Summary written by @Enas_188
What will the status of Mango Trees in Bhopal when we will go for Workshop at Azim Premji University?
When is the RIPE Magoes available in the Market? Can we predict the flowering from this information?
[17/01, 9:35 pm] Enas CUBE: Mobile FT mRNA contributes to the systemic florigen signalling in floral induction
Chunyang Li, Mei Gu, Nongnong Shi, Hang Zhang, Xin Yang, Toba Osman, Yule Liu, Huizhong Wang, Manu Vatish, Stephen Jackson & Yiguo Hong Mobile FT mRNA contributes to the systemic florigen signalling in floral induction | Scientific Reports.
[17/01, 9:46 pm] Arunan sir : Florigen signaling
Hiroyuki Tsuji 1, Ken-Ichiro Taoka 2
Affiliations Expand
PMID: 25740717 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801922-1.00005-1
Florigen is a systemic signal that promotes flowering. Its molecular nature is a conserved FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) protein that belongs to the PEBP family. FT is expressed in the leaf phloem and transported to the shoot apical meristem where it initiates floral transition. In the cells of the meristem, FT binds 14-3-3 proteins and bZIP transcription factor FD to form the florigen activation complex, FAC, which activates floral meristem identity genes such as AP1. The FAC model provides molecular basis for multiple functions of FT beyond flowering through changes of its partners and transcriptional targets. The surface of FT protein includes several regions essential for transport and functions, suggesting the binding of additional components that support its function. FT expression is under photoperiodic control, involving a conserved GIGANTEA-CONSTANS-FT regulatory module with species-specific modifications that contribute variations of flowering time in natural populations. Florigen signaling - PubMed
[18/01, 4:37 pm] Enas CUBE: How’s Mango Trees Flower?
Is there a connection between formation of New leaf with Flowering?
How Mango Trees flowers? What does farmers spray to the Mango to initiate Flowering?
What is Meristem ? How shoot apical Meristem (giving new leaf) converts to a Meristem which gives Flower?
[18/01, 4:37 pm] Enas CUBE: What is the role of Florigen in Mango Flowering?
[18/01, 4:38 pm] Enas CUBE: @Theertha @Arunan sir @Rechel CUBE @Chithra Ma’am @~Batul Pipewala
CUBE whatsapp group discussions:
[18/01, 6:43 pm] Batul: Suppose we divide the 200sqm of area into 10squares of 20 square metre each and take observations of atleast 2mango trees in each grid.
We will have a large representative sample of 20mango trees.@Dr Arunan @~Seethalakshmi✨️ and others
[18/01, 6:44 pm] + Batul: @Enas CUBE @Theertha and others
[18/01, 6:50 pm] Arunan sir 
: How do we apply this scheme in Mango Tree Mapping for flowering?
Do you think, we can reproduce this scheme;in the same way, in the case of Mango Flower mapping in Bhopal? @~Batul Pipewala @Enas CUBE @Seethalakhmi @Theertha and others