Summary of Cube chatshaala- 23/3/22

Summary of Cube chatshaala- 23/3/22
By @srujal23081
We discussed about different model system present in cube homelab…
:star: First we discussed about the earthworm , the culturing process…
:star:Then we talk about the phyllanthus plant and the sleep wake cycle of phyllanthus
:star:Then we talk about the fruit fly and how to prepare a media at home and how to culture them
:star2:Cube chatshaala and Cube homelab moment are interesting things that I came around…
Where all the age group people join share the thought and facts behind science
What is science???
According to me the things written in textbook and just to myg up is not the original science the logic and facts behind it are really very important…
Cube homelab moment provide the opportunity to learn the science in very unique way , isn’t it???
At are home we are able to lot of experiment with out using any fancy lab equipment and gets the chance to learn something new and understanding the concept of science in a very simple way …
And if we talk about goofups actually there are really very good bcz of them we try to learn…
Not only the students who are doing graduation but school students, professors and the all others also take intrest to learn the new facts and according to me that’s an amazing thing…
We the different people from the different parts of the country having different age groups are learning lot many things from the chatshaala and homelab moment
The COVID 19 lockdown has given atleast one intresting concept i.e HOMELAB…
And if we don’t understand somethings we ask our collaborators
Cube is about collaboration
So we hope lot many people to join in let’s learn it together with doing goofups and learning from them…

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@srujal23081 Fabulous summary to explain CUBE home labs.
Can we also briefly describe in short the white board images.
We can create a separate thread for Phyllanthus and Earthworm discussion…