Webpages , Simple yet cool thing

Hello Everyone ! Your friend Navtej Here , Today Back with another tutorial , Yeah u guessed Right , " Webpages "

Today i will be Using A Programming Language “HTML” To code a Webpage . If u don’t know about Coding and all that You can check this Presentation I made . Sign in to your account . This Presentation will help u with all the basics . So the Codes are :


These are the codes . You can Put extra Things such as Images , Videos , Links etc. Between the Body Tags .
You can also Give Your Webpage A name , just Put the name you want between The Title Tags . Now if u want to write and run these codes , You can just use Your Laptop’s Notepad, TextEdit For Mac Os . In these Softwares , U can Write as many codes as u want . While saving , Don’t Forget to Give Extension , { .htm , .html } . Then save it and There will be chrome logo on it , click on it , Congratulations , There is the New Webpage You just Coded .

Thank You for reading my Research :face_with_monocle: , Have a Nice Day