What is a hypothesis and how do come up with one?

The scientific research method (see attached picture) is a continuous and iterative process used by scientists to examine a phenomenon, generate new knowledge, or amend prevailing notions. A critical step in the scientific process is the formulation of hypothesis and predictions. When life science researchers observe an interesting phenomenon and read existing literature on related topics, they use their critical thinking and scientific temperament to come up with an hypothesis to explain the phenomenon and predict solutions that can be tested by well thought-out experiments.

In this context, I just wanted to share this informative article by Dr. Adita Joshi on “Everything you need to know about framing a #research #hypothesis” here: https://indiabioscience.org/columns/education/everything-you-need-to-know-about-framing-a-research-hypothesis

I hope you find it useful!


This schema is contestable unless we ground observations in the past hypotheses. Observations as well as questions are also theory-laden, meaning they are not possible without pre-existing beliefs or conclusions.

Therefore, shouldn’t we draw a loop from past conclusions impacting observations and questions?

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I agree, we should have a loop from past conclusions to observations and questions.

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