S1E12 Cube Chatshaala: Exploring new ways of Learning

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Timing:05:30 pm to 08:30 pm

Key points discussed in webinar. 1. Google? q=plants+communicate+distress+using+their+own+kind+of+nervous+system&rlz=1C1CHBF_enIN892IN892&oq=plants+communicate+distress+using+their+&aqs=chrome
2. How the impulse/ signal conducts in plants?
3.Membrane potential, polarization, depolarization and repolarization.
4. What will happen after a pin prick?
5.How many Neurons or synapses are present from a finger tip to the brain??
6. How do we measure membrane potential??
7. How does a Microscope work?

To view the recording, follow the link below: https://webinar.hbcse.tifr.res.in/notes/e325100769fb1c679de47d6c5f4397fa70eeed5c-1593258647931/notes.pdf

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