Developing Context for Curriculum

Highlights of Chatshaala:1/11/2024 to 15/11/2024

A)Respiration in Earthworms and Humans:

Anjali from SN Higher Secondary School set up an earthworm cup culture, and we compared respiration in earthworms vs humans.

Earthworm Respiration:

Atmospheric air

Oxygen dissolves in the mucus of the skin

Oxygen diffuses from the skin into blood vessels

Based on the concentration gradient

CO2 diffuses from blood vessels to the skin

Blood vessels carry oxygen to the heart, and from the heart, it reaches the cells, where it is used to break down glucose into ATP.

Human Respiration:

Atmospheric air enters the lungs

Oxygen dissolves in the alveoli of the lungs

Oxygen diffuses from the alveoli to blood vessels, then to the heart, and finally to the cells, where it is used to break down glucose into ATP.

B)Mango Data Collection: Geography of India

We are currently collecting data on mango flowering in India. We also learned about the latitudes of different places and the significance of 11°N in relation to India’s geography.

C)Symbiosis: Hydra viridissima

We discussed symbiosis in Chlorohydra.

D)DNA Extraction:

We discussed the composition of cell membranes, chemical bonds, salting out, precipitation, polar vs. non-polar amino acids, and chromosome numbers in onions, humans (parents, gametes, and offspring).

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What are the research questions can be address using fruit flies @Enas .
what is your research question @Enas

How to study mutation?

Where is the chromosomes are present in the cell?

How to represent a cell?

@Seethalakhmi @Enas @Chithra Mam @dev and others

How does root formation happening in a onion?

How does root hairs are formed from a meristematic cell?

@Enas @Chithra Mam @~Ajita Banerjee and other

What is an embryo?

What are the parts present in the embryo?

[11:34 pm, 27/11/2024] Enas: How does cells from Actively dividing (meristematic tissue) goes into elongation zone and differentiation?
[11:37 pm, 27/11/2024] Enas: What is chromosome and chromatid? How do they look like in the nucleus of cell?
[11:38 pm, 27/11/2024] Enas: What is the function of root hair and how did they formed?

reference shared:
The bulbs are composed of shortened, compressed, underground stems surrounded by fleshy modified scale (leaves) that envelop a central bud at the tip of the stem.Onion - Wikipedia

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summary written by @Enas_188

@Seethalakhmi has exam of InOrganic Chemistry. What are Organometallic compound? What gives Blood of Humans red colour and not blood of Fruitfly? What is Heme? Is it Iron only or does it contains other molecule like porphyrin? Which oxidation state of Fe gives red colour to RBC and Rust? Which organometallic compound present in Chlorophyll? @Chithra Mam @Arunan Sir @Kiran CUBE @Seethalakhmi @Sakshi @Sneha

What are somatic cell? Gametic cell? Diploidy? What is the difference between plant cell and animal cell? How can we remove cell wall from Plant cell? What will happen to Plant cell if cell wall is removed? Why do they gains spherical structure? @~Sneha @Seethalakhmi @Chithra Mam

reference shared:
WhatsApp Image 2024-11-25 at 9.07.08 PM

[9:31 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas: Hemocyanins are copper-containing respiratory pigments found in many mollusks (some bivalves, many gastropods, and cephalopods) and arthropods (many crustaceans, some arachnids, and the horseshoe crab, Limulus).
[9:32 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas: The blood of earthworm is red due to the presence of hemoglobin dissolved in the plasma. The hemoglobin is not associated with blood cells but is dissolved in the liquid portion of the blood called plasma. Hemoglobin is a red colored oxygen-carrying pigment. › … › Biology
Blood of earthworm is red because its haemoglobin is
[9:32 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas: “Drosophila has a primitive yet effective blood system with three types of haemocytes which function throughout different developmental stages and environmental stimuli. Haemocytes play essential roles in tissue modeling during embryogenesis and morphogenesis, and also in innate immunity. The open circulatory system of Drosophila makes haemocytes ideal signal mediators to cells and tissues in response to events such as infection and wounding.”
Drosophila as a model to study the role of blood cells in inflammation, innate immunity and cancer - PMC.
[9:32 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas: “Dr. Lolitika Mandal, Nidhi Sharma Dey and Parvathy Ramesh have discovered the hematopoietic stem cells in Drosophila (fruit flies). — Photo: Special Arrangement
For the first time, researchers have discovered hematopoietic stem cells in Drosophila (fruit flies), thus providing an invertebrate model to study hematopoietic stem cells. Hematopoietic stem cells are the stem cells that give rise to all the other blood cells.”
Discovery of special stem cells in fruit flies to help study diseases - The Hindu.
[9:33 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas: Plant cell
[9:33 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas:
[9:33 pm, 25/11/2024] Enas: References shared in Todays ChatShaala

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summary written by @Enas_188

Sakshi botany person pursuing her higher studies in Lifesciences specialization in Neurosciences. @Sakshi Please share your studies in neurosciences. Theertha a pure botany person has very well tried to explain about genetic engineering in plants by giving the example of Bt Cotton. @Theertha please tell how to connect Tissue culture role in plant genetic engineering.

How to transfer Cry gene from Bacillus thuringiensis into Cotton plant? How cry protein kills only insects? Will cry protein also kill/harm Moina if it is fed with Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria? Will it cause harm to humans? @Arunan Sir @Theertha @Seethalakhmi

How to culture Bt and how to extract DNA from it so that target gene can be cut out from it by endonuclease??! @Theertha @Arunan Sir @Himanshu Joshi @Seethalakhmi

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Developing context to curriculum: CUBE chatshaala:28/12/2024,Due to server issue chatshaala conducted through jitsi.

  1. How do floral dip method is connected to genetic engineering ? Is floral dip a way to do plant genetic engineering? Can we skip plant tissue culture here?

Requirements for floral dip method:Cardamine

1)Unopened Floral bud
2) Agrobacterium containing kanamycin resistant gene

How many days cardamine seeds will take to germinate?
@Smiti @Priti @Lakshmy

Is there any differences in the seed germination in fresh and old seeds of cardamine? @Chithra Mam @Enas

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What is an organometalic compound? @Seethalakhmi

What is the structure of a haemoglobin?

Where is the pyrrole ring present in the Haemoglobin?

How does alpha and beta chains are connected?

@Enas @Seethalakhmi @Chithra Mam @~M S Sailekshmi and others.

Congratulations @~M S Sailekshmi for finding moina in your college pond.

How does we know that is moina ,not other waterfleas?

Can we see Bacteria under 100X magnification?
@~M S Sailekshmi @Chithra Mam @Enas

What are the structure of a protein? @Enas @~M S Sailekshmi and others

Gram staining, Photo: Enas

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