Can we find moina in La - Campala lake near Miramar, Panjim?

:sparkles: Today we discussed about moina that seema found in La - Campala lake near Miramar, Panjim
:sparkles: On 8th October seema got water sample from that lake in a 1L bottle, it was 750ml of green color water
:sparkles: It was green in color due to presence of algae
:sparkles: In that 750ml water seema got around 40 moina with some other organism
:sparkles: On 12th October @_Seema_11 transferred 10 moina in another bottle containing dechlorinated water and she suspect there there will be 2-3 daphnia there in that bottle too.
:sparkles: To clarify and differentiate between moina and daphnia we tried to identify them…

:sparkles: According to @_Seema_11 that white thing was moina. So, to compare I made a rough diagram of moina there with blue color
:sparkles: And the discussion went on structure of moina and daphnia and difference in their outer appearance

:sparkles: We discussed all about the body parts and their position
:sparkles: What is anterior, posterior, dorsal and ventral side of daphnia then in moina
:sparkles: Here we had a good discussion as seema and me had totally contrasting view on it but ya… :joy:
:sparkles: At the end we came to an conclusion that it could be another water organism like Copecod
:sparkles: Copepod - Wikipedia
:sparkles: Reference on daphnia, shares during ChatShaala discussion
:sparkles: The heart is at the top of the back, just behind the head, and the average heart rate is about 180 bpm under normal conditions.
:sparkles: Daphnia - Wikipedia
:sparkles: This tells us that heart of daphnia is on back side so that side would be dorsal and the side where daphnia’s face is there it’s ventral

:sparkles: At the end we had a look at picture of moina from Seema’s culture and compared it with daphnia
:sparkles: Also I thought the light black antenna like structure on lower side on eye side is shadow of 1 antenna that is clearly visible
:sparkles: But then we noticed that on top it’s just 1 antenna with 2 branch and below one is another antenna and not the shadow

:sparkles: This is another image share by seema and first I thought that this was some other moina or species as it looked so different but…
:sparkles: This is the same moina and it is looking like a dead frog because we are looking at it from the top side
:sparkles: So now we know that seema has moina in her culture, with some other organism like Copecod
:sparkles: Can we find out what is special about copecods?
What other organism seema might have in her water sample?
:sparkles: Isn’t that simple water sample like a treasure for us to get those different tiny organisms that we can use to address basic questions like we do with moina!? (Studying how hemoglobin carries oxygen and how hemoglobin is formed from hemoglobin gene and how is that gene transferred, leading us to big spectrum of epigenetics!)
:sparkles: Also can use this water sample to study evolution? {Can moina, daphnia and Copecod be related to each other? Did they have same ancestors!?}

:sparkles: There’s a lot to explore!.. Thanks to seema that she noticed such tiny things and made us think and question


Excellent. Let’s continue this discussion with Seema joining in.

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Yes, let’s find out what studies can be done using copepods!!