Sushant Bliss Assam
Please give a simple description of fruitfly to address school kids
Introduction should be very general focusing fruitfly. Then talking about Drosophila specifically
Great ! How do we start with an ACTIVITY? @Shivam
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Can we start with something simple, easy to do, easy to solve, maintain curiosity: which no one else thought is that EASILY ACCESSIBLE AND AT THE SAME TIME SEVERAL nOBEL pRIZES WERE WON USING THESE SMALL FLIES IN THE KITCHEN AND IN THE WAsTE BINS!!!
Yes!!! Then the readers will be more curious
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Abhishek Ashoka Univ
rather should start with where they are found habitat , behaviour etc, classification and then brief about their importance in biology with history right away from TH morgan. and then how we can trap them and following content.
And as for morphology, rather than long descriptions, I thought images of the fly with its parts marked should be enough. So it wouldn’t be long and boring, but will easily catch the eye of the reader
NOBEL PRIZES for these silly looking flies! All at home should be looking puzzled! @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Shivam @Shiwani Cube @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Shalu CUBE Patna
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
NOBEL PRIZES for these silly looking flies! All at home should be looking puzzled! @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Shivam @Shiwani Cube @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Shalu CUBE Patna
Why fly?
Drosophila melanogasterter, more commonly known as the fruit fly or vinegar fly, has been used as a model for biological research for over 100 years (explained in our first movie below). To date, D…
Six Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine have been awarded to a total of 10 scientists for their groundbreaking biological work based on fruit fly research: 1. 1933 - Thomas Hunt Morgan used drosophila to uncover the role played by chromosomes in heredity 2. 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller used X-ray irradiation to increase mutation rates in fruit flies 3. 1995 - Edward B Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, and Eric F Wieschaus used drosophila to understand genetic control of embryonic development 4. 2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 5. 2011 - Jules A Hoffmann was given the award for his research on the activation of innate immunity 6. 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won… Read more
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Six Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine have been awarded to a total of 10 scientists for their groundbreaking biological work based on fruit fly research: 1. 1933 - Thomas Hunt Morgan used drosophila to uncover the role played by chromosomes in heredity 2. 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller used X-ray irradiation to increase mutation rates in fruit flies 3. 1995 - Edward B Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, and Eric F Wieschaus used drosophila to understand genetic control of embryonic development 4. 2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 5. 2011 - Jules A Hoffmann was given the award for his research on the activation of innate immunity 6. 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won…
@Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Arunan @Yash Institute of Science @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Shalu CUBE Patna
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Is this a book meant for people working on drosophila as a model organism or is it supposed to be more general, and for all age groups?
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
And as for morphology, rather than long descriptions, I thought images of the fly with its parts marked should be enough. So it wouldn’t be long and boring, but will easily catch the eye of the reader
Do you see these flies in our home?!! @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s If so, how do we go closer to see them…and make all relatives at home almost started calling us maad…!
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Who do we expect to be the readers of such a book?
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Is this a book meant for people working on drosophila as a model organism or is it supposed to be more general, and for all age groups?
In general, Open to all
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Do you see these flies in our home?!! @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s If so, how do we go closer to see them…and make all relatives at home almost started calling us maad…!
Yes! I often find them on jackfruit
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
@Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Arunan @Yash Institute of Science @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Shalu CUBE Patna
Wikipedia states 8 Nobel Prizes, I guess!
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Six Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine have been awarded to a total of 10 scientists for their groundbreaking biological work based on fruit fly research: 1. 1933 - Thomas Hunt Morgan used drosophila to uncover the role played by chromosomes in heredity 2. 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller used X-ray irradiation to increase mutation rates in fruit flies 3. 1995 - Edward B Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, and Eric F Wieschaus used drosophila to understand genetic control of embryonic development 4. 2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 5. 2011 - Jules A Hoffmann was given the award for his research on the activation of innate immunity 6. 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won…
Which areas of Nobel winning work stand out these days? @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala among these? And will make an impression in the current scenario too!
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
This message was deleted
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Who do we expect to be the readers of such a book?
All who are concerned about COVID 19 too! Why not? If a Nobel went to the study of Immune function…?!!
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Which areas of Nobel winning work stand out these days? @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala among these? And will make an impression in the current scenario too!
2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won the prize for uncovering the molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms These are the two areas that we are working on mainly presently
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Is this a book meant for people working on drosophila as a model organism or is it supposed to be more general, and for all age groups?
How about to introduce every one (from KG to PG) to Science through the simple systems in our immediate environment! Science/ Biology NOT as an IMPORTED SUBJECT! …about our own immediate environs…8which all of us ignore, but others in foreign countries use that to get NOBEL PRIZES…8@Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won the prize for uncovering the molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms These are the two areas that we are working on mainly presently
Please describe a bit more @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Shivam @Yash Institute of Science @Saida cUBE Elphinstone @Shalu CUBE Patna …
Abhishek Ashoka Univ
Pressure cooker cooking could be a good option. As one can standardise amount of water and whistles
What all one Pressure cooker can do to medium making? @Abhishek Ashoka Univ @Abhishek CUBE Kolancheri @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Six Nobel prizes in physiology or medicine have been awarded to a total of 10 scientists for their groundbreaking biological work based on fruit fly research: 1. 1933 - Thomas Hunt Morgan used drosophila to uncover the role played by chromosomes in heredity 2. 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller used X-ray irradiation to increase mutation rates in fruit flies 3. 1995 - Edward B Lewis, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, and Eric F Wieschaus used drosophila to understand genetic control of embryonic development 4. 2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 5. 2011 - Jules A Hoffmann was given the award for his research on the activation of innate immunity 6. 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won…
How many people know , How many Biology students/teachers know that this humble flies tell us such a lot! @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Abhishek Ashoka Univ @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Is this a book meant for people working on drosophila as a model organism or is it supposed to be more general, and for all age groups?
Is this a book meant for people working on drosophila as a model organism or is it supposed to be more general, and for all age groups? Thanks @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s SO FOR WHOM WE ARE PREPARING THIS E-BOOK ON THIS HUMBLE FLY THAT EVERY ONE SEES< BUT NO ONE NOTICES! @Shivam
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
2004 - Richard Axel concentrated on odour receptors and the organisation of the olfactory system 2017 - Jeffrey C Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W Young won the prize for uncovering the molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms These are the two areas that we are working on mainly presently
How about studying Immune System?!! @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Saida cUBE Elphinstone @Abhishek Ashoka Univ @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Abhishek CUBE Kolancheri
How many days will this medium can be kept as a solid medium?
Prepared first 2 or 3 days kept this medium semi solid condition.after they became liquid form condition.
Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s
Yes sir. But rather than a long introduction on identification and taxonomy, I was hoping to do it in a chart form and not in a descriptive form
Please tell us how! Lets see. …and what is the purpose? Just to mug up… Or is there a research question waiting…? @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Abhishek CUBE Kolancheri
Abhishek Ashoka Univ
How about studying Immune System?!! @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Saida cUBE Elphinstone @Abhishek Ashoka Univ @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s
Imroze khan lab at Ashoka University studies evolutionary immunology in drosophila using very simple methods. Just dipping needle in bacteria culture and poking on the drosophila abdomen.
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Prepared first 2 or 3 days kept this medium semi solid condition.after they became liquid form condition.
Do you want the medium in the bottle to be semisolid, liquid or solid? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Akshitha CUBE St Peter’s @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Shivam @Shalu CUBE Patna …
Koushik Kolkata left
Abhishek Ashoka Univ
Imroze khan lab at Ashoka University studies evolutionary immunology in drosophila using very simple methods. Just dipping needle in bacteria culture and poking on the drosophila abdomen.
Aha! And looking for the profile of Hemocytes…? @Abhishek Ashoka Univ
Karenhaydock left
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Why do you call it as Culture Medium @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika ? In case you kept some tomato pieces in the bottle, fruitflies may get attracted and enter into the same jar! Don’t you think so? If so, how is this set up different from just a bait ? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika What is the special attributes of a culture medium for Fruitflies which you can handle with ease for transfer from one bottle to the other etc ? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Shalu CUBE Patna @yash
Because we prepared some special for attracting fruit flies to entered that bottle. Food, shelter… all are we prepared in the bottle. So this can we called culture medium.Culture medium is different to bait. Bait is a trapping.
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Which spoon? Tea spoon? Table spoon? Approx how much grams?
1 Table spoon Rava.
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
“pressed by a spoon”…“add some banana pieces to the top of rava…” Why you did not cook to solidify the medium so that you can safely transfer flies by turning the bottle over another bottle upside down? And that the medium is cooked so that the growth of bacteria and fungus will be much less? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Kiran Yadav …
Yes sir, in the cause of Banana, after 2 days later seen Contaminated condition. Bacteria and Fungus seen in the above of the culture medium. The culture medium became destroyed with bacteria and fungus. Medium became transfered to solid condition. Did not cook medium get polluted with fungus and bacteria.
Aha! And looking for the profile of Hemocytes…? @Abhishek Ashoka Univ
. …All organisms have an innate immune response, but only vertebrates possess T cells and the ability to produce antibodies. It has been a long-standing assumption that invertebrate immune systems are not adaptive and respond identically to multiple challenges. In this study, we demonstrate that the fly innate immune response adapts to repeated challenges; flies preinoculated with dead Streptococcus pneumoniae are protected against a second, otherwise-lethal dose. Although the underlying mechanisms are likely to be very different, this primed response is reminiscent to vaccine-induced protection in that it exhibits coarse specificity (dead S. pneumoniae only protects against itself), persists for the life of the fly and is dependent on phagocytic cells. Thi… Read more
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Shalu CUBE Patna
“pressed it a spoon” I dont get it ? And why adding tomato pieces on the top of mixture? who knows that fruitflies may, was coming attracting to that tomato u kept at last, and not the culture medium u prepared?
Tomato and Rava mixture after prepared entered in to the bottle.Just pressed a spoon this mixture tightly. Because we have not get water in prepared culture medium. So that’s why pressed mixture tightly.
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
What are planning to do with the ‘fat bellied’ flies that you trapped in this bottle?
Sir, To create multiple Single Line culture of Native fruit flies by keeping a culture medium near kitchen garbage using tomato slice and catching gravid females and creating Native Single lines. To identify native single culture of fruit flies as Native Drosophila Melanogaster by looking at morphological characteristics relevant to Family Drosophilidae, Genus Drosophila and Species melanogaster.
How is this CULTURE MEDIUM in the bottle looking like? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Shalu CUBE Patna @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala Can we get our home made Fruitfly Medium cooked to homogeneity like this? Cooking using a pressure cooker can sterilize the medium from unwanted many microbes…
Yash Institute of Science
The standard corn meal agar medium could be kept as a standard and we can one by one replace the ingredients with our home available ingredients for making our standard Home made medium… The standard Corn meal agar 250ml contains 1) Dextrose - (glucose) (12.5g) 2) Sucrose - (sugar disaccharide) (6.25g) 3) Maze powder - (major source of starch) - 20.75g 4) Yeast extract - ( yeast cells are grinded, available as powder. so all the components like proteins, minerals, some sugars may be present) (3.75g) 5) Agar powder - (for solidification) (4g) 6) Propionic acid and orthophosphoric acid - it is added after pressure cooking the medium - to prevent bacterial growth due to lowering of ph) (1ml and 0.17ml respectively) 7) Yeast granules - after mediu… Read more
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Yash Institute of Science
The standard corn meal agar medium could be kept as a standard and we can one by one replace the ingredients with our home available ingredients for making our standard Home made medium… The standard Corn meal agar 250ml contains 1) Dextrose - (glucose) (12.5g) 2) Sucrose - (sugar disaccharide) (6.25g) 3) Maze powder - (major source of starch) - 20.75g 4) Yeast extract - ( yeast cells are grinded, available as powder. so all the components like proteins, minerals, some sugars may be present) (3.75g) 5) Agar powder - (for solidification) (4g) 6) Propionic acid and orthophosphoric acid - it is added after pressure cooking the medium - to prevent bacterial growth due to lowering of ph) (1ml and 0.17ml respectively) 7) Yeast granules - after mediu…
Which components would tomato and rava replace in this composition?
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala
Which components would tomato and rava replace in this composition?
@Yash Institute of Science @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Shalu CUBE Patna @Arunan
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
How is this CULTURE MEDIUM in the bottle looking like? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Shalu CUBE Patna @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala Can we get our home made Fruitfly Medium cooked to homogeneity like this? Cooking using a pressure cooker can sterilize the medium from unwanted many microbes…
This culture medium made in lab for easily transfer fruit flies in one bottle to another bottle.
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Sir, To create multiple Single Line culture of Native fruit flies by keeping a culture medium near kitchen garbage using tomato slice and catching gravid females and creating Native Single lines. To identify native single culture of fruit flies as Native Drosophila Melanogaster by looking at morphological characteristics relevant to Family Drosophilidae, Genus Drosophila and Species melanogaster.
How do we ensure that our Medium did not have any eggs of any other flies than the one single gravid female fly we have introduced ? Is not cooking and especially pressure cooking can help a lot in this? If a pressure cooker is not handy we have to see the medium is really cooked well to homogeneity so that it will solidify with uniform surface… What do you say? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika @Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala @Abhijit CUBE St Peter’s @Shalu CUBE Patna
@Harshita Elphinstone Harshita CUBE Elphinstone wirh fruit fly medium looking pretty inside the bottle !
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Sir, To create multiple Single Line culture of Native fruit flies by keeping a culture medium near kitchen garbage using tomato slice and catching gravid females and creating Native Single lines. To identify native single culture of fruit flies as Native Drosophila Melanogaster by looking at morphological characteristics relevant to Family Drosophilidae, Genus Drosophila and Species melanogaster.
How exactly Single Line Cultures be made? @Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Aswathy Suresh CUBE Nattika
Please always inform (a) when was the Medium kept open and (b) when was this photo taken i.e. in how many days after setting the trap, we are observing the larvae?
Sir, a) Iam not open the bottle.This medium kept closed. b)23/04/2020 Thursday. We are observed the larvae after 4 days later Prepared the medium.
Yash Institute of Science
The standard corn meal agar medium could be kept as a standard and we can one by one replace the ingredients with our home available ingredients for making our standard Home made medium… The standard Corn meal agar 250ml contains 1) Dextrose - (glucose) (12.5g) 2) Sucrose - (sugar disaccharide) (6.25g) 3) Maze powder - (major source of starch) - 20.75g 4) Yeast extract - ( yeast cells are grinded, available as powder. so all the components like proteins, minerals, some sugars may be present) (3.75g) 5) Agar powder - (for solidification) (4g) 6) Propionic acid and orthophosphoric acid - it is added after pressure cooking the medium - to prevent bacterial growth due to lowering of ph) (1ml and 0.17ml respectively) 7) Yeast granules - after mediu…
1 to 4 from your list, perhaps, can be replaced by 8the fruit which the fruitfly prefers8 and by rava! How is agar replaced in Home lab?@Lydia Mathew CUBE Jhunjhunwala