Life under lenses

These images were taken under a compoud microscope (100x: 10 objective, 10x eyepiece). Both organisms are unknown to me. Both seem to accidently or willingly eaten some algae making it appear green. What i found interesting was that the transparent hippo like creature started turning red after it’s green parts came out.


Good to see water fleas under the lens!
What is that in the first micrograph? Is it an ostracod?
The second one is Moina for sure.
Kindly provide a description of your micrographic observation.
We will surely improve on our (micro)photography skills! :wink:


For sure 2nd one is not a Moina. 1st one doesn’t seem to be an Ostracod as well. This animal has four limbs so certainly not an Ostracod.

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Why do you think the second animal is not a Moina?

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@drishtantmkawale I’m sure the 2nd picture is of water flea. But how are you sure that it is a moina ? All parts of that water flea is not visible. What do you say?

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@manmasih dont you think that different colors like green and some purple shades are because of not adjusting the light of microscope?
Do waterfleas feed on algae?
@drishtantmkawale @manmasih

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I can say that this water flea is Moina on the basis of the antennae that are attached to the head (anterior part).
I may be wrong, but for that, we need convincing evidence.
@manmasih, we need to get a clear picture of the water flea!

The resolution is good but the water flea is not placed properly, the light should be falling onto the specimen.

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Yes, waterfleas do feed on algae.
The colour shades that are seen in the second picture must be due to
i) Light
ii) The water around the waterflea must be less because of which a boundary of water is seen. Light is getting refracted (as the medium is changed from air to water) and further getting dispersed (because of which colours are seen!).

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Newton’s lens EQ.
From FyBSc Physics book chapter 1 Lenses

Google Photos

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What is this diagram telling us?
It looks complicated to me.

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Are u present when last diagram is explained by sir
It is similar to that diagram it is included in my physics syallabus book in lenses chapter

I wasn’t there when this diagram was being explained.
That is why I asked what is it :sweat_smile:
It would be of help to me as well as others who will see the diagram.

Sorry for that I have edited the reply but it is not posted.
So, the diagram is about Newton’s lens EQ. You can refer to this paper👇
Thin Lens Equation.