The Science Behind the Experiment: How Light Affects Plants

The experiment is grounded in solid biological principles, including the role of light in photosynthesis and plant development:

  1. Photosynthesis: Plants rely on light for photosynthesis, the process by which they convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (a form of sugar), which they use for energy. The light absorbed by plants, typically in the form of sunlight, is crucial for this process.
  2. Chlorophyll and Light Absorption: Plants contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which absorbs light. Chlorophyll absorbs most of the red and blue light from the spectrum and uses this energy to create food for the plant. This is why we use blue and red lights in our experiments to observe their impact on plant growth.
  3. Photoreceptors and Growth: Plants have specialized photoreceptors that detect different wavelengths of light. These receptors help the plant adapt its growth based on the available light. For instance, phytochrome receptors respond to red light, while cryptochrome receptors react to blue light, influencing processes like seed germination, stem elongation, and leaf expansion.
  4. Plant Behavior Under Different Light Conditions: By changing the color of the light, we are essentially simulating different environmental conditions, and we can observe how plants adapt to these variations. This experiment showcases the versatility of plants and highlights the influence of light quality on biological processes.
Duration Light colour Plant growth Plant Condition
1 week Red
1 week Blue
1 week Red + Blue
1 week Magenta
1 week White
1 week Red+Magenta
1 week Blue + Magenta

Reference table for study (in progress, soon will share the outcomes of this study)

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