Sleep-wake cycle studies in Street Dogs

Observations are taken by Cubists:

  1. observations are shared by Prithviraj,CUBE SN Varakala

Street dogs are at Chaverkodu ,9.31am . Some are resting and others are sleeping. Number of dogs :7
CUBE SN. College Varkala. Prithviraj. 30-9-24

They are on the same place is more interesting. CUBE SN College Varkala Prithviraj. 30-9-24

Street dogs
The gang is broken. He is alone at Chaverkodu junction. So he decided to sleep. Photo taken 10.40 am Chaverkodu. CUBE SN. Collge Varkala. 3-10-24.,Prithviraj

Street dogs near Caverkodu junction 5.47 pm. One among them is sleeping others are resting. CUBE SN. Collge Varkala
. Photo taken on 4-10-24.Prithviraj

Dog from Chaverkodu junction. 4-10-24.
Evening 5.47.

Street dogs at Chaverkodu junction. Out of five dogs three are sleeping and two are resting. CUBE SN. Collge Varkala.
Time 4.45 pm, 5-10-24.Prithviraj

Time 4.28 evening. 6-10-24
Four dogs are found sleeping near the junction
Morning I couldn’t find them tody in the junction.
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala.

Street dogs. Not sleeping just closing the eyes and resting. Today morning I couldn’t find them in Chaverkodu because it was raining.
Date 6-10-24
Time noon 1.08 pm
Place Chaverkodu junction.
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala

This is his area. I think every dog has a place he prefer to sleep and rest. The above black and white dog was on the same place at noon and evening. Let me observe other dogs also.
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala Prithviraj

Street dogs sleep and wake.
Chavarkodu junction.
Date 7-10-24. Time 5.36 evening
Out of five 3 are sleeping.
Black coloured one is at the same place at noon also.
Evening sleep time is between 4 pm and 6 pm
Morning between 9 am and 10.30
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala. Prithviraj

Street dogs Chavarkodu -Sleep behaviour.
Observation date. 8-10-24
Time morning -9 am.
Today a bit earlier I went to the junction. Observed five dogs in different parts of junction. Three are found started sleeping. Two of them are roaming.
I think I am a little earlier today.
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala Prithviraj. 8-10-24

Street dogs of Chaverkodu junction.
Date 8-10-24
Time 5.40 pm.
Only three were in the junction.
The white and ash coloured is always find its place in the corner of building wall.
It observed most dogs prefer their own place for sleep or rest.
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala. Prithviraj.

Street dogs Chaverkodu
Date 9-10-24
Time 1 pm noon
Other days also I found dogs sleeping at noon
CUBE SN. Collge Varkala. Prithviraj

  1. Babita, CUBE SN Varakala

Photo taken by Babitha GS Varkala Kerala from Vàrkala beach. At 10.35 morning today .

Today 10.47 am at vàrkala beach. Status:deep sleep

Dog models from Cliff Varkala. Status:Very active at 10.02pm.

Dog model vigilant at Paravoor beach

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Dog models at Kottayam railway station, Kerala
They were not in deep sleep
Taking rest. Photo taken by Babitha GS Varkala Kerala

Dog: 1
Time: 1.27pm
Date: 12.12.2024
Place: Govindpuri, Delhi.
Photo Enas.

Dog: 2
This dog was sleeping but when saw came closer to him, he woke up (sleep can be seen in his eyes)
Time: 1.31pm
Date: 12.12.2024
Place: Govindpuri, Delhi.
Photo Enas.

Dog: 3
Time: 1.32pm
Date: 12.12.2024
Place: Govindpuri, Delhi.
Photo Enas.

Dog models at SN college Varkala
Not in sleep