How Hot is Jaipur Today?

We got many earthworm.

and they came really fast in sopy and salty water .


In the later session, we discovered about nematodes.
We started with organism classification,moved on to the nutrients required by plants. Classification into macro and micronutrients.Nitrogen being a macronutrient cannot be taken directly so we studied the nitrogen cycle . Then the difference between cellulose and glycogen and absence of a enzyme in our body required for cellulose digestion.Presence of a different type of bonding in cellulose particles or glucose.We learnt about the cyclic structure of benzene.
Then we learnt about agar-agar which is extracted from algae and solidifies nutrients so that bacteria can eat the nutrients and grow.A culture was used where sand was placed like a circle surrounding the agar agar with bacteria.
Bacteria attracted nematode or roundworms.
For the discovery of nematodes, Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz and John E. Sulston earned the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2002.Their discoveries are important for medical research and have shed new light on other organisms



-22nd July


[Uploading: video_20190723_100853.mp4…](observation 1 of earthworm castings )


Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc. It can change from day to day month to month. It also varies from place to place. It changes regularly

Climate is the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period. They are mostly fixed and take a lot of time to change and are not changed.

Seasons are on the other hand 4 main weather conditions which can be experienced during an year. They are
They occur once in every year

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How does oxygen enters the blood??:smirk:

In which water does earthworm dies ?

Soapy ,salty ,Normal water

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We went to collect earthworms to observe their behaviour.Poured water in the soil and earthworms appeared.
Placed them into test tubes with different solutions .They flourished in pure water and stay put in soapy water. Died in salt water and were struggling to come out.

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Can you guess why does earthworm need moisture???

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culture activity of earthworm in which we’ll try to provide a moist environment to earthworm.
We’ll provide a food for earthworm by tearing tissues of it .after it we would put earthwormin medium that was prepared .
It was fun learning :blush: :grin::grin: experience to do so in Nms ,Jaipur


In order to live earthworm needs two things (tissue)

Why do you consider tissue (paper) as the food for Earthworms? @30112002

Doing some constructive work -earthworm culture…Planned & Designed by us​:grin::grin:

Plan and implementation-


First earthworm cultur by Mehar . We provide the sutabel envirnoment to

Fred (earthworm). And we are hoping for his happy life.:relaxed:


Successful :+1:

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We performed an activity…
We took 3 types of water which were

  1. Salt Water
  2. Plain Water
  3. Soapy Water
    We went outside and on a clear ground we made 3 circles using a stick
    In one of the circle we poured soap water
    The other was filled with normal water and the last one with salt water

We could observe many earthworms coming out of their holes. According to our observation we concluded that the earthworms appears
faster in the salt and soapy water compared to that of the normal water

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Later we performed earthworm culture
We tore some tissue papers and filled them in a plastic cup. And transferred the worms into it and added water. Lastly, we covered the mouth of the cup with a muslin cloth. We named the earthworms Fred and George.

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earthworm mission accomplished


Earth worms in water left the field in some tym