Explore Models of Complexity

A new way of scientific thinking about the world, and it is called complexity science. When multiple things/agents interact with each other following very simple rules, we get very complex phenomena.
For example, explore the model on microbial growth patterns:

Do explore other models as well.


Shouldn’t we make a microscope with time-lapse photography to actually observe and report such growth in Petri plates or fruit/vegetable surfaces?

Also I interesting is to investigate the mathematical model behind these simulations.

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Yes we should.
It is possibile to script vlc to take a snapshot.
Capture snaps from vlc

vlc -I dummy -V dummy /dev/video0 --video-filter scene --no-audio --scene-path /home/jtd/Pictures/ --scene-prefix image_prefix --scene-format png vlc://quit --scene-ratio 25 --run-time=10 --start-time=10

vlc -I dummy -V dummy /dev/video0 --video-filter scene --no-audio --scene-path /home/jtd/Pictures/ --scene-prefix image_prefix --scene-format png vlc://quit --scene-ratio 25 --start-time=10

But this involves having a computer or Rpi attached to the webcam.

We should try and use a dash cam commonly used in cars as a timelapse microscope since they have a microsd and are lower cost than Rpi+webcam.


Let’s try with both options and see what gives best results.

Fractals and Sierpenski triangle?