as Spinal cord in humans i.e maintaining coordination in body. But if VNC of earthworms get injured it gets regenerated
So can we study how this regeneration happens in earthworms but not in humans!!!
RAPID ESCAPE RESPONSE TEST (RER) was designed to see how in how much time this regeneration of VNC occurs and also for selecting earthworms with good co-ordination in their body.
How is RER test performed!?
- Make salt solution of a particular concentration.
- put some 2-5 ml of that in test-tube(experiment)
3)take another test-tube fill with 2-5ml of water(control) - add one earthworm at a time in both and watch their response within the 2 min time
- note the observation.
- Remove the earthworm from soln and wash is very nicely and keep the back in culture
Expectations:- - The earthworm should immediately response towards the salt solution and escape from it.
- As the salt solution is harmful for earthworms they should escape from it showing excellent co-ordination. And earthworm in water(control) would not show any response towards water.
- Earthworm which showed the coordination and came out of salt solution can be selected for studying.
After RER test we can use the earthworm that passed the test for studying the time it takes for them to regenerate their VNC.
On the ventral part we give a lesion(enough that we can say that VNC is lesioned).
After giving the lesion perform the RER test to confirm that earthworm’s body co-ordination is lost.
Expectations:- The earthworm should not be able to escape the salt solution.
Continue doing RER test with 2 days interval till the VNC is regenerated and the co-ordination is gained again.
@Aswathy Suresh CUBE can you please comment on how can we perform RER in our homelabs!
@Aditiya Joshi CUBE @Seethalakshmy CUBE please comment on the nutrition that can be derived by earthworm by eating paper in cup cultures!!!When I (Shraddha) & @KIRAN CUBE mam did search on Leptosia nina - Wikipedia & https://www.ifoundbutterflies.org/sp/811/Leptosia-nina/early-stages
for host plants of Psyche butterflies, we found that Cleome,Capparis are host plants but not Cardamine plants