Snails are found in any garden in rainy season. We need snails (preferably giant African snail also known as Achatina fulica).
Can we think of things Snail would like to eat, so that we can have snail as our pet, in school/home? Please enlist some of the things which could be food of snail, in reply section below.
Can we experimentally find out which food stuffs are attractant to snail, and which are not?
Please mention in reply section below, which foodstuffs you would like to test for snail?
[center]Picture of Giant African snail[/center]
[/center][center]Video of Snail feeding[/center]
Can we train snail to get repelled from the food which it was attracted to before?
Please provide some ideas, how can we do it?
This will mean the snail can be trained to change its behavior from the food to one which it was attracted before.
Can this be called as learning?
Please visit the link, to see how Snails behavior can be changed by training.