Olfactory sensor


As we know we all use smartphone which have many sensors like
For eyes-camera
For mouth & ear -sound & speaker
Like that no sensor for taste and smell so I decided to get that and deep thought on that
So I get idea about that after that I searched on Google about that and found that 1st thought this come in 1914 Alexander Bell. Then enose is made but their are big machine and no proper model I want to create it also NASA is using that model in International space station but they can sense only 4 sense.
So I want to make that smell sensor. So I need some guidance.


Use of this smell can be categorised in three parts theta,beta & alpha.

:diamonds:THETA- to make daily small compact device as a speaker sensor which can give us fragrance and auroma of all things which we will watching on our tv and phones for example
1)when we watch any recipe on tv we sense audio video. But we not get smell by this application we will sense it.
2) to make device which can produce all type of smell.

:diamonds:BETA- to use this sensor in medical and security for example

  1. by using this sensor we can detect code of all smell which will then help to categorised them by some name like IUPAC name of chemical components by this we can detect any supisious element in air which will lead to theft detection like corona virus and ebola and all type.
    2)we can use this sensor in security like for detecting hazardous material and decoding bio attacks.

:diamonds:ALPHA- this is the predator version of this sensor we can use it at commercial level for example
1)using our sensor and increasing its capacity like dog and other animals and storing this data in binary form. And using it for good cause.
2) in space reasearch we can use this sensor for example Mars rover prseverance has first time audio sensor like that in further operation in ISRO we can use smell sensor as well which will work as human :nose: nose which will detect all the atmosphere like nose though there is not an atmosphere but after further result we can get idea about life in another planet because we breathe through nose :nose: and by using as a sensor we not need any mission to go come with sample we can detect and research on that outer space and can find life.

WORK to do

So, we need to find fundamental concept about olfactory(smell) and gustatory(taste) sensors of humans
And after that like we made camera in light perceptive we made microphone :microphone: speaker :loud_sound: on the basis of air.
So, what are the factors responsible for making us smell and producing some taste?
So, we have to discuss this and how the brain :brain: is used to carry out smell sensation.
Specialized cells in the nose pick up odorants, airborne odour molecule. Hair like cilia at the tip of sensory cells which initiates neural response. And this allows us to smell and taste to detect the flavours of food.


Yesterday and today we further discussed about olfactory sensors implementation.
We have covered lot more points to make actual sensor process easier. As you can see on above whiteboard we have covered points like
:black_small_square: Human smell and taste perception
:black_small_square: Exact meaning of smelling and tasting
:black_small_square: How we smell and taste?
:black_small_square: Background processing
:black_small_square: Role of axon
:black_small_square: Working of other electronic sensor
:black_small_square: Artificial neural sensor
:black_small_square: Building database
:black_small_square: Producing Artificial smell creator
:black_small_square: Nano technology model
:black_small_square: Wider project imputation

▪️ Human smell and taste perception

Meaning of tasting and smelling any chemical constituents of substance is known as perception of flavour.
Flavour contents composition of various parameters like various contents, sensitivity and specificity. For gustatory :tongue: sensor the parameters are more enhanced, like pressure, temperature, texture and etc.

▪️ Exact meaning of smelling and tasting

When we smell or taste something we are doing different process all together but here is the connection between olfactory​:nose: sensor and gustatory :tongue: sensor, it is perception of flavour.
For example -

• We have to sniff flavour of food and then odarant (molecule of smell) will pass through nose. But flavour perception is not continuous flow of molecules it has some duration and intensity.

• When we taste any substance flavour on our tongue :tongue: we get various factor like Pressure, temperature, texture and five different taste like sour, bitter, sweet, salty, umami (special).

▪️ How we smell and taste?

• Smell- when we sniff molecule of flavour it is collected in our nose :nose: at the tip of hair like cilia inside the nose and this molecule sensenation further goes to brain. We have billions of olfactory receptor.

• Taste- when we taste any flavour we have particular section for 5 tastes in our toungue :tongue:. In that we have 5k to 10k taste buds. Taste buds are basically the papillae (like this {:cactus:} it is small elevated pores for sensation)

▪️ Background processing

For smell when sniff molecule and this sensation from nose is transfer through brain by neuron network. The same network reponsible for reflex action. When this neuron carries sensation in brain :brain: it reach to middle part of forehead (point between eyes :eyes:)
Where processing of sensation begins this message then pass through chemical receptors of brain by transferring them from solid to liquid medium in upper cortex of the brain :brain: and in special side part of brain transfer this signal through axons to spinal cord to complete reflex action and create perception of smell.
In smell we get lot of depth of the smell.
But is taste we get only 5 tastes but we get different parameters of substance.
Like for olfactory :nose: sensor, we have different aspect of gustatory :tongue: sensor processing it has different brain lobs and parts which create perception of flavour.

▪️ Role of axon

Axon are the special sensory neural network which is responsible for all sensation in the human body system.
When we touch, see, hear, smell, taste it is because of this strong neural network. They are billions of this present throughout in human body.


They have dendrites on the the tip and by they connect with each other form long network. Axon is mainly responsible creating impulse by conducting electric charge through it.
Human can sense fastly to 45 milliseconds and slowly to 180 milliseconds. It depends upon fat present on the side of axon if fats are more impulse will not create conduction rapidly and we will response slowly. Because of this old or ill person lost sensitivity of taste, smell and other sensation. So to conduct electric charge quickly we must have narrow hollow space through which current can flow easily, like water flows from pipe easily when it is not chocked.

▪️ Working of other electronic sensor

To make olfactory :nose: sensor we have to first see the others sensor which are alternatives of other human body system.
Like for example for eyes and ears we have sound and camera sensors. In :camera: like eyes the light is pass through our eyes and it reflects on backside of eyes screen that signal of light is then conducted into electrical impulses and this process in brain converts and process light sensitivity and specificity to create perception of vision. Same for :loud_sound: when we hear something the vibration of sounds strikes on ear :ear: drums and this process then converted into perception of sound.

▪️ Artificial neural sensor

To create model sensor like camera :camera_flash: we have choose different aspects of chemical composition like we collect light aspects for :camera:. To make that we have to use universal element of periodic table for calibration. Then we have to find different diamagnetic, ferromagnetic, electric conductivity and etc properties of element. Then we have to make systematic approach for properties which can be use for perceiving flavour sensation i.e. smell :nose:.

▪️ Building database

So, now we know the parameters and how can use properties of element to generate smell detection prototype. But when we get this it is limited to only one element but their are 118 elements in periodic table. Then we have to carry out further research to search all properties of all elements which we know. We can get all properties behaviour in column and periods in periodic table.

By collecting measurements we will get different patterns for different elements. Now database works starts so,

• We have to combine this element with each other, then we have to group them in order by periodic table and collect all measurements and patterns and we have to cross verify many times to achieve supreme accuracy.

• Now like this further we have to go for like finding NaCl and sugar smell we have to calculate and collect different parameters data points.

• After all this we will get to final data collection points which is real life samples like perception of tea :coffee:. We have to find chemical composition and chemical reaction formula for tea.
For example for :coffee: we need water, milk, tea powder, sugar.
So, formula for tea will be look like this


▪️ Producing Artificial smell creator

So, if we create huge database then we will deeply know the exact pattern or we will get idea about every element, mixture of element, involvement of chemical reaction. By collecting this data aspects we can associate it to create artificial olfaction. By doing this we can produce smell which will help to perceive flavours.

▪️ Nano technology model

By using Nano technology model and small chips and microprocessor we have to convert it into small sensor.

▪️ Wider project imputation

When we create full fledged sensor by following all the steps we can use it in all every aspects which requires :nose: to sense the condition of environment.

So, that’s the discussion going on in makers space from 2days. Please join the webinar or contribute through chat to convert dream into realistic sensor which we can use as we think.


Please discuss this and share your thoughts @GN @jtd @Ashish_Pardeshi @ravi312 @Farhan @drishtantmkawale


Biohybrid systems integrate living materials with synthetic devices, exploiting their respective advantages to solve challenging engineering problems. One challenge of critical importance to society is detecting and localizing airborne volatile chemicals. Many flying animals depend their ability to detect and locate the source of aerial chemical plumes for finding mates and food sources. A robot with comparable capability could reduce human hazard and drastically improve performance on tasks such as locating disaster survivors, hazardous gas leaks, incipient fires, or explosives. Three advances are needed before they can rival their biological counterparts: 1) a chemical sensor with a much faster response time that nevertheless satisfies the size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints of flight, 2) a design, sensor suite, and control system that allows it to move toward the source of a plume fully autonomously while navigating obstacles, and 3) the ability to detect the plume with high specificity and sensitivity among the assortment of chemicals that invariably exist in the air. Here we address the first two, introducing a human-safe palm-sized air vehicle equipped with the odor-sensing antenna of an insect, the first odor-sensing biohybrid robot system to fly. Using this sensor along with a suite of additional navigational sensors, as well as passive wind fins, our robot orients upwind and navigates autonomously toward the source of airborne plumes. Our robot is the first flying biohybrid system to successfully perform odor localization in a confined space, and it is able to do so while detecting and avoiding obstacles in its flight path. We show that insect antennae respond more quickly than metal oxide gas sensors, enabling the fastest odor localization ever demonstrated by a flying robot. By using the insect chemosensory apparatus, we anticipate a feasible path toward improved chemical specificity and sensitivity by leveraging recent advances in gene editing.



I would think that such a brute force method is most unlikely to be achievable.
The number of permutations and combinations is humongous.

Further olfaction is only partially dependent on the element and depends hugely on the molecular structure. Thus two molecules with the exact same elements and proportions have dramatically different molecular structure, physical, chemical and smell properties.

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This is extraordinary I have to check this. I am thinking similar means also including implementation part.
So suppose their is biochemical bomb and if we detect that we have to make the counter part which can difuse remotely. Means like we have bad smell we spray room freshner to reduce smell. Like that we have reduce bio chemical raction and diffuse that bomb remotely. But we can try by solving basic fundamentals of olfaction which is perceived by humans. Because the threat of this bombs will be to us so, we have to search from scratch with first principles.

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I got one medium which is salt, copper, water
Like our tongue works

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We can start testing like fruit flies by using zero garbage compost

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Salt, copper, coal, water can be element which work as base for olfactory sensor to detect various tastes of different foods.
If we start testing different elements by using tasting of kitchen food.
We can slowly start worrk of olfactory sensor.
As of now summer season is concerned I have started testing different masala smell means chilly and other ingredients.

Please help me to organize and to start first model for olfactory sensor.
@jtd @karnamdpdurga @Ashish_Pardeshi @drishtantmkawale @ravi312




Olfactory systems must detect and discriminate amongst an enormous variety of odorants1. To contend with this challenge, diverse species have converged on a common strategy in which odorant identity is encoded through the combinatorial activation of large families of olfactory receptors1,2,3, thus allowing a finite number of receptors to detect a vast chemical world. Here we offer structural and mechanistic insight into how an individual olfactory receptor can flexibly recognize diverse odorants. We show that the olfactory receptor MhOR5 from the jumping bristletail4 Machilis hrabei assembles as a homotetrameric odorant-gated ion channel with broad chemical tuning. Using cryo-electron microscopy, we elucidated the structure of MhOR5 in multiple gating states, alone and in complex with two of its agonists—the odorant eugenol and the insect repellent DEET. Both ligands are recognized through distributed hydrophobic interactions within the same geometrically simple binding pocket located in the transmembrane region of each subunit, suggesting a structural logic for the promiscuous chemical sensitivity of this receptor. Mutation of individual residues lining the binding pocket predictably altered the sensitivity of MhOR5 to eugenol and DEET and broadly reconfigured the receptor’s tuning. Together, our data support a model in which diverse odorants share the same structural determinants for binding, shedding light on the molecular recognition mechanisms that ultimately endow the olfactory system with its immense discriminatory capacity.

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Hey, Prashant. You mentioned about creating a device that can be used to perceive smell of cooking food in a video. To detect/feel smell, there must be some electricity generated in our brain at specific part. How about a device that generates the electricity that is needed for a person to feel a smell of a substance without the physical presence of it at necessary part of our body?

Some substances are odorless. How are you going to detect those substances?
And I think sensitivity also matters. If there are two mixtures of smells, and if one is present in excess, we might not notice the smell of other one. That doesn’t mean the other substance is not present. It is not detected only. How do you plan to tackle this one with your device?

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I have just proposed the idea of olfactory sensor as a curiosity, I am still searching how to make this in proper way

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An olfactory sensor.
"In this work, we are pushing the limits of artificial olfaction with a high-speed, miniaturized electronic nose that can resolve odor pulses in the millisecond range. We propose an integrated electronic nose design of MEMS-based MOx sensors and fast sampling periphery, as well as a set of powerful algorithms for control, sensing, and signal processing. "

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