Making of Multipurpose Ledge benches

Multi-purpose ledge benches:

We needed some good space to keep our essentials so we started making these ledge benches.

Total 6 benches we made, the dimensions were;

The material that’s used in making, was ply and some required tools.

For the legs we cut 18 mm ply with 18x2 inches (18 inches height and 2 inches of width) thrice and joint it together for one leg. For the rest we followed same process. Later on we added some extra support to legs.

Tested by @gnowgi

After making of these benches to add a bit of shine we polished it with melamine.

Any updates on Moina & Cardamine cultures? Wil be highly inspiring for CUBE members across India. @GN

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What a fabrication

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Thank you Arunan for asking this question, right now moina’s are dead except few, because our young minds who used to took care of them were busy attending schools. We can create seperate cultures with the rest, and you can get the next update in upcoming blog.

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