Building a DIY Microscope using a Webcam
You do not need to know any electronics to do this project
A microscope magnifies small objects to explore the beautiful world of microorganisms or anything that cannot be seen by our naked eyes. It will make us realize that a big world exists even in a drop of pond water.
So, can we build a microscope ourselves?
Yes! Of-course you can build your own microscope, using which you can also take pictures and videos.
The picture shown below is one of the very low cost DIY (Do It Yourself) Digital Microscope made using a webcam followed by the images of microorganisms without additional light and with additional light respectively taken from the same microscope.
So Go Build Your own Microscope using a Webcam,
You can also build and add a multi-axis stage to adjust either the lens or the sample slide and check out a few of the millions of living microorganisms around.
While you are making whatever questions you have, whatever help you need, please ask by replying to this topic.
Report the following by clicking the reply button
- Photos of your microscope
- Details of webcam used
- Details of the multi-axis stage if you have built one.
- Measure the resolution of the microscope?
- Magnified photos of five different microorganisms observed under your microscope.
- Try to identify what you see, or ask the community to identify them.
Duration for completing this project is 1 week.
You can visit the following links for getting more help:
DIY Microscope
DIY Microscope: This Project Is A Part Of The Afrimakers Event Introduction We used a simple cheap webcam to make a microscope. In short, a small hack to the optics of a standard webcam with an adjustable focus-lens, allows…
HOW TO TURN ANY WEBCAM INTO a HIGH POWER MICROSCOPE…: Hello friends,this is my first instructable that i made using my old SVB webcam.It’s really simple to make…just place anything 1.5cm away from camera lens and enjoy the crystal clear highly…
We acknowledge the Art Science Bengalore for helping us build our first DIY microscope in 2016 in this workshop: