Yes it’s done
Here the objective is
We can use Cardamine as a modem system
Even when we are not able to find Arabidopsis easily
When whole India was busy clapping and banging,
Nature was blooming…
Coz it was left alone, the whole day!
Mulund, Mumbai
Kindly post close up of flowering plants along with date, location and relevant weather parameters …
Cuckoo calling
Time and Date: 6:38 pm, 3rd June 2020
Data collector: Priti Kanade
Location: Mulund, Mumbai
What is our objective? @Priti_Kanade
@Arunan, I think, it was the first part of the title “Observing nature”
I hope, we will together address some interesting questions.
@Priti_Kanade, I too just heard a cuckoo calling (18:15, 26/06/2020, HBCSE, Mankhurd). Shouldn’t the Cuckoos with monsoons?
Flowering in Areca palms
Mulund, Mumbai
Sonmohar bloom @Mulund, Mumbai
Sonmohar bloom @Mulund, Mumbai
11 trees
Sonmohar bloom
@Mulund, Mumbai
On 21.4.21
Sonmohar has started fruiting
Sorry couldn’t capture
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Mulund, Mumbai
2 Jackfruit fruiting
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Mulund, Mumbai
Development of flower
3.8.21- Green Bud
7.8.21- Developing bud with petals
10.8.21 - Fully developed flower
Click here for video of Dancing Moth
Leucoma salicis,
The white satin moth
Sparrows dancing and chirping at my window
A day before Equinox
(Sorry couldn’t capture clear photo as it flew away)
Mulund, Mumbai
Melanitis phedima,
The Dark Evening Brown Butterfly,
18:46, 3.11.21
Priti, Mumbai
Another butterfly is
Melanitis leda,
The Common Evening Brown Butterfly
what are the other places where we can find cardamine?
How do we organize the observations of dog behavior? Is this a resting posture or a sleeping posture? How do we know if the dog is in deep sleep or not? What do existing literature say about dog’s posture/behavior and their state of alertness? Can we bring some more details into these observations?
The dog was sleeping as his eyes were closed, I should have clicked from front side
1 request to add option of Dog behaviour in kobo, I have added in animal behaviour
What’s happening on Vernal Equinox at your place??
It’s raining in Mulund, Mumbai
Priti Kanade
(Updated info on kobo)