Finally our IoT Micro Weather Station is deployed again, this time at the terrace (top of the lift room without nearby obstructions) at the main building of HBCSE.
The public link to view the Micro Weather Station dashboard, publishing all the data collected by every sensor is given below.
Captured Rain (in mm) of few minutes on 27th and 28th of June, 2019.
Actually the weather Station is shutting down within few hours, therefore the rain is captured for this short time only.
It seems to be some power issue, and also its humidity sensor is not working we are working on it to resolve as soon as possible.
With sufficient number of stations microweather could be predicted.
We could plot rain, windspeed and direction at a particular spot and then estimate when it is likely to hit your location.
However we might not be accurate.
We do not know cloud thickness and moisture content.
Cloud moisture content can be estimated by radar.
One can predict cloud moisture using raw gps signals.
I am happy that this weather station has survived the rain, but on the other hand I am sad, because it is stopping publishing of data on server after working flawlessly for few hours/minutes.
Encountering problems:
as @jtd and i had a discussion on it and found the following reasons for it.
As this is the very first prototype with two stacks of shields on arduino mega board, which is taking the power for all sensors, RTC, WiFi and blue tooth through the 5v regulator of clone arduino mega board, which is not capable of providing the sufficient current to all devices for long time.
All though we have installed a WiFi router in lift room on the top of which this weather station is deployed, but still the WiFi unit on Weather Station is getting a weak signal.
Working on Solutions:
We are redesigning the single weather station Shield for Arduino mega board with its separate power supply.
We will be providing switching and resetting mechanism for WiFi Unit on shield via FET so that before researching and connecting to the new network we can reset or switch it off and on.
(In current system we had already implemented the algo for resetting of the Arduino Mega Board whenever the system stuck and struggling to get connected with network. It is doing this after giving a effort of connecting 4 times.)
We will be deploying a new and more powerful WiFi Router near it, so that signal strength must be good.
We are working on it and hope to resolve all the issues by 10th of July, 2019.
if any other inputs or things, please let us know.
In this Weather Station we have used tipping bucket mechanism for rain gauge.
It is really interesting to use the Mensuration fundamentals (of Mathematics) to calculate the rain in mm. For example you need Volume of water collector, volume of each buckets etc.
Please go through the following links to explore more:
This will help you to understand and do calculation of rain.