Phone microscopy by Jugar : Moina

MICROSCOPE : Microscope is an instrument, through which we can see magnified image of an object (specimen) kept under the microscope.

Rechel’s Homelab ,
Location : morabadi Ranchi Jharkhand.
Specimen used : Moina macrocopa JSK1

Jugar used : leser light lens attached to the phone camera.
Materials required for the phone microscopy Jugar setup

  1. Mobile Phone
    2.Leser light lens
  2. Torch light
  3. slide or any transparent surface for keeping specimen over it .
  4. Rubber band or Bobby pin - hair clip : to fix lens under the phone’s camera .

Working of the phone microscope by Jugar
Leser light lens obtained by disassembling the device (leser light). Attached it with the help of rubber band to the phone camera. Kept slide, over the torch light and placed specimen (Moina) over the slide. Focused by keeping the camera near the specimen .


Now, Let’s compare it with the microscopic pictures of Moina :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle: