Do Fruitflies sleep, if so when? When are they active? Can the Fruitflies in our surroundings be used to understand problems of sleep in humans?
If we start trapping fruit flies from our home or near the canteen, can we find out the resting and active/waking periods of the flies from the number of flies we trap from a place at different times of the day?
Can we trap the fruitflies at midnight? Or, would they be sleeping at that time, compared to Mid- day?
[center]Video of Fruit flies:[/center]
Trapping of fruit flies from our home/ school/college
As we know fruit flies come towards food,
Can we design an experiment to trap fruit flies?
What can be ways to trap fruit flies?
Write your propositions and plans to trap fruit flies by clicking “Reply” icon below.
The activity of Fruit Flies:
We need to note down the timing of the day when fruit flies are most active, what can be design of an experiment to know, when fruit flies are most active?
The Life cycle of fruit flies:
How can we study the life cycle of fruit fly? What are the different life stages of fruit fly?
Suggest some ways to study it.
Fruit FLIES detect odours with their antennae which are densely colour in hair-like structures containing olfactory sensory nerve cells. These nerve cells are extremely sensitive to volatile chemicals, odours that is. They are mostly attracted to rotting fruits
Why not trap fruit flies with fruits? Can we get some fruits tomorrow while coming, to trap fruit flies?
Which fruits you all will bring tomo to trap fruit flies?