Now you can mark location while posting a New Topic

Add Location

It is now possible to add location while reporting and sending pictures.
Those of you who are watching seasons, Create
“New Topic” you must include location before hitting “Done”.

You can add a location only on a “New Topic” not while Replying to topics.

I am adding the location as an example of this post. This will give you an idea of how a topic looks different when a location is added.

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Uploading: IMG_20190619_110902.jpg…


It takes a long time to upload a photo!

Sorry, where to add location?
Where to hit " done" ?

OK. I understood. So, I have now edited and made it more clearer. You will see Add location only when you create a “New Topic”. Not when you reply to topics.

How do I create New Topic?

  1. Click on the three horizontal bars on top right hand
  2. Select STEM Chat
  3. Just above the list of topics you will see a “New Topic” action.
  4. Click and post.

Use “New Topic” to initiate a new thread, while use “Reply” to discuss.

Can we give the following very prominently displayed as soon as any one first encounters STEM Games site?:worried:

Click on the three horizontal bars on top right hand
Select STEM Chat
Just above the list of topics you will see a “New Topic” action.
Click and post.

Use “New Topic” to initiate a new thread, while use “Reply” to discuss.


I am preparing a guidelines document. Will write it as a wiki, invite members collaboration and finally I will publish it in the home category.

Looking forward to…!