How Hot is Jaipur Today?

Compound And simple is related to the leaves. In compound leaves blades are divided into leaflets and in simple leaves blade is not divided into leaflets.

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Is 31Ā°C that high ?
Is this along with humidity conducive for people coming up with symptoms like Cough & Sneeze?

How many in your group of 15 has Cough/ Sneeze?

The sky was clear.:sun_behind_large_cloud:
The hot air from the rays of the sun filled up the empty spaces in the atmosphere.:sun_behind_small_cloud::sunny:
The temperature is quite high being 32Ā°C. :sunny::fire:
The humidity filled up about 63% of the air around making it difficult to stand outside. :sun_behind_rain_cloud:
We were a group of 13 people consulting the accuweather and app.
The wind speed was approximately 8-10 kmph :dash::fog:
We could hear the distant chatter of the chirping birds which was disturbed by the noisy honking of the cars on the road.
We also had a glance at the magnificent flora of our school :school::cherry_blossom:


Any one has photos of Gulmohar trees at 2776?

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What about the relationship between weather and diseases ā€¦i can guess the possible diseases in a particular weather without taking the doctors help

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Oh ! Bacteria growing too fast ā€¦itā€™s their favourite weather i guess

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Temperature was not sure sure as different references shows different temperature and humid percentage so in order to find out we need a labelled reference which has to be cross checked .

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Jaipur is 32 degree hot today.

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Oh ā€¦now great we have taken weather and humidity to types of bacteria and viruses ā€¦ist science very much connected even without internet


The hot and humid whether conditions are favourable for d growth of microbes. That is why we could find people coughing and sneezing.

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their leaf types, inflorescence,bark and also flowers their which helped us predict their flowering season

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Weather ,season and climate are interrelated . But weather and health are interrelated or not ?? Give a substantial reason to prove it why or not?? :yum::yum::yum::yum:

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Jaipurā€™s land is protected from the scorching heat today.The temperate being 31 degrees Celsius and humidity 63 %.:umbrella::new_moon_with_face:
It was checked on various platforms to ensure the authenticityā€¦
Also knows as cross referencing, it is a way to ensure the authenticity or credibility of various sources.
Different websites like accuweather and were consulted.
We also discovered that this change in season and presence of bacteria in the atmosphere affects the immune system of someā€¦One out of 14 people in our group was affected by the atmospheric cold resulting in cold.Different bodies have different Immune systems which resulted in some people not getting affected.
We also figured that sometimes the things right in front of us donā€™t get any attentionā€¦We were unaware of the plants around us that we come across every day.
Just one question for the jaipurites and to all the groupsā€¦
We live in 2776 ā€¦isnā€™t it?..Reply to me with the meaning of 2776.:zap:
One of our group selfies-


But, at what time of the day?!! @nmsibaarti

If so, then why are there more cases of cough and cold during winter months, when temperatures are below 15Ā°C and humidity is almost 0%


From temperature,we went to the flora and invisible thingsā€¦Have a look at the Gulmohar tree in Jaipurā€™s atmosphere-:smiley::hibiscus::hibiscus:

We saw sand globules in the soil and upon research , found out that they were________.
Can you guess what we found out??:astonished::astonished:


We stand in the world where where we dont observe what vegetation and flaura what fauna we have aroumd us ?? So think and take deep breaths and guess :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: where in the Nms campus a gulmohur :evergreen_tree: is there??


Yesā€¦Hereā€™s one that I clicked during our stroll of the school-


Which part of the school? @Vedikaa
Please give location and date.

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Please give the location & date of the Gulmohar that you photographed? @Vedikaa