Seed Germination Study in Cardamine

Seed Germination Study started on 6/09/2023 &7/09/2023 by Cubists, Lakshmy from Thrissur kerala,Dr.Nagarjuna from Sikkim & myself from Kozhikode Kerala .

Seed Germination study in Cardamine .
I had collected some cardamine seeds on 31/08/2023 from Homelab Cherukkad, Kozhikode .
I got 25 seeds from a single seed pod .
Place :Cherukkad ,Kozhikode
Theertha .

Collecting Cardamine seeds from seed pods .
Place :Cherukkad ,Kozhikode
Theertha .

Inspired by today’s chatshaala session@⁨Shraddha CUBE⁩ @⁨~Smit Lokhande⁩ @⁨shalinisharma⁩ @⁨~gangakr⁩ @⁨Chithra Mam⁩ @⁨Batul Ma’am⁩
I made a set up for seed germination study in Cardamine. I took two bottle lids, washed and sanitized them, and placed a piece of cotton cloth on each lid. The cotton cloth had been washed and ironed beforehand. Then, I added 10 Cardamine seeds to each lid and placed them in a plastic box &Kept near the window . Any suggestions? @⁨Abhijeet CUBE⁩ @⁨Rechel CUBE⁩ @⁨Charvi DSC⁩ &others
Place :Cherukkad ,Kozhikode
Theertha .

These are the Two sets of seeds used ,each set contain 10 seeds.And the set was now kept near the window .Place :Cherukkad ,Kozhikode
Theertha .

Objective: To check the seed dormancy in
Cardamine seeds .
Hypothesis :Cardamine seeds not have any seed dormancy🙃
Expectation :All seeds will germinate within 7-8 days.
Prepare Materials:*
Collected two bottle Caps.
Washed and sanitized the bottle lids.
Obtained two pieces of cotton cloth, which were previously washed and ironed.
Seed Placement:
Placed one piece of cotton cloth on each bottle lid.
Added 10 Cardamine seeds to each cotton-covered lid.
Container Setup:
Arranged the lids with seeds inside a plastic box.
placed the plastic box near a window to provide sun light.
Watering Schedule:
Watered the seeds twice daily.
Morning watering at 10 am.
Evening watering at 5 pm.

Seeds Germination Study in Cardamine
Seeds were not germinated

Update on Seeds Germination Study in Cardamine Objective :To check the seed dormancy in Cardamine seeds.
Seeds are not germinated .

Update on Seeds Germination Study in Cardamine Objective :To check the seed dormancy in Cardamine seeds.
Seeds are not germinated .

Summary of Seed germination setup .
Place :Cherukkad ,Kozhikode .
Date of setup:6/09/2023
Objective: To check the seed dormancy in
Cardamine seeds .
Prepare Materials:*
Collected two bottle Caps.
Washed and sanitized the bottle lids.
Obtained two pieces of cotton cloth, which were previously washed and ironed.
Seed Placement:
Placed one piece of cotton cloth on each bottle lid.
Added 10 Cardamine seeds to each cotton-covered lid.
Container Setup:
Arranged the lids with seeds inside a plastic box.
placed the plastic box near a window to provide sun light.
Watering Schedule:
Once in a day ,Morning .

Update on today .
Place :Cherukkad ,Kozhikode .
Date of setup:6/09/2023,yellow seeds were used .
Date of photo taken :21/09/2023.
Observation : Seeds were not germinated in Setup A & Setup B .Color change observed in seeds ( yellow seeds became dark brown )

Seeds were not germinated till today 3/010/2023

Lakshmy’ Seed Germination setup; Lakshmy got something interesting :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: @04872621705 @lakshmy

Inspired from @⁨Abhijeet CUBE⁩ @⁨Theertha⁩ I have made a setup to find seed germination of cardamine seeds. I have some cardamine seeds that I collected from the month of July. Now it is one month passed it turned to brown in colour. I think the seeds become dormant.
I need to find out does this seeds germinate or not.
Date: 7/9/2023
Place: Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala

A) To find out the seed germination percentage of brown cardamine seeds.
B) To find out brown seeds have any seed dormancy.

Hypothesis:10% seeds germinate within 1 week of time.

Material needed: Two lids of plastic bottles,
Tissue paper, water, Medicine bottle lid for measuring water.

Methedology:Take two lids of plastic bottle and place layer of tissue paper on it. After add 20 cardamine seeds in it. Then add 20 ml water :sweat_drops: in each of the setups. Lable it as A & B. Then place it near the window.

Previously My cardamine plants facing an issue. There is some signs of infection .

  1. The fruits are drooping
  2. Newly forming fruits are bending
  3. Leaves are curling
  4. New flower buds are not forming.
    Place:Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala

There is some white coloured growth could be able to find out. But cannot exactly find out exactly what is the organism.

Due to the disease I pluck adult plants away. Now in the grow bag new cardamine seedlings are started growing. 6/9/2023, 11:18am, Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala

After 9 days 19 cardamine seeds germinated in setup A
Percentage of seed germination-95%
Date of sawing -7/9/2023
Today’s Date: 16/9/2023
Place: Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala

After 9 days 3 cardamine seeds germinated in setup B
Percentage of seed germination-15%
Date of sawing -7/9/2023
Today’s Date: 16/9/2023
Place: Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala

After 18 days 14 cardamine seeds germinated in setup B​:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Percentage of seed germination-70%
Date of sawing -7/9/2023
Today’s Date: 25/9/2023
Place: Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala

Cardamine plants showing an interesting behaviour of phototropism ( movement of plants towards light)
These plants are bending towards near the window where the suight is coming
Place:Mampilly, Thrissur, Kerala @⁨Arunan sir⁩ @⁨Theertha⁩ @⁨Chithra Mam⁩ @⁨Shraddha CUBE⁩ @⁨Dr. Binu Miss⁩ @⁨~Nagarjun Thota⁩ @⁨~Susanta Tanti⁩ @⁨Kiran CUBE⁩@⁨Charvi DSC⁩ @⁨~Dhanraj⁩ and all


Dr.Nagarjuna’s work
Date :7/09/2023

No signs of germination in them sir… declaring them to be non viable… I’m still having that setup… although I went out of station in between… it was maintained moist… expecting any fungal growth in those setup… In search of new set of Cardamine seeds around… orelse will go with Mustard seeds… if any cubists want to test anything specific about germination, may convey me…


Short summary made by @Chitralekha

Let me summarise the Cardamine seed germination experiments setup by Lakshmy, Theertha, Nagarjun and Abhijit. Correct me if I am wrong.

  • collected seeds: in July
  • soaked: on 07/09/23
  • colour of seeds when soaked: brown (to me looked yellow)
  • germination: began 5 days after soaking, 70% germination by 14/09/23
  • collected: 31/0823, 02/09/23
  • soaked: 06/09/23
  • colour of seeds when soaked: pale yellow/greenish
  • germination: not seen till 14/09/23
  • Collected seeds: 07/09/23
  • soaked seeds: 07/09/23
  • colour of seeds when soaked: yellow/brown
  • germination: none till 14/09/23
    -collected seeds: in March, 23
  • soaked seeds: 03/08/23
  • colour: yellow/brown?
  • germination: 10% on 17/08/23.

Seeds germination study by Cubists : photos taken from the presentation of CUBE NATIONAL MEET 2022

These is what I found in the recording of CUBE National meet 2021. Photo showing different colors of seeds including green ,yellow & brown .

Cardamine with seeds pot having different colored seeds .

Seeds germination experiment by @shalini ma’am & arunima .What I understood is that ,Breaking of Seed dormancy using cold treatment .1)Control : 15 seeds are in two Petriplate ,tap water used .2)15 seeds are in two Petriplate kept in refrigerater for 3 days (4°C) & observed . Result : 100% germination in 8 days .

Seed germination study by @KiranKalakotiR

Summary made by @Chitralekha ma’am.

Let me summarise the Cardamine seed germination experiments setup by Lakshmy, Theertha, Nagarjun and Abhijit. Correct me if I am wrong.

  • collected seeds: in July
  • soaked: on 07/09/23
  • colour of seeds when soaked: brown (to me looked yellow)
  • germination: began 5 days after soaking, 70% germination by 14/09/23
  • ⁠100% germination on 17th day after soaking in set up A, on 33rd days after soaking in set up B.
  • collected: 31/0823, 02/09/23
  • soaked: 06/09/23
  • colour of seeds when soaked: pale yellow/greenish
  • germination: not seen till 14/09/23
  • ⁠started germinating from 47th day of soaking.
  • ⁠germinated after cold treatment for 3 days (41-43 days after soaking) from 43 days after soaking.
  • Collected seeds: 07/09/23
  • soaked seeds: 07/09/23
  • colour of seeds when soaked: yellow/brown
  • germination: none till 14/09/23
    -collected seeds: in March, 23
  • soaked seeds: 03/08/23
  • colour: yellow/brown?
  • germination: 10% on 17/08/23

Summary made by @shalinisharma98

1) Lakshmy’s set-up

:sparkles: Design:- She has taken bottle cap and placed layers (4-5) of tissue paper over that cap and then, seeds have been placed over it, where moisture has been maintained in the setup by using water.

:sparkles: Seeds collection was done in starting of July 2023 (before national meet).

:sparkles: Setup was put on 7th Sep 2023.

:sparkles: She has two setup A and B, each with 20 cardamine seeds.

:sparkles: Result:- Seeds of setup A has been germinated 100% in 17 days while seeds of setup B has been germinated 100% in 33 days.

2) Theertha’s set-up

:sparkles: Design:- She has taken bottle cap and placed one layer of cotton cloth over that cap and then, seeds have been placed over it, where moisture has been maintained in the setup by using water.

:sparkles: Seeds were freshly harvested for an experiment.
:sparkles: Setup was put on 6th Sep 2023.

:sparkles: She has two setup A and B, each with 10 cardamine seeds.

:sparkles: Result:- In Setup A, seeds were not germinated till 42 days, so this setup has been kept in refrigerator for 3 days and after that this has been taken out at kept at room temperature. Hence, 100% germination has been seen on 47th day.

While In Setup B, no cold treatment has been given, this has been left at room temperature and 100% germination has been seen on 62nd day.

Summary of seed germination study: Homelab, Cherukkad, Kozhikode

I started seed germination study in cardamine on 6/09/2023.

Collected seed from a single plant in two different days 31/08/2023 & 2/09/2023.

I took two bottle lids, washed and sanitized them, and placed a piece of cotton cloth on each lid. The cotton cloth had been washed and ironed beforehand. Then, I added 10 Cardamine seeds to each lid and placed them in a plastic box &Kept near the window.

Objective: To check the seed dormancy in
Cardamine seeds .

Hypothesis :Cardamine seeds not have any seed dormancy🙃

Expectation :All seeds will germinate within 7-8 days.


Prepare Materials:*

Collected two bottle Caps.
Washed and sanitized the bottle lids.
Obtained two pieces of cotton cloth, which were previously washed and ironed.
Seed Placement:
Placed one piece of cotton cloth on each bottle lid.
Added 10 Cardamine seeds to each cotton-covered lid.

Container Setup:
Arranged the lids with seeds inside a plastic box.
placed the plastic box near a window to provide sun light.
Watering Schedule:
Watered the seeds twice daily.
Morning watering at 10 am.
Evening watering at 5 pm.
(Those days raining in my place, so somedays I watered only once in a day ).






I followed the protocol in the month of September,later I discontinued watering.(forgot some days)


Later in 42th day I kept Setup A in refrigerator for three days (43,44,45) and later transferred in the room near to setup B . Parallely on 42 th day onwards I started to watering in Setup B

100% Germination in Setup A
Date :23/10/2023

No Germination in Setup B
Date: 23/10/2023


100% Germination in setup A in 47th day .

Setup B
0% seed germination in 47 th day .
10% Seed germination in 53th Day
100% Germination in 63th day .

Setup :B





Cold water treatment cause 100% Germination in cardamine .
Or cardamine having seed dormancy ranges from 47 to 62 days .

Whiteboard screenshots:

Improvement required: Celebration of Goofups

1)I have used one layered cotton cloth instead of that I can use 2-3 layer .That can hold water for long time & make setup moistened.

Watering can be followed without any delay :neutral_face:

@04872621705 @shalinisharma98 @Chitralekha @KiranKalakotiR @dhanraj7 @Himanshu & others .

1 Like

Seed germination study in cardamine:
Date of seeds collection:11/12/2023.
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Time : 7pm

Date of seeds collection:11/12/2023.
Date of setup :11/12/2023
Taken Two sets of bottle lids / cups.
Placed layered tissue paper on it .
1 for Control and other for test ,also made the replicates of the same .
Control kept in a room , watering sheduled twice a day .
Test kept in refrigerator for three days & later will introduce to room , watering will be followed.
Each with 20 seeds .

Objective: To check the seed dormancy in cardamine.
Hypothesis: Cold treatment will enhance the seed germination rate in cardamine.
Control will germinate within 47 to 67 days .
Test will show 100% Germination in 5 th day of setup .
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode.

Control setup :
Setup Placed in room temperature.
A is of Control
B: Replicate of Control
Each with 20 cardamine seeds

Test setup :
Set-up placed in refrigerator.
C is the Test & D is the replicate of the same.

Seed germination study in Cardamine.
Control:Kept in Room temperature.
Observation: :x: Seed germination
Place: Cherukkad,Kozhikode

Seed germination study in Cardamine.
Tests:Kept in refrigerator
Observation: :x: Seed germination
Place: Cherukkad,Kozhikode

Breaking news
Control setup:
Initiatialy setup A ,B each having 20 seeds each .But today I observed setup A left with only 11 seeds .where did the remaining seeds go ? Also I observed an organisms which similar to leafhopper in the setup :neutral_face:

Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Time :11pm

Suspected Leafhopper in the setup

Test setup:
Kept in refrigerator
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Time :11pm

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Seeds germination: :x:
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Seeds germination: :x:
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Yesterday (18/12/2023) 10/20 cardamine seeds germinated ,today 4 more seeds were Germinated.
14/20 .
Percentage of seeds Germination:70%.
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Test setup: D.
Yesterday (18/12/2023) 1/20 cardamine seeds germinated ,today 11more seeds were Germinated.
12/20 .
Percentage of seeds Germination:60%.
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

SetupA Control
Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :10( initially 20 seeds were there 10 seed lost due to insect attack, I guess )
Seeds Germination: 0
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :20
Seeds Germination:0
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seed Germination:70%.(14/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Test setup: D
Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:60%.(12/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :10( initially 20 seeds were there 10 seed lost due to insect attack, I guess )
Seeds Germination: 0
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :20
Seeds Germination:0
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:75%.(15/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Test setup: D.
Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:70%.(14/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

SetupA Control
Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :10
Seeds Germination: 0
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :20
Seeds Germination:0
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:80%.(16/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Test setup: D.
Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:70%.(14/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Setup:A Control
Breaking news: 30% of seed germination occurred in control in 16th day of setup.
Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :10
Seeds Germination: 30%(3/10)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Set-up B
Breaking news: 30% seed germination occurred in control in the 16th day of setup.
Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :20
Seeds Germination:30%(6/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:80%.(16/20) on 21/12/2023
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Test setup: D.
Cold treatment started on 12/12/2023 and ended on 16/12/2023 followed by regular watering.
Percentage of seeds Germination:70%.(14/20) on 21/12/2023
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode

Setup:A Control
Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :10
Seeds Germination: 100%(10/10)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Set-up B
Date of setup:11/12/2023
Setup kept in room temperature.
Total no.of seeds :20
Seeds Germination:100%(20/20)
Place: Cherukkad, Kozhikode
Theertha .

Summary of seed Germination study in cardamine.
Date of setup :11/12/2023 .
Setup A & B are the Control that kept in a room temperature &
Setup b & c kept in refrigerator for 4 days and placed in room temperature.
Watering was followed by twice/once in a day .
~80 % Germination observed in cold treated seeds after 6 th day of treatment.
100% seed germination observed in control that kept in room temperature after 21th day of setup.


Seed germination study in cardamine started on 6/09/2023 .

Cardamine seed germination study in Homelabs Cherukkad, Kozhikode.

Cardamine plant at CUBE Homelab cherukkad

Collected cardamine seeds on 2/07/2024

Collected seeds at CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode

Objective: To determine the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.

Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.

Experimental setup:

Placed 15 Cardamine seeds in two plastic cups each containing four layers of tissue paper.

Watering is scheduled twice a day.


CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:4/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:4/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:5/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:5/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:,6/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:6/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Setup:A 5th Day of the Setup:No seed germination occured
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:,7/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Setup:B 5th of setup :No seed germination
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:7/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:8/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:7/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Observation::x: seed germination.
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:9/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Breaking news:1/15 Cardamine seeds germinated
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:9/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Close photograph of germinated seed.9/07/2024,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode Photo: Theertha

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Observation:No seed germination was observed.
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:10/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Breaking news:
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:10/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Observation:1/15 germination,on the 8th Day of setup.
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:11/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Setup A: Close photograph of germinated seed.11/07/2024,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode Photo: Theertha

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Breaking news:
Germination:1/15 on the 7th day of set-up
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:11/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Setup:A 10th Day of setup
Observation:9/15 germination
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:12/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Setup:A 10th Day of setup
Observation:6/15 germination
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:12/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

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Setup:A 13th day:9/15

13th day:7/15

15th day:9/15:A


18th day:13/15: A

18th day:9/15:B

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Setup:A 19th Day of setup
Observation:13/15 germination
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:19/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

Seed germination study in Cardamine
Setup:B 19th Day of setup
Observation:10/15 germination
Objective: To find the number of days taken by fresh Cardamine seeds to germinate.
Hypothesis: Fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate.
Date of seed collection:2/07/2024.
Date of setup:2/07/2024.
Date of photo:19/07/2024.
Theertha,CUBE Homelab cherukkad Kozhikode.

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Setup A introduced into soil on 20/07/2024. CUBE cherukkad Kozhikode Kerala.Photo: Theertha

Setup B introduced into soil on 20/07/2024. CUBE cherukkad Kozhikode Kerala.Photo: Theertha

Discussion on Context to curriculum WhatsApp group

[22/07, 10:57 am] Theertha: Breaking News: Controversy Over Cardamine Seed Germination Resolved

There are many opinions regarding Cardamine seed germination, especially about old versus fresh seeds. When I used old seeds, it took 4-7days to achieve a germination rate of 50% or higher.Repeated for 3times

But when I tried once with fresh seeds, it took 15 days. I have not repeated that experiment.

Initially, I hypothesized that fresh Cardamine seeds will take 15 days to germinate, but this hypothesis was happily falsified.
Instead, I observed seed germination on the 7th day:
*6.6% on the 8th day 33% on the 9th day, and 50% on the 10th day.*:partying_face::partying_face:
[22/07, 11:07 am] Priti CUBE: Note that
The older data was for 80% and 100% germination on 10 th day for new and old seeds respectively

Cardamine germination experiment : 27/6/17

Please do post follow up photo with essential descriptions.@theertha