Date 22nd july'19 STEM WORKSHOP

Today on the first day of the workshop. We all divided into different groups,and our first activity was to collect different soil samples within the school campus. We collected it from different places - from near canteen,from in front of cp block,from near the hostel . We done all this for isolate bacteria from soil. Then we fill the water bottle aroun 500ml put a pinch of sample soil in it with two - three drops of milk. We left it for the next day. And we started to observe samples already prepared before under the microscope. What we observe was a lot of dust with microorganisms . Our next activity was to measure the diameter of the observer. We found it was about 1.25 cm. O


Today was the first day of workshop and we had a great fun with learning at its peak…When 12 creative minds and 2 extra creative mind works then that leads to a great working project…We created a project which works on the principal of drip irrigation and that helps to water conservation…It had a great time with everyone in dome…Thanks STEM organisers and nms for such great workshop…Our project looked like