Home made Hand Sanitiser

The STEM take-home point of today

Keeping yourself safe from stray exposures to dangerous pathogens, like the present Coronavirus (Covid-19).


It is growing to be a necessity to have handy some alcohol based hand sanitiser. Note, this is disinfectant, not a cleaner. But, anywhere you go in public places and are likely to touch some surface like a handrail that others also use regularly, it is important to sanitise the hands quickly.

Washing with soap and water also serves the purpose, but only dry with a cloth nobody else has used, and most importantly, the washing must continue for a full 20 seconds.

Hence, the alcohol-based sanitiser is a better idea, cheap and easy to make at home. Carry some in a small plastic bottle when moving in public places. It dries on its own, and the aloe vera gel has a nice aroma. Other essential oils, naturally, also work.

I found a quarter litre of alcohol costs just under Rs 200 retail. That much will fill 4-5 bottles of the commercial hand sanitiser size.


Salt water as an anti virus? Well atleast as a sanitizer.


Some useful info on Corona viri