I tried to extract my DNA as an experiment during the lockdown. I searched on how to extract your own DNA and found some surprisingly easy ways to do it.
I was surprised because I thought that to extract DNA you might need chemicals and lab experiments but it turned out that you can do this experiment by the common things available in your house. You can find the instructions I followed here:
For this experiment I used the following things: -
Common salt
Ethyl alcohol – 60% (120 proof) or more and it should be at sub-zero temperature.
Pineapple Juice
Two- three shot glasses to collect saliva
Few toothpicks
Dish wash soap
Changes I made
Since ethyl alcohol is not easily available so, I used sanitizer which has 80% alcohol content.
I preformed this experiment three times. It was not successful for the first two times .
It could be because of the two changes I made which were use of sanitizer and contact lens solution. Finally, on the third try I got it properly.
Pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain, which breaks down protein. Bromelain is actually a mixture of two enzymes and several other substances in smaller quantities. Its ability to break down protein is used in cooking, to make meat more tender. You can refer to the following link: