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Whole Lot of Citizen Science Activities
To get into the STEM games site is a bit confusing; many of my young friends may get tired before finding through the maze… of information with new found terminologies.
A cross section of Indian college going freshers from Muzaffarpur!
Make the instructions simple with possible links to help negotiating!
I agree with you fully. Our students (intended audience) has already a lot of headaches to worry about. We seem to have added a very sophisticated mode of increasing their headaches. The tool we use to teach anything cannot be more complicated and mysterious than the subject being taught. This observation comes from a grey-haired Professor who knows a thing or two about the web and related tools. I am tryng the site myself to see how hard it can be for my students. I believe in “lighting the candle” rather than “curse the darkness”. Wish me good luck.
Concrete suggestions, please!
Other than me, no one else seems to care (except for grumbling). They say “two can lead the horse to the water, but …”. My experience here is not very different. I am disappointed with the response I got (or did not get) for my thread “Better light a candle, than …” However, I have not given up. In a small way, I am trying to change things. My forthcoming m-LEAD will start by adding more M (for muscle) in the STEM of STEMgames. Wish me good luck.
Just wait for 4 more days.
Same here. I am also disappointed that no one is interested in filling the wiki page you created with details. I added the following sections, so that users will be able to contribute points there.
Please document the user interface issues at:
Navigation Issues
Language Issues
Posting Issues
Discussion Issues
Sharing Pictures
Sharing Location
@dialecticalbiologist please identify the issues we are facing at the wiki page initiated by @drpartha here:
We will be able to work on each of the issues step by step to improve usability.
Good beginning. Let us hope for the best. Suggest we add tags with these keywords (will make it easy for locating points related to a particular issue). Also suggest we add a “catch all” option , say “other issues”
Yes, the entry for a newcomer should be easy and smooth. Later negotiation too should be made comfortable. The taste of the pudding is in it’s eating. We have to analyze why people do not come and do not get retained . Hence it is essential to do everything possible to attain both… I can help by giving feed back from the field.