S4E114 CUBE chatShaala: "Does keeping a log book help in Taking care of fruit fly cultures? "

In CUBE Lab, HBCSE last year, while culturing fruit flies, with Reporting in CUBE groups, there was a practice of Writing daily Condition of the fruit fly culture bottles daily… Both in the Log book and somewhat in the CUBE group’s! Here we keep a record of 1) Media Prepared date 2) Date of Transfer of flies 3) Transferred from which bottle 4) Transferred to which bottle 5) Number of Gravid flies 6) Discard (when did we discard the bottle) 6) Remark -in remarks we write; How is the condition of bottle, how many larvae/pupae are there in the culture? ; How is the condition of media.?.… Was this a useful practice for the Fruit fly collaborators along with reports?

Keeping the importance of reporting and documentation in mind. The initiative of E-log book has been taken. We will slowly fill the excel sheet with essential

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Timing:5.30 pm to 9.30 pm

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