Summary Quoted by @saswathy679
@Subham from odisha was discussed about maintained setup of Gaint African snails from his college lab.
How to maintain snails!? What was the setup!
@Saida Sayyed explained her home lab setup for maintain snails.

This herbivore does not discriminate between living or dead plant matter. It has such an enormous appetite that it feeds on more than 500 types of plants, including those farmed by humans.
The Giant African Snail eats leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, barks, wood, seeds, grains, nuts, seaweed and even lichens, fungi and other snails. Economically valuable crops for humans such as cauliflower, cocoa, papaya, peanut, cassava, banana and many other vegetables often become food for the giant African snail.Giant African Land Snail - Snail Facts and Information
What’s the difference in learning and memory?
Learning is something which occurred from experience.with the repeated experience of similar thing (the same info) conceived as memory.
@Arunan HBSCE sir @Saida Sayyed @Anjani Kumar Kashyap CUBE @Aditiya Joshi CUBE
Discussion about ;
How can we identify different species of Cardamine looking their morphology features?
Which morphology part need to look for identifying at species level? Flowers, Leaves, Stamens etc
What is crucifrom?
So cruciform is about petal shape!
Brassicaceae (/ˌbræsɪˈkeɪsii/) or Cruciferae (/kruːˈsɪfəri/)[2] is a medium-sized and economically important family of flowering plants commonly known as the mustards, the crucifers, or the cabbage family. Brassicaceae - Wikipedia
Cruciform means having the shape of a cross or Christian cross. Cruciform - Wikipedia
I also didnt know what is cruciform and its meaning… So this helped…
Is it shape or arrangement?
We can check the above the link to observe the different arrangement of petals
This flower has Crucifrom (cross like arrangement of petals)…
@KIRAN CUBE @Arunima SN Nattika Cardamine @Shraddha Sonavane CUBE @Yash Sheregare CUBE @Sunita Chahar CUBE Please add your inputs