Through the CUBE chatShaala discussion we came to know that @saswathy679 has 77 days, 58 days old TRSV fruit fly culture bottles and also the great breaking news is that again one of the SLBK culture is prone to loss, then we had discussed what is the best way to maintain or transfer flies from old medium bottle to new TRSV medium bottles and crucially in how many days. What comments would collaborators like to make here @sidhypp @yash_sheregare @Janhvi_deshmukh17 @Arunan @magpie @saida786110

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Timing:5.30 pm to 9.30 pm
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531st day of CUBE ChatShaala: 1st September 2021
18 CUBists from 18 Centres had joined the webinar.
Aastha Ahuja: ANDC
Dr P. Chitralekha: DSC
Aswathy Suresh: Thriprayar
Seethalakshmi CR: Pazhuvil, Thrissur
Abhijeet Singh: Ulwe, Navi Mumbai
Arunan MC: Breach Candy, South Mumbai
Saida Sayyed: Bandra, Mumbai
Kiran Yadav: HBCSE, Mumbai
Shraddha Sonavane: Panvel
Sunita Chahar: NES Ratnam College, Mumbai
Gaurangi Dhuri: Tilaknagar, Mumbai
Pradnya: ICL MJ College, Vashi
Ayush Jadhav: MHSS
Riddhi: MHSS
Seema: MHSS
Hina Mudgal: Kanpur
West Bengal
Batul Pipewala: Kolkata
Soumyadip Biswas: Kolkata
Cubist(s) who had joined today but their name isn’t included in the list, kindly replied to this message
530th Day of ChatShaala
Date: 31st Aug, 2021
My part of the summary: Yesterday’s discussion was based upon “Collaboration through Chat” where Aswathy from South India(Kerala) tried to guess the fate of a fruitfly transferred in North India(Jharkhand) by Man Masih. Man Masih transferred a single gravid fruitfly on 19th Aug, 2021, on a Tomato Rava Sugar Vinegar(TRSV) Medium. Aswathy estimated that 50 eggs would be laid by the transferred fruitfly in 24 hours. Although the first pupae appeared on 24th Aug, Aswathy calculated that on 23rd the first pupa might have appeared. This makes sense because it seems, 23rd was the 4th day from 19th Aug. Later it was disclosed by Man that gravid fly was transferred in the evening of 19th Aug which loosely makes 24th Aug as the 4th Day and not 23rd Aug.
*The fruitfly eggs take 4 days to turn into pupae which was calculated accurately by Aswathy
Later we discussed about the 3 mixed fruitfly culture bottles at Rechel’s Home Lab.
CUBE Collaborators who currently have fruitflies are: Aswathy, Yash, Man and Rechel
530th Day of ChatShaala
Date: 31st Aug, 2021
My part of the summary: Yesterday’s discussion was based upon “Collaboration through Chat” where Aswathy from South India(Kerala) tried to guess the fate of a fruitfly transferred in North India(Jharkhand) by Man Masih. Man Masih transferred a single gravid fruitfly on 19th Aug, 2021, on a Tomato Rava Sugar Vinegar(TRSV) Medium. Aswathy estimated that 50 eggs would be laid by the transferred fruitfly in 24 hours. Although the first pupae appeared on 24th Aug, Aswathy calculated that on 23rd the first pupa might have appeared. This makes sense because it seems, 23rd was the 4th day from 19th Aug. Later it was disclosed by Man that gravid fly was transferred in the evening of 19th Aug which loosely makes 24th Aug as the 4th Day and not 23rd Aug.
*The fruitfly eggs take 4 days to turn into pupae which was calculated accurately by Aswathy
Later we discussed about the 3 mixed fruitfly culture bottles at Rechel’s Home Lab.
CUBE Collaborators who currently have fruitflies are: Aswathy, Yash, Man and Rechel