Summary of discussion quoted by @saswathy679
20th September 2021
Whiteboard discussion
Yesterday quite many cubist joined from St. Xavier’s College Mumbai…
Discussed about the model system Zebra fish, Moina, Snails
Why are model system important?
Which types of model system we can choose for to study experiments?
Typical characteristics of model organisms include the ability to be easily manipulated, having a short life span, producing a large number of offspring and to having a sequenced genome, in addition to being well understood.
Selecting model system based on what research Question we are addressing …
Ishita from Assam discussed the about the model system Zebra fish how did she maintained Zebra fish in her home lab Assam. What are the simple methods we can use for to culture Zebra fish at Minimum requirements.
Research Question regeneration and immunology study.
How easy to maintain Zebra fish in HomeLabs?
Regeneration is an interesting area like the regeneration of finger nails?
This was the source -
Zebrafish regenerate an amputated caudal fin to its previous size within 2–3 weeks. The fin is not only restored in both its size and shape, but also in its patterning and tissue organization.
The key regenerative units are their many rays of dermal bone, which are segmented and lined by osteoblasts.
Also introducing Moina… Moina is a crustacean these are the live food for fishes. Also in our cube students were taken this Moina for to study hypoxia condition. Low oxygen level moina body turn to red colour.
Any thing to do with what we study as BOD?
Biological Oxygen Demand
Dissolved Oxygen and Biological Oxygen Demand connection.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019
William G. Kaelin Jr, Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L. Semenza “for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability”.
Later Anjani Kumar from Mumbai were explained about Snails
How to culture or How to maintain Snails in home lab.?
He were introducing African snails
Lissachatina fulica also based on research questions what are cubist addressing in snail model system
Learning and memory
Experiment designed by Cubists 
Eric Kandel and Aplysia californica: their role in the elucidation of mechanisms of memory and the study of psychotherapy