Summary of CUBE Webinar Causerie!!!
What all is still possible during Lockdown with our scientific studies?
Today, as I joined in late but we discussed different model systems like rotifers and drosophila.
There was already a discussion going with participants @Nazish ISCM @KiranKalakotiR and @Arunan sir on Rotifers…
As far as I could hear, it was about locality Pagalapos and am sure @KiranKalakotiR@Nazish has to add alot to this…
We then discussed about Drosophila and Circadian Rhythm in fruit flies
How could anyone and everyone do such studies at their place even when there are Pandemic crisis going on?
What is Circadian Rhythm and does it occur in Drosophila?
@KiranKalakotiR added, Circadian Rhythm is the Biological clock that functions in all organims in response to environment!
What is an ideal way to study Circadian Rhythm in fruit flies?
For fruit flies, we can study the activity of flies by counting the number of fruit flies that appear in our Trap that will be kept for Fruit flies.
_How can we perform this experiment and what is the expectation of activity of fruit flies over a 24 hour cycle? _
Experiment - We keep A trap of fruit flies at regular intervals of time (say every 2 hours from 6am in the morning to 6 pm in the evening or 6 am the next day)
and count the number of fruit flies that arrive in the trap
(A trap can be made by simply using a plastic bottle and adding some chopped to it ,also cleaning the bottle cap with tissue paper to avoid flies sitting on the bottle rim)
Expectation - We can plot our expectation in the form of a graph
On Y axis (Number of flies)
X axis (Time)
Ideal way that we can try for the experiment-
We can start the experiment on 6 am in the morning and actually keep the trap around 5:45am to score for the number of fruit flies that arrive at 6am in the trap…
What is the time interval for scoring the activity of flies in terms of their number?
We can keep 2 hour internal or even 3 depending upon our need and resources available.
At around 7:45 am, we remove the previous bottle and we will keep another trap bottle containing to score for the number of flies that arrive at 8am
Likewise it can be continued for every 2 hour interval and we can get a graph of the activity of fruit flies (in terms of number of fruit flies that arrive in the trap) at regular intervals of time for 12/24hour cycle.
What all other modifications should we do according to you all?
How can we further refine this experiment @KiranKalakotiR @Isha_23 @AditiKale @Arunan sir @drishtantmkawale
I nominate and challenge you all to try this experiment.
Open to suggestions and modifications!
Expectation Graph for Activity of Fruit flies as a function Y ( Number of fruit flies) & Xaxis (Time)