A Simple experimental set up has been designed by the CUBists to study Circadian Rhythm or sleep wake /activity pattern in fruit flies in CUBE HOME LABs
Cubists have done this work in collaboration, Cubists had discussed in Cube Chatshaala that what minimum things are necessary to study the Circadian Rhythm in fruit flies and to attract them. 1. A BAIT 2. PLACE 3. OBSERVATION
Tomato slices as bait to attract fruit flies , slices were placed on a sheet of paper near the trash bin and it was observed (number of fruit flies visiting the bait)after one hour for five days.
Below are the observation for following days: started: 03/08/2020,10 pm Location Bottukadavu Kerala latitude and longitude: 10 degree N to 76 degree E Temperature: 24 degree C Sunrise Time: 06:15 am Sunset Time: 06:48pm
Number of flies on tomato 01
Based on this observations we discussed why such pattern is seen , How does this pattern being regulated?
Very basic model was constructed in order to understand the regulatory machinery
Further more to take this work forward to get reproducible results @Seema Suthar from Parvorim Goa and Naik Riddhi, they both have taken the initiative and started observing the activity pattern of fruit flies in their home labs.
Date - 6 Sept 2021 Observation time :@9am… Tempt - 26°C Latitude: 15.4942° N, Longitude: 73.8215° E Place - St.Inez , Panaji- Goa No. of fruitflies observed - around 50 (including the one’s near the place) Data Collector - Seema Suthar (MHSS CUBE GOA)
Some ( around 10 of them ) of the Fruitflies are not on banana… their stomach became full? Or they didn’t like taste of banana:face_with_monocle:…? Or amonst those who like to live away from grps jst like humans? Or jst simply they r sitting der for sometime? Photos of experiment by Seema Suthar
All India Fruit fly trap CUBE Mela (4.30pm to 5.30pm) a collaborative experiment was conducted by the CUBist where bottle traps were kept by them at three different locations in order to verify the hypothesis ( Fruit flies are more active in evening from 4.30pm to 8.00pm and this could be the crucial time to trap fruit flies easily) this conclusion has been made after observing the graph of previous studies on activity pattern in fruit flies.
This experiment was conducted by 15 CUBists from across the India.