Nail Growth Study in Homelab

Since long Regeneration is one of the major sectors of research to find out the Whys and Hows of it. Scientists have been using different model systems to study it and one of them is Nail.
CUBists have been flowing up on this in collaboration with people from different parts of the country as a part of CITIZEN SCIENCE PROJECT.

Regeneration is the ability to grow back lost tissues and the reason behind studying nail is to find the mechanisms responsible for it.

The Photo below shows the nail anatomy.
Ink/ Henna is applied toward the proximal end of the nail and its movement to the distal end will be measured as the nail grows.

credit: CUBE Archives(National Meet 2022, Nail Regeneration Presentation)

Nail growth studies. Inspired by @khushi @Theertha and @Prithviraj

OBJECTIVE:- Find out the nail growth in 1 week.
HYPOTHESIS:- Nail will grow 2mm in a week

Applied mehandi on the Nail of Left Hand Thumb at the proximal end, of around 1cm Age:- 19, Sex:- Male, Date:- 9th May 2023.

Abhijeet Singh, Homelab Ulwe.

Nail growth studies. Inspired by @khushi @Theertha and @Prithviraj

OBJECTIVE:- Find out the nail growth in 1 week.
HYPOTHESIS:- Nail will grow 2mm in a week

Applied permanent marker on the Nail of Left Hand Index finger at the proximal end, of around 1cm Age:- 19, Sex:- Male, Date:- 9th May 2023.

Abhijeet Singh, Homelab Ulwe.


Fantastic. Any supporting references on Nail structure and Nail growth/regeneration?
Lets promote CUBists to archive Nail Growth data with proper details on metastudio so as to create collection of Nail grwoth data based on category of age.

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Yes there are several references avail that talk about the regenerative capability in nail.

“Patients with partially destroyed fingernails tend to hide them, and such patients often do not find help because fingernails are considered of little functional value. To improve the aesthetic appearance of such nails, a simple excision of the destroyed nail matrix can stimulate the growth of the residual healthy matrix and regenerate the nail. Prerequisite is a healthy nail residue of at least the lunula.”
Click on this link.

This is one of the reference i found.
There would be several such references to be explored let’s do it.

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Nail Growth Studies in Homelab I use henna on my left hand thumb on 9th May 2023. Today on 27th May 2023 i.e. in around 2 and 1/2 weeks 3mm growth is observed😃 Age:- 19, Male. Ulwe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. 27th May 2023. Photo:- AbhijeetSingh.


4mm nail growth in 22 days😳 Follow up on Nail growth studies in Homelab. On 9th May i applied henna on my left thumb to observe the growth of the nail. Today is the 23rd Day after applying henna and the nail has grown 4 mm. Age:- 19, Gender:- Male. Does this indicate that my nail growth is slow? How to find out? CUBE Homelab Ulwe Navi, 1st June 2023. Photo AbhijeetSingh.

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*NOT EVEN 5mm GROWTH IN 1 MONTH!:flushed: * Applied _mehendi _ on my thumb on 9th May 2023. Today after 1 month and 2 days the growth is around 4.5mm. My nails growth is extremely slow or this was expected in my age group? What do you think about it @jaikishan @anindita8820 @Varsha18 @meena74 @Arunan @GN @Smiti @Theertha @dhanraj7 @AshutoshB and others… Cube Homelab Ulwe Navi Mumbai, 12th June 2023. Photo : AbhijeetSingh.