Learning Neuroscience through Touch

The picture represents diagram on reflex action being discussed in today’s Chatshaala, the question arrived how do we sense touch, for e.g., a touch of an hot object, for understanding this we discussed what is a neuron as seen in the picture, there are two neurons, one for sensing (called as sensory neuron) and another for movement (motor neuron). The question further was how do signal transmits from one to another neuron? Himanshu explained about gap between two neurons, and neurotransmitters released between neurons which transfer the signal, from sensory neuron to motor neuron which causes the muscles to move after getting touch by an hot object.
This process of reflex takes places across spinal cord, hence called as reflex action and doesn’t need involvement of brain.

Several concepts of neuronal structure, how signals are transmitted across neuron were discussed in the session making a small example of touch as an entry point to understand concepts of neuroscience.


How about listing common misconceptions while we deal with nervous system and Neuroscience? @jaikishan @Himanshu @Abhi0703 @Theertha @KiranKalakotiR and others.
Bhagwati and Har Har Mahadev had opposite views on the role of brain in reflex action.
Let’s make a list of common misconceptions.


The most common misconceptions found during the Chatshala discussions were:

  1. Nerves and Neurons?

Both sounds similar isn’t it? But these are two different components. Nerves are nothing but the actual projections of neurons. For eg. sensory nerves are the projections of sensory neurons found in skin.

Neuron is an individual specialized cell which transmits the information through chemical and electrical signals. And information is passed from sensory neuron to motor neuron in the spinal cord through a gap called synapse via neurotransmitters.

  1. Is there a role of brain in reflex action?
    No, Brain is not involved during the process of reflex action

  2. How does electrical signals travel through neurons?
    Via nodes of Ranvier, special regions found in the axonal membrane of a neuron where insulation of myelin is not found.

  3. Why is there a gap between two neurons?
    This is called Synapse where the information is passed from one neuron to another via release of neurotransmitters

Let’s clarify similar doubts regarding nervous system


Neuroscience has intimate connection with Electronics, Communication, and Computation. Harvard has an online 3 Part course. As a student of electrical engineering, computation, and computer networks, I audited Part-1 The Electrical Properties of the Neuron, took Part-2 Neurons and Networks but yet to jump into Part-3 The Brain. Hope some of you will jump into the Neuroscience course. Let us try some experiments. For example, my conjecture is that Maradonna had trained himself to embed football tactics into Reflex action. harvardx neuroscience

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