450th Day : CUBE Chatshaala.
Discussed about 12.06.2021 fruit flies culture conditions in Bottukadavu Thrissur Kerala.
SLBK A18…SLBK B18…SLBK C18…SLBK E18 - 28.05.2021 subcultures of fruit flies.
Important points we were discussed about how many days want transfer flies from pervious subcultures to new subculture bottle!..importance of gravid females in a new culture!.. How to identify Gravid flies!.. How distinguish between female flies and male flies…How can we transfer flies from old bottle to new media bottles!..
Criteria of Transfer
Transfer Flies Between 15th to 25th Day
At least 8 - 10 Gravid Flies to be transferred
Difference between Male and Female Fly
Pointed Abdomen - Female.
Rounded Abdomen - Male.
also we were discussed about how to find a relabeled article from google…
What are the points we can make sure it’s relabel article or not…
•Author names.
•Published year.
•about Authors.
• Peer reviewed
• Cross reference
What is meaning of Peer reviewing ?
The peer-review process subjects an author’s work, research, or ideas to critical observation or examination. of others who are experts in the same field (peers) and is considered necessary to ensure academic scientific quality.
450th Day : CUBE Chatshaala.
Picture is showed size of microworms present in fruit flies culture bottles less than 1mm sized. Taken photo keeping culture bottle between torch light & phone camera digital zoom it taken photo. Magnification of this photo 8x… How to take better photo graph of worm…using better setup!?.
Picture showing Panagrellus.
One of thirteen currently recognized species of Panagrellus, P. redivivus is about 50 μm in diameter and just over 1 mm in length, barely visible to the naked eye.
Panagrellus redivivus - Wikipedia.
Look like quite similar to fruit flies culture bottle worms…coming under phylum nematode.
•Kingdom: Animalia
•Phylum: Nematoda
•Class: Secernentea
•Order: Rhabditida
•Family: Panagrolaimidae
•Genus: Panagrellus
•Species: P. redivivus
What is difference between microworms & nematodes…!? Is there any difference.
cubist are searching C.elegans in Indian native soil…
Caenorhabditis elegans is a free-living transparent nematode about 1 mm in length
Caenorhabditis elegans - Wikipedia.
Why the importance of Model organisms… Why we are taking particular model system for studying behavior!!?
For example :
Cardamine plant & Phyllanthus plant… We are taking phyllanthus plant for studying sleep wake cycle… Because only this plant leaves showing opening and closing behavior.
We are choosing model systems based on what kind of research question we are addressing.
Like ;
•Fruit fly taking for study Circadian rhythm, activities patterns…
•Moina taking for study hypoxia conditions…
•Zebra fish - immunity study.
450th Chatshaala : CUBE Chatshaala.
•Easy to culture.
•Maintenance is low
•Survived in low oxygen level
•short life cycle
•Translucent to red
Addressing research questions.
•Hypoxia in Moina (The ability to adapt)
Moina have 2 Reproduction
Asexual & sexual…asexual in normal conditions…sexual in abnormal conditions (harsh conditions).
Discussed about moina video taken setup of @Drishtant… In that video background quite black colour, Moina clearly able see that video …
Dark-field microscopy (also called dark-ground microscopy) describes microscopy methods, in both light and electron microscopy, which exclude the unscattered beam from the image. As a result, the field around the specimen (i.e., where there is no specimen to scatter the beam) is generally dark.